Sunday, August 26, 2012

NYT Board Member Has It All Wrong

Editorial Board Member


Carol Giacomo

  Another thoughtless BS opinion from an Editorial board member of the New York Times."How Mr. Romney Would Force-Feed the Pentagon" is the title of her rant this morning.
  Just for the record this is no defense of Mitt Romney the RINO running for president.
  She begins her tirade "Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are portraying themselves as lionhearted budget-cutters, ready to slice out profligate spending in all sorts of government programs and services and lead America to lower taxes and lower deficits. Many experts say their numbers don’t add up, even if they were to impose all the cuts they want.Yet none of that philosophy seems to apply to the defense budget — which accounts for roughly half of all federal discretionary spending.Instead of proposing sensible and necessary reductions, they would throw more money at a Pentagon that has had a blank check for more than a decade. The base budget for 2013 — not including war-related costs — is projected at $525 billion, up roughly 34 percent from 2001. By 2022, Mr. Romney’s plan would increase annual spending to $986 billion, according to an analysis by Travis Sharp of the Center for a New American Security."
   First off a couple of points this chick is listed as a foreign affairs so she has no experience in the areas of the American military but to the NYT she is an expert give me a break second there are alot of BS that needs to be cut like welfare spending and frivolous Stimulus BS spending that needs to stop from this Obama administration that is bankrupting America.
  Here is what the NYT has this broad as listed on their website:


Carol Giacomo | Foreign Affairs

Carol Giacomo, a former diplomatic correspondent for Reuters in Washington, covered foreign policy for the international wire service for more than two decades before joining The Times editorial board in August 2007. In her previous position, she traveled over 1 million miles to nearly 100 countries with seven secretaries of state and various other senior U.S. officials. In 2009, she won the Georgetown University Weintal Prize for diplomatic reporting. She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. In 1999-2000, she was a senior fellow at the U.S. Institute of Peace, researching U.S. economic and foreign policy decision-making during the Asian financial crisis. She has been a guest lecturer at the U.S. National War College, among other academic institutions. Born and raised in Connecticut, she holds a B.A. in English Literature from Regis College, Weston, Mass. She began her professional journalism career at the Lowell Sun in Lowell, Mass., and later worked for the Hartford Courant in the city hall, state capitol and Washington bureaus.

 So where is her experience in Military affairs she is nothing but a typical liberal NYT Editorial Board member her expertise spouting her anti-American venom out via the NYT Opinion Pages.
 Just another fraud and BS artist among the many at NYT.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

NYT Commentary On Romney's Running Mate Paul Ryan


 Well the New York Times didn't waste any time by going after The eventual Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney's pick for Vice president.Their lead Oped is entitled "Mr. Ryan’s Cramped Vision" Romney's pick for VP was US Rep.Paul Ryan (R-Wisc) a lead CONSERVATIVE in the U.S.House. 
      I personally am no fan nor am I defender of one RINO Mitt Romney but I do have to admit that picking Paul Ryan was a good move and a far better choice than the establishment GOP favorite Gov.Chris Christie (RINO-NJ).
    The BS begins "Mitt Romney’s safe and squishy campaign just took on a much harder edge. A candidate of no details — I’ll cut the budget but no need to explain just how — has named a vice-presidential running mate, Paul Ryan, whose vision is filled with endless columns of minus signs. Voters will now be able to see with painful clarity just what the Republican Party has in store for them."
    Yeah painful to the left Rinos and the agenda at the NYT.
     It goes on "As House Budget Committee chairman, Mr. Ryan has drawn a blueprint of a government that will be absent when people need it the most. It will not be there when the unemployed need job training, or when a struggling student needs help to get into college. It will not be there when a miner needs more than a hardhat for protection, or when a city is unable to replace a crumbling bridge."
   I can live with less government or as the NYT puts it a government being absent.More BS from the NYT with lies.
   The NYT attacking the great Tea Party as well "And it will be silent when the elderly cannot keep up with the costs of M.R.I.’s or prescription medicines, or when the poor and uninsured become increasingly sick through lack of preventive care.More than three-fifths of the cuts proposed by Mr. Ryan, and eagerly accepted by the Tea Party-driven House, come from programs for low-income Americans. That means billions of dollars lost for job training for the displaced, Pell grants for students and food stamps for the hungry. These cuts are so severe that the nation’s Catholic bishops raised their voices in protest at the shredding of the nation’s moral obligations.
   Tea Party driven House no its ran by a RINO House Speaker John Boehner (RINO-Oh) and more scare tactics by NYT.What the NYT wants is continued support by the Government for frivolous BS spending "Mr. Ryan’s budget “will hurt hungry children, poor families, vulnerable seniors and workers who cannot find employment,” the bishops wrote in an April letter to the House. “These cuts are unjustified and wrong.”
   More class warfare too I love it keep it up NYT.
    This is what Mr.Ryan stated so eloquently "Mr. Ryan responded that he was helping the poor by eliminating their dependence on the government." Even the NYT had to comment on it with the usual excuse not to do the right thing "And yet he has failed to explain how he would make them self-sufficient — how, in fact, a radical transformation of government would magically turn around an economy that is starving for assistance. At a time when state and local government layoffs are the principal factor in unemployment, the Ryan budget would cut aid to desperate governments by at least 20 percent, far below historical levels, on top of other cuts to mass transit and highway spending."
    Once again I am in no way supporting Mitt Romney just by making a good and common sense pick as his running mate.