Opinion Editorial |
Now the blame game is getting hot.The NYT is not as slick as they thought they once were with their $%^& OPEDS.This mornings lead OPED in the New York Times a perfect example of the shiftiness that goes on with their extreme far left wing editorial board.Entitled "A Growing Gloom for States and Cities" is a waste of time for anyone to read.
It begins "States and cities had already endured a harrowing three-year financial slide when the debt-ceiling crisis darkened their outlooks even further. In the space of just a few weeks, the Republican-led standoff on spending and taxes brought them a triple dose of bad news: a budget deal that will probably lead to a significant reduction in federal aid; a bond downgrade that could eventually trickle down to the local and state level, making borrowing more expensive; and a stock market plunge that is bleeding state employee pension funds."
Wait I thought that the Tea Party members of the GOP were to blame now its all of the Republicans correct me if I am wrong but the media trumped it up as if the Tea Party was holding the debt crisis negotiations "hostage" in their own words.
Hostage I will describe hostage what about Obama's BS health scare plan holding the taxpayers hostage.Hostage 4pending our Grandchildren's $$$ on the %^&* stimulus plan that was supposed to create jobs and move the unemployment rate back down in the 5% range where President Bush had it at when Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democrat controlled House said there was a crisis according to the unemployment numbers.That is what I call being held hostage by our Government.
It continues on ranting "Washington should have been trying to find a way to help states avoid the layoffs and cutbacks that have contributed heavily to the high unemployment rate. Instead, it seems to be doing everything possible to make the situation worse in state capitals around the country."
Again I thought that Obama's porkulus plan was going to create jobs.Stop $PENDING SPENDING!
I found it funny too that even in this OPED that I am blogging on this morning that the NYT is calling for cuts.Their idea of cuts would be cutting the military and giving it to illegals or more for the ones who sit on their asses all day.