Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bad Points Made By NYT's Kristof

Nicolas D.Kristof

 One would believe in order to become an OPED columnist the writer should have at least an understanding about the certain subject that he/she are writing about.Well not at the New York Times where in order to be an OPED columnist one just have to have the NYT's editorial boards poilitcal philosophy along with buying into its extreme leftist socialist view of the world.
  NYT OPED columnist Nicholas Kristof is a perfect example of what I am saying especially in his piece this morning entitled "Our Cowardly Congress." He makes an outlandish attempt at being a fair minded writer but one can see through his BS.Kristof would not be at the NYT unless he bought into their left wing brain washing.
  He Begins "It’s unclear where the adults are, but they don’t seem to be in Washington. Beyond the malice of the threat to shut down the federal government, averted only at the last minute on Friday night, it’s painful how vapid the discourse is and how incompetent and cowardly our leaders have proved to be. A quick guide:
• Democrats excoriated Republicans for threatening to shut down the government, but this mess is a consequence of the Democrats’ own failure to ensure a full year’s funding last year when they controlled both houses of Congress.
That’s when the budget should have been passed, before before the fiscal year began on Oct. 1. But the Democrats were terror-stricken at the thought of approving spending bills that Republicans would criticize. So in gross dereliction of duty, the Democrats punted.
• Republicans say they’re trying to curb government spending and rescue the economy — but they threatened to shut down the government, even though that would have been both expensive and damaging to our economy."
 Funny how we don't hear from Kristof as we did from Fox News's Carl Cameron that the avderted Government shutdown was going to spend burrowed $$$ anyway.
 He keeps on his rant "The shutdowns in late 1995 and early 1996 cost the federal government more than $1.4 billion, the Office of Management and Budget reported at the time.It’s particularly reckless and callous to threaten a shutdown when the economy is already anemic. Among the federal workers and contractors potentially losing paychecks, some would miss payments on their homes, their credit cards or their children’s college tuition."
 Funny no mention of the military not getting paid which President Barack HUSSEIN Obama was attempting to stop funds for if the government did shutdown.How about cutting frivolous SSI checks from going out for fake claims for those lazy Americans who could care less about getting off of their asses to look foir work and make a living off of the American workers backs,I hear the crickets chirping.
 Here is Kristof sounding more middle of the road but digging himself a hole deeper "Republicans are posturing against abortion in a way that would increase the number of abortions.
Conservatives have sought to bar federal funds from going directly to Planned Parenthood and the United Nations Population Fund. The money would not go for abortions, for federal law already blocks that, and the Population Fund doesn’t provide abortions. What the money would pay for is family planning.
In the United States, publicly financed family planning prevented 1.94 million unwanted pregnancies in 2006, according to the Guttmacher Institute, which studies reproductive health. The result of those averted pregnancies was 810,000 fewer abortions, the institute said.
Publicly financed contraception pays for itself, by reducing money spent through Medicaid on childbirth and child care. Guttmacher found that every $1 invested in family planning saved taxpayers $3.74.
As for international family planning, the Guttmacher Institute calculates that a 15 percent decline in spending there would mean 1.9 million more unwanted pregnancies, 800,000 more abortions and 5,000 more maternal deaths."
  Here is a question why are we giving our taxpayer $$$ to this UN population fund.
 Here is more proof that Kristof has no idea aboyt what he is writing about "The House Republican budget initiative, prepared by Representative Paul Ryan, would slash spending and end Medicare and Medicaid as we know them — and it justifies all this as essential to confront soaring levels of government debt. Mr. Ryan is courageous to tackle entitlements so boldly, and he has a point: we do have a serious long-term debt problem, and Democrats haven’t had the guts to deal with it seriously.
Unfortunately, the new Republican initiative would worsen government debt problems, according to the Congressional Budget Office. The C.B.O. (whose numbers Republicans regularly use to attack Democrats) estimates that with current trends, debt will reach 67 percent of gross domestic product in 2022. But it finds that under the Republican plan, because of increased tax cuts, debt would reach 70 percent of G.D.P."
 Sorry Kristof its the left that use the frivolous numbers against the right from the Congressional Budget Office so get the story straight.
 But nice try Nick at trying to sound as if you are coming from the middle of the road.

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