Editorial |
I guess we can gloat it would be totally justified since the left went all out crazy when Obama was elected back in 2008 and for unseen reason re-elected in 2012.
The race baiter the so called Rev.Jesse Jackson back in 2008 was crying and saying Barack Obama was the first African-American President in US History but of course never acknowledge that his mother was a Caucasian (for you liberals that's white).
Now fast forward to todays lead editorial in the New York Times all of the sudden 2016 was a bad year by their piece of crap entitled "Take a Bad Year. And Make It Better" oh well I say.
The rant begins "Let’s pretend we’re in some cosmic therapist’s office, in a counseling session with the year 2016. We are asked to face the year and say something nice about it. Just one or two things.
The mind balks. Fingers tighten around the Kleenex as a cascade of horribles wells up in memory: You were a terrible year. We hate you. We’ll be so glad never to see you again. The silence echoes as we grope for a reply.
The Cubs?
Looking back on the last 12 months, those who feel miserable and afraid have plenty of justification. For many it was the election of a president unfit for the job. He seems to want to run the country like some authoritarian game-show host, but we don’t really know what he’ll do, and uncertainty worsens the sickening feeling.
Yeah in pink if you are a Hillary Clinton supporter and still bitching and whining about the Presidential election results because they didn't go your way boo fucking whoo. Oh no correction President-elect Trump is more qualified than Obama or Hillary for that matter. Sucks to be liberals establishment and other readers that are left of the NYT.
It goes on "Yet so many bad things happened, from the unthinkable to the horrifying to the merely shocking. Things fell apart. Tyrants and terrorists trailed blood and rubble across the Middle East and Europe. Refugees drowned in the Mediterranean. Right-wing extremism and xenophobia were on the march. The American election let loose old racial hatreds. The planet got hotter; the Arctic went haywire. The world was burning or smoldering or blowing up or melting.
It was bad. But to avoid the poles of despair and denial, it would help to have a frame of mind, a perspective with which to consider the year gone by. And with it, a sober but bracing way to meet the headwinds and miseries that await in 2017. It could be this: a recognition of the power of unity, of drawing close, and of speaking out. Of the strength that solidarity wielded in 2016, over and over.
In green OMG not the right wing extremists no the only xenophobia was from you bastards on the left spewing your hatred of Donald Trump or liberalism gone mental but that's you all's normal state of mind lmao.
It goes on again "The most powerless of economic players, low-wage workers, kept pressing for a $15 minimum wage. Rallies across the country in November invigorated the cause, which is succeeding against long odds. More than two dozen states and localities have raised minimum wages as the movement has gone mainstream.
Funny the NYT fails to mention the ones who were crying poor mouth wanting $15.00 an hour were the burger flippers at those golden arches aka McDonalds workers. Umm where is the cause succeeding in your own bullshit minds.
More misery bs "The most frequent targets of the dehumanizing rhetoric of the Trump campaign — immigrants and refugees — found welcome in many communities. Families opened their homes to displaced Syrians. Churches gave sanctuary to unauthorized immigrants. Governors and mayors, teachers and lawyers, faith leaders and congregations vowed to resist any efforts to demonize the foreign-born.
There and elsewhere was evidence that the center could hold, and reason and compassion prevail.
Oh ok now back to attacking Trump yeah foreign born that are BREAKING OUR LAWS JUST BY BEING HERE ON OUR SOIL NYT DONT YOU MORONS GET IT!
It ends more made up opinion/news "National protests shone a harsh light on police killings of black civilians. Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama inspired millions, their achievements and grace rebuking the sour misogyny of the Trump campaign. American Indians in North Dakota braved rubber bullets and water cannons to protect their drinking water from an oil pipeline. Nations of the world — all threatened by a warming planet — ratified the Paris climate agreement. The global health community found ways to subdue the Zika virus and create an effective Ebola vaccine. The death penalty in the United States kept sliding into history’s dustbin. Some states, reflecting strong public support, began tilting the gun debate in the direction of sanity
The forces of disunity are strong, but our job is to make the country less divided than Donald Trump’s splintering campaign has left it. A Roman Catholic priest, James Martin, in a powerful essay after the election, counseled combatants to give one another the benefit of the doubt — while remaining ready to defend those likely to suffer in the coming administration: “the homeless, the unemployed, the underemployed, the disabled, the sick.”
His words made us think of West Virginia. It’s a state that turned its back on Democrats, where populist anger fed on racism and working-class despair. But it’s also the home of Blind Alfred Reed, a Methodist minister and old-time folk fiddler who died 60 years ago. He is buried in Mercer County, which gave Mr. Trump 75 percent of the vote. Blind Alfred wrote a remarkable song, “Always Lift Him Up.” Its many verses counsel unflinching kindness for the most unloved and unlovable among us.
If he has no friends and everything’s against him/If he’s failed at everything that he has tried/Try to lift his load and help to bear his burden/Let him know that you are walking by his side.
If he feels that all is lost and he is falling/Try to place that poor man’s feet on solid ground/Just remember he’s some mother’s precious darling/Always lift him up and never knock him down.
That’s a message for these times. Lift up those in the Fight for $15, those fighting policing abuses and discrimination, those who are marginalized and poor and weak. This may be the most heartening development in a dismal year — the evidence all around that we know how to do this, and can indeed summon the will.
Just more made up shit from the NYT hopefully in the new year which is coming upon us maybe just maybe theres a glimmer of hope for the rag shit paper