What a stupid column to have on Ressurrection Sunday a day when we celebrate new life the NYT assault on religion continues.Now the assault comes in the usual left wing cover all to be politically correct andthe NYT CYAing itself.
The title of NYT OPED columnist Nicholas D.Kristoff is "Learning to Respect Religion" sounds like a nice piece on Easter Sunday to promote "kumbyah" but is a line of crap.
It begins "A FEW years ago, God seemed caught in a devil of a fight.Atheists were firing thunderbolts suggesting that “religion poisons everything,” as Christopher Hitchens put it in the subtitle of his book, “God Is Not Great.” Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins also wrote best sellers that were scathing about God, whom Dawkins denounced as “arguably the most unpleasant character in fiction.”Yet lately I’ve noticed a very different intellectual tide: grudging admiration for religion as an ethical and cohesive force.
Our Creator is always in a fight against the likes of the NYT because they don't stand for the truth the NYT is its own God.I love it how Kristoff always goes back tho their bread and butter "the intellectuals typical liberalism from the left.
The rest of Kristoff's babble talks about religions on communities and reverts back to college elites for BS filled answers to religion instead of focusing on God anything to put down faith based organizations and those who want to do the Lord's work.
Lets not forget ever forget why we are who we are today.We have our freedom and our lives that we owe to the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS he is the bright and morning star KING OF THE JEWS his throne is beautiful and is seated at the glorious right hand of our loving Creator his Father and Our Father The LORD OUR GOD.
JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD who loved us enough and set us free on the old rugged cross
Well we know whats has been the main story coming out of our nations capitol this past week the US Supreme Court and its ruling on the Constitutionality of Obama Care.Well this mornings second lead OPED in the New York Times is trying to define the High court just by their ruling on Obama care.
The rant begins "For anyone who still thought legal conservatives are dedicated to judicial restraint, the oral arguments before the Supreme Court on the health care case should put that idea to rest. There has been no court less restrained in signaling its willingness to replace law made by Congress with law made by justices.This should not be surprising. Republican administrations, spurred by conservative interest groups since the 1980s, handpicked each of the conservative justices to reshape or strike down law that fails to reflect conservative political ideology.
When Antonin Scalia and Anthony Kennedy were selected by the Reagan administration, the goal was to choose judges who would be eager to undo liberal precedents. By the time John Roberts Jr. and Samuel Alito Jr. were selected in the second Bush administration, judicial “restraint” was no longer an aim among conservatives. They were chosen because their professional records showed that they would advance a political ideology that limits government and promotes market freedoms, with less regard to the general welfare."
Well excuse me NYT what do you think a liberal led court would do last I knew liberalism/socialism is not good for as the NYT put it "general welfare" the NYT trying to sound Constitutional.
All this because Obama care is on the table on the courts docket this week.It needs to be ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL period NYT read the Constitution you will understand oh wait thats right you cannot properly interpret the Constitution and if you did you would try to form and shape it into a shape to fit your warped political ideology.