Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bachmann to lead Tea Party rally on Capitol Hill

 Reps. Michele Bachmann and Steve King are going to lead a rally of Tea Party activists on Capitol Hill to demand fiscal restraint from the government.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
WASHINGTON, March 31 (UPI) -- Memo from Tea Party supporters to congressional Republicans: You better stand firm on your pledge to cut U.S. government spending to reduce the deficit. Reps. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota and Steve King of Iowa are expected to rouse Tea Party activists during a rally Thursday outside the U.S. Capitol, while Indiana Rep. Mike Pence is expected to join participants he says are demanding "that Washington get serious about putting our fiscal house in order," Politico reported.

Leaders in the grassroots movement said their message is for both major political parties.
"It's absolutely equally aimed at both parties," Tea Party Patriots co-founder Mark Meckler, who helped organize the protest, told Politico. "It takes responsibility equally for both parties to get this done."

Meckler reminded House Republicans they should remember to dance with the ones who brought them.

"Their responsibility is to lead," he said. "They've been granted a temporary shot at showing they can lead [the] country back to fiscal solvency, and we expect them to behave in a way that people want."
During the midterm elections, which led to the Republicans taking control of the House and cutting into the Democrats' majority in the Senate, GOP candidates ran on a pledge of $100 billion in spending reductions, and their supporters expect them to deliver, expressing little patience with the deliberate pace that comes with lawmaking in Washington, Politico reported.

Freshman Republican Rep. Blake Farenthold of Texas said he was "amazed at the snail's pace at which stuff moves in Washington. So I understand their [Tea Party activists] frustration and impatience, but I also see the other side of it -- that you have 100 people in the Senate to deal with and 435 people in the House of Representatives to deal with and at least one person in the White House to deal with."
Meanwhile, negotiations have started among congressional leaders and the White House on a budget bill. The current stop-gap funding measure keeping the government operating expires April 8.
Some Republicans downplayed the influence such a rally would have on a final budget agreement, Politico said.
Ohio Rep. Steve LaTourette, an appropriations committee member close to Republican House Speaker John Boehner, said, "I don't think it has any effect one way or another."

Sen. McConnell: "Tea Party Has Had Overwhelmingly Positive Impact"

Sen. McConnell:
"In my view, the tea party has had an overwhelmingly positive impact on the most important issues of the day. It's helped focus the debate. It's provided a forum for Americans who felt left out of the process to have a voice and make a difference," Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said on the Senate floor this morning.

McConnell praised the tea party movement after Harry Reid admonished it several minutes earlier.


Its about time that Republicans learned their lesson about the Tea Party.Now Massachusetts Republicans need to learn to embrace us and our political philosophy.

Harry Reid: "Country Doesn't Care Much About The Tea Party"

Harry Reid:  

"The country doesn't care much about the tea party. There is a new CNN poll out today that says this very directly. Well more than -- let's put it this way: The people who care about the tea party are a very small number who care about them positively," Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) said on the Senate floor this morning.


 Speak for yourself Sen.Reid take your CNN poll there are plenty of people that care about the Tea Party movement just not you and your far left liberal Communist buddies.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Working for your welfare check America's largest city is looking to kill two birds with one stone.

  It's too bad this can't happen here in Massachusetts where the layabouts don't do a darn thing to better themselves.

 Here is the story
(NEW YORK) New York City's Metropolitan Transportation Authority wants to revive its participation in the city's Work Experience Program - which makes the unemployed toil for their benefit checks.
"This is a program that has a proven track record of doing three things: providing low-cost cleaning help for the subway; providing job training to people who need it, and leading directly to full-time employment for many of the people who participate in the program," MTA spokesman Jeremy Soffin said.
The MTA eliminated 173 cleaner positions last year in a series of budget cuts that slashed a total of about 3,500 jobs.
Critics say the plan is 'forced labor' because when recipients apply for welfare they didn't apply for these jobs. Some have even compared the program to slavery.


The critics in the last line of the story have to be leftists socialists that don't want people to go to work.As for comparing the aforementioned work program being called slavery GIVE ME A BREAK!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Obama Undecisive On Libya

 President Barack HUSSEIN Obama spoke to the nation last night about the U.S. involvement in Libya on aiding the rebels (God only knows which side are they on).Some intelligence reports have stated that some of the anti-Qaddafi rebels are affiliated with al-Qaeda.
 Some in the administration have called for the Libyan dictators removal through political and diplomatic ways as it is the usual way for liberal left wing useless as it seems.The only way that thugs like Mummar al-Qaddafi learn is through force.In other words he needs to have his ass kicked.
 Even during his address last night Obama had the deer in the headlights look unsure of the next move.He made the comment that the U.S. will remove it self from further military action and turn the reins of the operations over to NATO.Another text book move by a failure in action.
 Obama even had made a snide remark about the U.S. in Iraq an obvious swipe at the prior Bush administration.Speaking of that where are all the anti-war far left Bush haters now and why aren't they coming out in droves to be against Obama.I hear the crickets chirping.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Cut Taxes First To Help Economic Growth

   How about a little bit of common sense this morning as I sip the morning brew.The New York Times this morning are masquerading or portraying themselves out there to be the spokesman "for the little guy" but then reality sets in.
  A Minimum Wage Increase is the title of the lead OPED in this mornings NYT.It begins with "As the nation grapples with a jobs crisis and unemployment hovers near 9 percent, it is easy for policy makers to forget the plight of those who work but earn very little. There are about 4.4 million workers earning the minimum wage or less, according to government statistics. This amounts to about 6 percent of workers paid by the hour. They need a raise."
  How about a bigger raise in cutting those workers taxes by cutting pay rolls taxes so job creators can keep more of their $$$ and afford a pay raise for their employees that the NYT is ranting and raving about.
  The NYT has a nerve to attack the truth "Opponents argue that raising the minimum wage would inevitably lead to higher unemployment, prompting companies to cut jobs and decamp to cheaper labor markets. It is particularly bad, the argument goes, to raise it in a weak labor market. Yet with unemployment likely to remain painfully high for years to come, this argument amounts to a promise that the working poor will remain poor for a long time."And thus you have the blame game from the NYT
  "What’s more, we know now that the argument is grossly overstated."Over stated about what the truth.CUT TAXES for businesses so that those employees can get the much needed raise.
  Once again more of the blame game "Despite evidence to the contrary, businesses and Republicans may keep pushing against the minimum wage — using the jobs crisis now to clinch their argument. They should be disregarded, because their argument is wrong and the United States is too rich to tolerate such an underclass."Yeah right the US is too rich.Give me  break NYT.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Scott Brown Stands Up For Planned Parenthood

  Will Not Support Defunding.
Sen. Scott Brown is rejecting calls from fellow Republicans to strip federal funding for Planned Parenthood as long as the organization performs abortions.
Brown said Tuesday that although no part of the federal budget should be immune from cuts, eliminating Planned Parenthood funding ``goes too far.''
Brown's statement comes after he voted with Senate Republicans earlier this month for a budget that included the cuts. The budget passed the GOP-led House, but failed in the Democrat-controlled Senate.
Aides to Brown said that when he voted for the budget, he said that he didn't agree with how the House prioritized its cuts.
Brown said he supports family planning and women's health services and hopes both sides can find a compromise.
Sen. John Kerry, a Democrat, is a supporter of Planned Parenthood.


 Well he did it again Our Junior US Sen.Scott Brown (RINO-MA) showed his true blue state colors on this vote for women to continue to kill their babies when they don't want them and Brown still wants them to use our Tax $$$.This will not be forgotten.By the way I love how this was spun Brown supports family planning and women's health issues.Yeah killing babies is a womans health issue since when

Sunday, March 20, 2011

NYT On Immigration Reform Wrong

  The New York Times are up to their usual liberal ranting this morning attacking from the wrong side that is on Immigration reform.The third lead OPED "D.I.Y. Immigration Reform."Just is opening the NYT lets all know wher they stand on the issue of immigration"Political, business, labor and religious leaders in Utah were widely praised last year for signing the Utah Compact, agreeing to seek practical solutions to the problems of illegal immigration while avoiding the extremist oratory and harsh enforcement schemes that have given its neighbor Arizona such a toxic reputation."It is quite obvious as to where the NYT stands taking the side of the illegal immigrants who break the laws just by being here on U.S. soil but that apparently does not matter to the NYT with the comments "while avoiding the extremist oratory and harsh enforcement schemes that have given its neighbor Arizona such a toxic reputation."If my memory is correct the state of Arizona did the right thing by passing their version of immigration laws laws that mirror existing federal laws not that the liberal ideologues at the NYT knew that.
  In the next quote a predictable typical response from the left thinkng that they are constitutional experts "Arizona’s immigration law, which orders its police officers to check the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being here illegally, is a wide-open invitation to racial profiling and an intrusion onto federal authority. The Obama administration sued to block it, and a federal judge has declared much of it unconstitutional."Did they forget about the 10th amendment to the very constitution that they claim to now so much about.I didn' think so I hear the crickets chirping on that one.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Romney A Fraud For President

 If the man in this picture is to become President this country is in serious serious trouble.He was a failure as Governor of Massachusetts on two fronts politically.He was the reason why Massachusetts was the first state in the nation to have Universal Health Care passed currently known as "Romney Care" which was the model nationally now known as "Obama Care" and if Mitt Romney becomes the Republican Nominee for 2012 if he is elected to the Oval office he will push for the Health Care that is there right now.
 Second is the Same sex marriage issue.Which became law back in 2003 because Gov.Romney along with a so called "Blue Dog Democrat" House Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives Thomas Finneran at the time didn't have the guts and backbone to stand up to the left wing Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court that broke the Massachusetts Constitution by violating the Separation of Powers act by telling the legislature to make law by ordering the lawmaker to vote on making Same sex marriage law.
 To be honest I don't believe that Romney has learned his lesson from the aforementioned issues.A real principled CONSERVATIVE would have fought tooth and nail to defend the Constitution which he swore to defend to begin after all it is in their oath of office.We need our next President to be a strong Constitutionally minded leader party affiliation is irrelevant.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Groups: Uphold 'law of the land' New parties form to defend Constitution By Katina Caraganis

TOWNSEND -- Richard Selfridge believes it's time for the federal government to get back to basics.
That means a return to the Founding Fathers' documents -- the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights -- as the government's guiding force.
Eight years ago, the longtime independent voter joined the Constitution Party.
"I just felt the other parties were forsaking their duty to abide by the Constitution," said Selfridge, who is now the state party's chairman. "As time has gone on, things have continued to go downhill in that respect. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land."

SENTINEL & ENTERPRISE / BRETT CRAWFORD Richard Selfridge of Townsend, chair of the Massachusetts chapter of the Constitution Party, holds a copy of the U.S. Constitution and a U.S. flag Thursday. Selfridge and others like him feel government has overstepped its bounds.

The Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center identifies the Constitution Party among the growing ranks of
Patriot groups, organizations that, according to the center, believe the federal government has turned its back on the American people. According to a recent study by the law center, Patriot groups grew by 61 percent in one year, from 512 groups in 2009 to 824 in 2010.
The study also found that 38 Patriot groups have chapters in New England, including six in Massachusetts, 12 in Maine, eight in Connecticut, five in New Hampshire, four in Rhode Island and three in Vermont.
Groups range from militia organizations to "common law" courts, publishers, ministries and citizens' groups,according to the report.
As to whether he considers the 70-member Constitution Party a Patriot group, Selfridge said it depends on your definition of a Patriot group.
"If you consider a Patriot group people who believe in the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights, then yes," he said. "But if you're considering it to be one of these wild groups that are out to overthrow the government, then no. I don't believe in armed conflict. I believe everything should be done peacefully."
For now, he considers the group a political party, noting that there are chapters of the Constitution Party all across the country, with the national organization based in Pennsylvania.
Oath Keepers
Another Patriot group identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center is the Oath Keepers, an organization of police officers and veterans that also looks to the Constitution as its guiding document.
Celia Hyde, who operates an inn in Stow, sits on the national board of directors of Oath Keepers. She said the group vows to follow what the Constitution dictates and not orders from a ruling political party. She estimates there are a "couple hundred" Oath Keepers in Massachusetts.
"All our members are either active or retired police, fire or military, and we all swore an oath to the Constitution," Hyde said. "We're living up to what the forefathers did for us as far as creating this elegant piece of paper that gave us what we have today."
Hyde said the popularity of Patriot groups is not surprising.
"I think people are realizing and finding out that we've been taking so many things for granted that we have to start paying attention to what's going on around us," she emphasized.
Among the principles members swear to uphold: refusing to disarm Americans; disobeying orders for warrantless searches of people or homes; and disobeying any order to detain American citizens as "unlawful enemy combatants."
Like Selfridge, Hyde is worried the government is not taking the Constitution seriously.
"It's gotten swept to the side, and it should be brought back into the forefront," she said of the Constitution.
A former police chief in Bolton, Hyde said some people associate organizations like Oath Keepers negatively, but once they look into them, their thoughts change.
"I think people sometimes are a little ignorant, and once they dive into what the organizations are all about, they're mildly surprised to find they are good, basic people who just want to fight for the freedom they have," she said.
Frank Talty, a political-science professor at UMass Lowell, said he is not surprised by the rise in Patriot groups.
"I think in difficult economic times, people generally are questioning the competence and the motivation of leaders," he said.
Talty said this political climate exists not only in the United States but across the globe.
"The Irish voters just threw the whole party out of office," he said. "It's not just here.
"It's understandable," Talty added. "A lot of it can be attributed to political prosperity. I don't mean to minimize the convictions of people that feel radical changes are needed."
But Talty said it worries him as a political-science teacher that some groups "look to historic documents to legitimize positions that really aren't directly derived from those documents."
"People on both sides of a lot of issues, like health care or stimulus funding, believe in the Constitution," Talty said. "They all believe in the principles of the Declaration of Independence. I don't think one group can claim a bigger fidelity to that over another."
But Selfridge cites the health-care reform law as one of the many unconstitutional creations of government.
"There is nothing constitutional about it," he said. "That's an infringement on everyone's freedom of choice. They are restricting people's choices. They passed hate-crime legislation, which violates free speech."
Selfridge said many elected officials fail to uphold their oath to the Constitution.
"Our government has overstepped its bounds," he said. "They're more concerned in spreading wealth, which is stealing from one group to give to another. That is morally wrong, and I'm not just pinpointing our president. This goes way back.
"I can't agree with what they're doing," he added. "I think it's wrong and immoral and unethical, and I definitely think it's unconstitutional."
Hyde said her involvement in the movement has made her more aware of what's going on in the world. She is hopeful the state of politics can turn around.
"I'm able to pay more attention to what is going on in the country and abroad," she said. "I think we're in a confused state, and I think that people don't know which end is up. People are losing their jobs and they're running scared. I'm hoping we'll wait it out and things will start turning around."


Richard Selfridge is a patriotic American and Chairman of The Constitution Party here in Massachusetts.

Monday, March 14, 2011

NPR Doesnot Have A Leg To Stand On

  It is time to say bye bye to taxpayer funded $$$$ Public television and radio that just delivers left wing Communist propaganda from the liberal Democrat Party.I mean I hate to say this but at least the rest of the lame stream media tries to make it on their own at the other crap filled stations.
  Fox News has both a radio and television as well as a great web site at that can connect one to its other news affiliations on its site.
  It should be called National Parasitic Radio if you ask me.Hey if they can make it on their own so be it but I don't want any more of my taxed $$$ going to this crap Communist state run media oulet.

Charles Krauthammer Tells It Like It Is

Of all places a good hard core Conservative like Charles Krauthammer on PBS laying it all out against Nina Tottenberg.
 There is no defense for PBS/NPR executives making six figure pay checks on the back of us the U.S. taxpayer.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Kristof Is Off His Rocker

  This mornings hit on the New York Times will be on one of their lame-brained left wing aligned OPED columnists,he is Nicholas Kristof his piece of garbage is entitled "Pay Teachers More" this of course is in reference to the public sector unions.
  He begins his socialist rant "From the debates in Wisconsin and elsewhere about public sector unions, you might get the impression that we’re going bust because teachers are overpaid.That’s a pernicious fallacy. A basic educational challenge is not that teachers are raking it in, but that they are underpaid. If we want to compete with other countries, and chip away at poverty across America, then we need to pay teachers more so as to attract better people into the profession."
  Not only are they over paid the only work 9 months out of the year and get close to six figures along with great "Cadillac style benefits" including medical benes.To say that Public school teachers are underpaid is the pernicious fallacy.
  Later on in his piece Kristof not only lies but flip flops as most liberal do "Look, I’m not a fan of teachers’ unions. They used their clout to gain job security more than pay, thus making the field safe for low achievers. Teaching work rules are often inflexible, benefits are generous relative to salaries, and it is difficult or impossible to dismiss teachers who are ineffective."
  Then are you defending them?Its one or the other.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Your tax dollars turn on WGBH by Boston Herald Reporter Jessica Heslam

The flagship of public television, WGBH — which claims taxpayer money accounts for just a small fraction of its budget — has in fact scored more than $80 million in obscure federal handouts over the past half-dozen years, a Herald review found.
The public broadcasting titan has pulled in more than $50 million in federal funding over the past six years from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting — including $11.5 million this year, or about 8 percent of its 2011 operating budget.
However, WGBH honchos acknowledged yesterday they have received another $80 million in federal money for various programming. including:

• The children’s literacy show “Martha Speaks.”
• The children’s early science education program “Peep and the Big Wide Word.”
• “Design Squad,” an engineering program geared to youngsters.
• “Teachers’ Domain,” a free online resource for teachers and students.
• And a pair of history programs, “We Shall Remain” and “Freedom Riders.”
“It’s the money that allows us to launch programs, and WGBH is the biggest producer for PBS,” said WGBH spokeswoman Jeanne Hopkins, adding that slashing federal funds would cost people their jobs. “These are all grants that we apply for. They’re competitive.”
The station doesn’t get any direct funding from Bay State taxpayers, although it has received more than $300,000 in state money over past five years. It received $255,000 last year from the University of Massachusetts for the station’s “High School Quiz Show” TV series and a $57,000 grant in 2008 from the Massachusetts Cultural Council for a classical music radio project.
The Herald reported yesterday that more than a dozen WGBH executives are raking in upward of $200,000 while working in their lavishly appointed $85 million Brighton headquarters dubbed the “Taj Mahal” by one critic.
The Herald’s review of WGBH — which produces about one-third of all PBS programming — comes amid a new push by congressional Republicans fighting to end federal funding for public broadcasting.
Since the public broadcasting behemoth moved to its tax-exempt headquarters four years ago, it hasn’t paid a red cent to the city for its fair share of services, including snow-plowing and fire and police protection.
The last time the nonprofit station voluntarily paid any money to the city, in 2007, it cut a check for just $10,517. But under Mayor Thomas M. Menino’s payments in lieu of taxes plan (PILOT), the station’s voluntary contribution could be about $245,000 a year.
Hopkins said WGBH has always made payments to Boston, adding that the city has yet to determine an amount since the broadcaster moved to its Brighton digs.
Boston City Council President Stephen Murphy said WGBH isn’t behaving like a “good neighbor.”
Added Murphy: “They’re getting public money — so that should really wipe away your (tax) exemption. You can’t have it both ways, and it seems to me they’re having it both ways.”


This is in connection with federal taxpayer $$$$$ funding this BS Communist propagnda.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

NPR In Hot Water Again Over ExecutivesTea Party Remarks

 WASHINGTON — NPR is distancing itself from remarks made by a fundraising executive who said the American "tea party" movement is a composed of "white, middle-America gun-toting" and "seriously racist, racist" people.

The comments, apparently made by Ron Schiller, NPR's exiting vice president for development, were recorded in a "sting" set up by conservative activist James O'Keefe, best known for mounting a similar prank on ACORN.

They came as part of a recent lunch in Washington Schiller had with two men posing as members of the "Muslim Action Education Center," a fictitious organization the men claimed had ties to the "Muslim Brotherhood of America."

In the video, which can be seen on the Web, Schiller also says NPR "would be better off in the long run without federal funding" and that that the tea party is a movement that is "fanatically involved in people's lives," "fundamentalist Christian" and "xenophobic," and that it has "hijacked" the Republican Party.

The existence of the video was reported by The Daily Caller, a political-news website, Tuesday.

In response, Dana Davis Rehm, NPR's senior vice president of marketing, communications and external relations, said the organization is "appalled by the comments made by Ron Schiller in the video, which are contrary to what NPR stands for."
Schiller had already announced plans to leave NPR prior to the controversy. Rehm also said that the phony Islamic organization tried to press NPR "to accept a $5 million check, with no strings attached, which we repeatedly refused to accept."

NPR is in the midst of a fight on Capitol Hill, where some Republicans want to strip it of all federal support. Congress does not appropriate money specifically for the organization, but rather sends money to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Schiller's statement on federal funds is at odds with NPR's official position on the matter.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., reacted by saying, "As we continue to identify ways to cut spending and save valuable resources, this disturbing video makes clear that taxpayer dollars should no longer be appropriated to NPR.

"At a time when our government borrows 40 cents of every dollar that it spends, we must find ways to cut spending and live within our means. This video clearly highlights the fact that public broadcasting doesn't need taxpayer funding to thrive, and I hope that admission will lead to a bipartisan consensus to end these unnecessary federal subsidies."

In an e-mail to supporters Tuesday, Mark Meckler, national coordinator of the Tea Party Patriots, said, "Mr. Schiller himself candidly admits in the video that NPR doesn't need federal funding, and welcomes the opportunity to slant their reporting without the oversight of the taxpayer."

posted by David R.Beaupre ITP

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Public Sector Unions Need To Come To The Table

The standoff between the State Government of Wisconsin and their Public sector unions who just for the record are paid with taxpayer dollars needs to come to an end.I applaud Governor Scott Walker (R-Wisc) for standing tall against the political smear tactics of the union hacks and the left wing media elites.Walker is standing up for the hard working taxpayers of his state in which Wisconsin has now a budget deficit in the Billions of $$$.Some of Wisconsin's Public sector unions are complaining about them losing what is called the right to Collectively Bargain their contracts.They are also whinnng about only having to pay a little more for their great benefits that they believe that they are entitled to like Health Care.
  We constantly hear it from the unions that they are there for America's blue collar well the truth is most Americans out there in the work force are non-union affiliated workers.
  There has been a local tea party leader who has come out to say she stated that unions in general have outlasted their use.This I could not disagree more with.Only because not all unions are as condescending as the Public sector unions are.
  Our own Gov.Deval Patrick has been silent on this issue mainly because most of his political support as come from the unions especially from the far left Teachers Unions here in Massachusetts.If Gov.Patrick was a real man of the people unlike hiscounter part out in Wisconsin he would come out an support what Gov.Walker is trying to do and not demonize him for it.
David R.Beaupre Independence Tea Party

Monday, March 7, 2011

Comment In Boston Herald Monday Morning Briefing For March 7,2011

Boston Herald Political Pulse Question 

Should Bay State lawmakers crack down on collective bargaining as Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has?

“The lawmakers should crack down on collective bargaining, especially the public sector unions. It will show for once that the politicians are beholden to their real bosses — the taxpayers of Massachusetts — and not the pinky-ringed union leaders,” one Herald reader opined.

This comment was made by me on the under the name DevildogDave

Sunday, March 6, 2011

NYT Comments On NY States Fiscal Crisis

 This mornings second lead OPED in the New York Times entitled "State Workers and N.Y.’s Fiscal Crisis" is in a left wing way trying to interpret a way to solve the fiscal crisis that has not only plagued New York State and here in Massachusetts but the rest of the nation due to the failed policies of the Obama administration and the once Democrat controlled U.S. House just prior to the 2010 elections.
 But in reality it has been $pending by the left with the Stimulus and federal bailouts with taxpayer $$$ that has lead to this problem.
 The OPED begins with using a play from the liberal Democrat playbook "At a time when public school students are being forced into ever more crowded classrooms, and poor families will lose state medical benefits, New York State is paying 10 times more for state employees’ pensions than it did just a decade ago."This is because liberal politicians cower to the unions and their pinky ringed union leaders and Presidents to give them what they want.
 In the next paragrah the NYT makes my point "That huge increase is largely because of Albany’s outsized generosity to the state’s powerful employees’ unions in the early years of the last decade, made worse when the recession pushed down pension fund earnings, forcing the state to make up the difference."
 The NYT of course had to place the blame on the last administration that woul be under former President George W.Bush.Bush is actually part to blame from his TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) spending in the waining days of his administration which was approved by the Democrat controlled U.S. House and Senate I will point out.
 The NYTgoes on its usual attack on the Republicans this time in the midwest "In recent weeks, Republican politicians in the Midwest have distorted what should be a serious discussion about state employees’ benefits, cynically using it as a pretext to crush unions.New York does not need that sort of destructive game playing. What it needs is a sober examination of the high costs of wages and benefits, and some serious proposals to rein them in while remaining fair to hard-working government employees."Right now I am LOL at this point.Remaining fair to the hard working government employees.
 Talk about giving into unions and screwing the taxpayer "In 2000, employee pensions cost New York State taxpayers $100 million. They now cost $1.5 billion, and will be more than $2 billion in 2014. Wall Street’s troubles are a big part of that. But so are state politics. The Legislature, ever eager to curry favor with powerful unions, added sweeteners to pensions and allowed employees to stop making contributions after 10 years."The NYT could not resist to blame Wall St.Just another way fo the left to blame the rich once again for all our troubles.
 These comments were towards the end of the OPED "Unlike Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, Governor Cuomo is not trying to break the unions. He is pressing them to accept a salary freeze and a reduction in benefits for new workers. The unions need to negotiate seriously.We are also urging the governor to rethink his pledge to cap property taxes and allow a tax surcharge on high incomes to expire at the end of this year. That would bring the state an additional $2 billion this fiscal year, and $4 billion the following year — not enough to solve the fiscal crisis, but a serious down payment.The state’s middle-class workers will have to make real sacrifices. New York’s many wealthy residents, all of whom are benefiting substantially from a new federal tax break, should have to pay their fair share as well."
 Woe hold on NYT Gov.Scott Walker (R-Wisc) is not trying to break the unions he wants them to realize that the State of Wisconsin is in a financial turmoil and they need to sacrifice an pay just a little more for their "cadillac style" benefits.
 Once again the NYT have to like their liberal allies go after the rich "New York’s many wealthy residents, all of whom are benefiting substantially from a new federal tax break, should have to pay their fair share as well."Hello NYT the rich have been paying for their fair share for the longest time its tim for your buddies in the labor movement to pony up.

New York Times OPED Hit Piece Every Sunday

 Here at the Conservative American not only to I hope to inspire my readers I want to expose the extreme left wing liberal bias that plagues the lame stream media.So why not start with the leaders of the lame stream print media the New York Times (especially in their OPED pieces) every Sunday morning that is.
 At my old blog American Conservative Perspective ( you will see some posts over the last several years I go after the NYT.
 The NYT have made the BS claim that they "only print the news thats fit to print" well its all liberal BS if you ask me.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Welcome to My Blog

  I hope through this blog to inspire those who are not politically active to get active in our political process in this blessed nation of ours.I am a Conservative I have been all of my life in which I do not apologize for.
  I was at one time a Republican here in Massachusetts but unfortunately the Massachusetts Republican Party has lost its Conservatism along long time ago.
 This is why I am a Tea party member first and a leader second.The Tea Party has emerged because the Republican Party which was once a Conservative based all-American Values themed political movement has lost its desire to continue down that path.
  For me personally for one to be a Conservative you have to be both fiscally and SOCIALLY Conservative not just fiscally as it is here in Massachusetts.
  Many Conservatives here in the Bay State have tried over and over again to convey that message to what has been called in political circles "The Massachusetts Republican Establishment" a.k.a RINOS (Republican In Name Only) ran by current State Party Chair Jennifer Nassour.
  The Conservative movement will not be defeated.We all will stand our ground and we will never back down.