Sunday, September 30, 2012

NYT Commentary On US Supreme Court Opening Session


   The New York Times this morning opens up itself to commenting on the opening session of the highest ciurt in the land the U.S.Supreme Court.The title of this mornings lead OPED "October Term, 2012."
   It begins "On Monday, the Supreme Court opens a new term with a menu of important cases that deal with affirmative action, criminal justice, the right of defendants to effective counsel and more. The court may soon choose to hear a controversial case that could redefine voting-rights law, and, later in the term, one or more cases involving same-sex marriage."
  All of the liberal left wing tid bits that the NYT can delve into it seems.
  Here are some of the so called important issues that the editorial board of the NYT thinks are important issues:

     1.AFFIRMATIVE ACTION In Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin, the court will address how and perhaps whether the university can take race into account as a factor in student admissions. In a way, the case is a rehearing of a 2003 case in which it ruled that the University of Michigan Law School could do so as part of assessing the whole of a candidate’s application. That decision seemed to reflect a national consensus that race, narrowly applied, could be used to ensure a diverse student body. The question now is whether the court will uphold that consensus — as we hope — or will further limit affirmative action.

   2.UNREASONABLE SEARCHES Two important cases involve the Fourth Amendment prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures. In Florida v. Jardines, the issue is whether the police violated the Constitution by using a dog trained to smell for drugs to sniff at the door of a house where they suspected marijuana was being grown. Was the sniff test unreasonably intrusive because there was no hard information that illegal activity was probably occurring, as the Florida Supreme Court properly found, or was it not a search because it occurred outside the house?
Similarly, in Missouri v. McNeely, the issue is whether the police could order a blood test on a man suspected of drunken driving without obtaining a warrant because the delay in doing so would result in loss of evidence. The Missouri Supreme Court sensibly ruled otherwise: that the test constituted an unreasonable search because there was no accident to investigate and because there was plenty of time to get a warrant and test the driver’s blood before the alcohol in it dissipated.

3.RIGHT TO COUNSEL Two cases involve the right of defendants to have effective counsel. Ryan v. Gonzales raises the question of whether the defendant himself needs to be mentally capable of assisting his own attorney in challenging a death penalty conviction. The answer, in our view, is yes. Chaidez v. United States asks whether a 2010 ruling of the court — that criminal defense lawyers must advise their noncitizen clients that a guilty plea carries the risk of deportation — applies to someone whose conviction became final before that ruling was announced. Again, the answer is yes.

   All those great left wing issues that the NYT believes is relevant to today.Issues of course that are not really relevant.
   It goes on to mention about voting rights act which of course they would be against showing ids to vote which is common sense."The court has not yet considered whether to take a highly contested case about the Voting Rights Act, but it may. A section of the act requires states and other jurisdictions with a history of racial discrimination to obtain clearance from the Justice Department or a court before changing voting procedures. Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. has already expressed his distaste for this provision. That provision is an essential safeguard against unfair voting procedures and enforces the core purpose of the 15th Amendment, and should be upheld.
  Of course voting rights are tied with racism good connection NYT.
  But to the NYT editorial board these aforementioned issues are critical to our nation dont hold your collective breathe.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ryan Is Right On

Paul Ryan Likens Obama To NFL's Replacement Refs

PAUL RYAN: "I gotta start off on something that was really troubling that occured last night, did you guys watch that Packer game last night? Give me a break! It's time to get the real refs!

You know, it reminds me of President Obama and the economy! If you can't get it right, it's time to get out!

I have think that these refs work part time for President Obama in the budget office!

They see the national debt clock starring them in the face, they see a debt crisis and they just ignore and pretend it didn’t even happen. They are trying to pick the winners and losers and they don’t even do that very well.” (via FOX News Nation)

This is GREAT!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

We Are No Better Off


   The question is are we better off as a nation as the United States Of America? This was the question posed this morning in the lead OPED in this mornings New York Times.It is entitled "The Better Economic Question."
   It begins "Democrats have been nervous about the inevitable election-year question, “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” Gov. Martin O’Malley of Maryland even stumbled over it a few days ago, saying “no,” before quickly blaming President George W. Bush.There is really no reason for any hesitancy. The country is unquestionably better off than it was in 2008. The economy has added 4.5 million private-sector jobs since January 2010; even if you subtract the vast job losses in the early months of President Obama’s term, before his policies went into effect, the country is still ahead by 332,000 private-sector jobs.
That level of job growth is close to the recovery following the 1990s recession, and it is actually stronger than after the early-2000s recession. But it doesn’t feel strong because the original hole was so deep and so many people are still suffering: 12.8 million remain unemployed.The contradiction between the plain facts of the data and the tepid feel of the recovery suggests that the recession created a more important question than the simplistic “are you better off?” Voters should ask themselves — and their leaders — how to keep this and future generations better off. How to prevent future recessions. How to design a tax code that promotes fairness and reduces inequality. How to make sure a safety net is in place for those who inevitably need more help."
   I wonder what the NYT has been smoking over the last four years.To be honest we are no better off because of the crap filled stimulus spending and Obamacare.I see that the hard left is stilling blaming Bush.
Where the NYT got their numbers about Obama's handling of the economy God only knows BS numbers no doubt.
  All we had over the last 6 years including Bush's TARP spending is more Government in our lives.There doesnot need to be a new tax code look to the Constitution.
  Here is an answer from the NYT "And when the question is phrased like that — looking forward rather than backward — it becomes obvious that the Republicans’ answer is inadequate."
  Neither is the grass any greener with the Democrats in charge as we saw from 08-10.
  Once again as I have posted before I am in no way going to defend Mitt Romney as well he is a bigger fraud than Obama

Monday, September 3, 2012

Both Are Frauds

  The question everyone is asking me from Facebook to everyone that I encounter on the street here in the steel city of Pittsburgh.Come the November election who am I voting for I reply good question because I have no idea but one thing I know for sure it won't be Barack HUSSEIN Obama.
  Mitt Romney the RINO nominee and Yes that's what  I am calling him he gave a Conservative like speech at the Republican National Convention in Tampa last week but that was not the man that was my Governor in my home state of Massachusetts from 2002-2006 who did the typical Massachusetts Republican cowering act to go along to get along in the Democrat legislative controlled state.
  People need to know that Mitt Romney along with the Democrat controlled Massachusetts state House and Senate passed overwhelmingly universal health care a.k.a "RomneyCare" the Father of now what is known as Obamacare.
  Romney also let the Massachusetts SJC (Supreme Judicial Court) literally burn the state Constitution and make law from the bench in a ruling having national ramifications on same sex marriage basically the court ordered the Legislature to make same sex marriage constitutional by voting on it in the current or next legislative session this was back in 2003-2004.There are two people guilty here at the time Gov.Romney and House Speaker Thomas Finneran (Finneran claimed that he was a blue-dog Democrat a.k.a a Conservative Democrat) didnot lift a finger to say the court over stepped its Constitutional duites in direct violation of the Separation of Powers act.Thus their ruling on same sex marriage should have been put out there by Romney and Finneran as UNCONSTITUTIONAL the court is not to make law.
 So for people that tell me Romney is better than Obama I say he is not.Both are cut from the same socialist modus operendi with an agenda that is far to the left.
  I know that I am going to piss off alot of some of the same folks who claim to know the Constitution but I am sorry I am about the truth.
  So as the saying goes people want to vote for the less of the two evils how can you when both are the same Im sorry but thats the cold hard truth