The New York Times are up to their usual liberal ranting this morning attacking from the wrong side that is on Immigration reform.The third lead OPED "D.I.Y. Immigration Reform."Just is opening the NYT lets all know wher they stand on the issue of immigration"Political, business, labor and religious leaders in Utah were widely praised last year for signing the Utah Compact, agreeing to seek practical solutions to the problems of illegal immigration while avoiding the extremist oratory and harsh enforcement schemes that have given its neighbor Arizona such a toxic reputation."It is quite obvious as to where the NYT stands taking the side of the illegal immigrants who break the laws just by being here on U.S. soil but that apparently does not matter to the NYT with the comments "while avoiding the extremist oratory and harsh enforcement schemes that have given its neighbor Arizona such a toxic reputation."If my memory is correct the state of Arizona did the right thing by passing their version of immigration laws laws that mirror existing federal laws not that the liberal ideologues at the NYT knew that.
In the next quote a predictable typical response from the left thinkng that they are constitutional experts "Arizona’s immigration law, which orders its police officers to check the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being here illegally, is a wide-open invitation to racial profiling and an intrusion onto federal authority. The Obama administration sued to block it, and a federal judge has declared much of it unconstitutional."Did they forget about the 10th amendment to the very constitution that they claim to now so much about.I didn' think so I hear the crickets chirping on that one.
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