Eduardo Porter NYT Editorial Board Member |
His piece of socialist propaganda is normally where the second lead OPED of the NYT would be on a Sunday would be.
The title is "Wall Street Protesters Hit the Bull’s-Eye" is pure communist BS.It begins in pure spin mode "Occupiers of Zuccotti Park and other sites around the country have been criticized for the fuzziness of their goals. Their complaint that the privileged few in the top 1 percent are getting a disproportionate share of the nation’s prosperity, however, is spot on."
Now how about the facts not all of the occupiers are nuts but from what I have seen and the left wing media establishment comparing them to the tea party give me a break.Here in Occupy Boston no surprise the Mayor of Boston and our leftist Governor support these layabouts there have been reports that they have spit on police and disresepected the Rose Kennedy Greenway by stinking it up and trashing the area as well it has also been reported that they have not even sought to get a permit to stage this facade.Not that I am against these folks protesting but follow the law and respect the system this is what the Tea Party has done.
Here is more of Mr.Porter's rant "Who exactly are the people at the top? They are 1.4 million families that made on average $1 million in 2009, the latest data available. They took a hit from the 2008 financial crisis, but no doubt are regaining lost ground."
What are we always hearing from the left in their holier than thou preaching social justice to so called equality or their perversion of it.Yes the top income makers make alot but they also pay a higher rate of taxes than the rest of us.Remember the more you make the more they (in this case the Government) take.How is this not fair?
Here is more facts on the Occupiers I saw an interview conducted by a local ABC news affiliate at Occupy Boston they were asked about their knowledge of our beloved US Constitution nine different occupiers were asked there were 9 different answers to the question and as far as organized forget about it.