Saturday, December 31, 2011
Out With The Old And In With The New Here Comes 2012
Well we have reached it the end of another new year.Saying good bye to 2011 and hello to 2012 a major year coming up as far as politics is concerned.We have a Presidential nomination coming up starting in Iowa with the usual every four year Iowa Caucus and the first in the nation primary up in the great state of New Hampshire.
To be totally honest there is no candidate other than US Rep.Michele Bachmann (R-Minn) who exuberates any kind of enthusiasm she is also the tea parties favorite but since the Republican establishment it seems wants another moderate like US Sen.John McCain (R-Az) former Gov.Mitt Romney (RINO-Ma) the GOP has not learned its lesson from getting their clock cleaned out going on four years ago.My personal favorite Herman Cain one who was not part of the establishment was shown the door by being thrown under the bus why because he was not a POLITICIAN he was no friend of the Washington Republican/Democrat/New York Times loving insider niche.
So the question which should already be answered Who is going to be the nominee to rally the Constitutional/Conservative/Tea Party movement to get rid of the race baiter politically speaking in the White House?
One can only hope as to what will happen next year so remember WE THE PEOPLE still have our say.To my friends back in my home state of Massachusetts please do the right (pun intended) by electing Bill Hudak as the new Congressman in the 6th Congressional district of Massachusetts instead of the GOP establishment candidate former State Sen.and FAILED Lt.Gov candidate Richard Tisei who is as socially liberal as they come and show current money launderer US Rep.John Tierney (D-Salem) the door.
I know that my old group back in Massachusetts the Independence Tea Party Of Mass will see to it.It is in good hands under the inspirational leadership.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Sad State Of Affairs For GOP
Thats right the title says it all and as everybody knows that reads this blog I call it as I see it period end of story.I know that the left is going to continue to blame the tea party and some of the more Conservative members of the GOP but go ahead we see your true colors all the time.
It is the end of another year and those out there in the political world are still abuzz about House Speaker John Boehner giving into political pressure on the pay roll tax cut.Nothing has changed in the supposed Republican party even with a newly elected chairman at the national level a guy who is apparently afraid to come out from behind his own shadow back in January of this year some one named Reince Priebus from Wisconsin who was that states one time state party chair.To be honest never heard of this hack job.
One thing that me as well as other Tea party leaders are tired of is bailing out the Republican party and being used as a political condom in the media and elsewhere.Here is some more honesty from me none of the GOP Presidential candidates turn me on politically and the ones that do are not getting the media exposure that is needed to advance the CONSTITUTIONAL Conservative/tea party agenda that our nation needs badly.
Mitt Romney is a total fraud being from Massachusetts I know him all too well he is the alleged GOP version of Bill Clinton.Rick Perry can't get his head out of his #$%%^.Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is an ideal candidate but again the establishment will see to it that she is thrown under the bus as Herman Cain was with those BS sexual harassment charges that did him in his problem he was a black Conservative along with being a SELF made successful businessman not a Communist left wing Democrat siphoning off the hard working taxpayers like a parasite.
Here is where the problem lies for the GOP two points I am going to make.
1.) The Republican Party is no longer the party of REAGAN get this straight.if they were the
party of Reagan they would back and support the most CONSTITUTIONAL
CONSERVATIVE candidate and nominate he/she.
2.)The current GOP want to be like the far far left and be adored and loved in the LAME
STREAM media.
It is the end of another year and those out there in the political world are still abuzz about House Speaker John Boehner giving into political pressure on the pay roll tax cut.Nothing has changed in the supposed Republican party even with a newly elected chairman at the national level a guy who is apparently afraid to come out from behind his own shadow back in January of this year some one named Reince Priebus from Wisconsin who was that states one time state party chair.To be honest never heard of this hack job.
One thing that me as well as other Tea party leaders are tired of is bailing out the Republican party and being used as a political condom in the media and elsewhere.Here is some more honesty from me none of the GOP Presidential candidates turn me on politically and the ones that do are not getting the media exposure that is needed to advance the CONSTITUTIONAL Conservative/tea party agenda that our nation needs badly.
Mitt Romney is a total fraud being from Massachusetts I know him all too well he is the alleged GOP version of Bill Clinton.Rick Perry can't get his head out of his #$%%^.Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is an ideal candidate but again the establishment will see to it that she is thrown under the bus as Herman Cain was with those BS sexual harassment charges that did him in his problem he was a black Conservative along with being a SELF made successful businessman not a Communist left wing Democrat siphoning off the hard working taxpayers like a parasite.
Here is where the problem lies for the GOP two points I am going to make.
1.) The Republican Party is no longer the party of REAGAN get this straight.if they were the
party of Reagan they would back and support the most CONSTITUTIONAL
CONSERVATIVE candidate and nominate he/she.
2.)The current GOP want to be like the far far left and be adored and loved in the LAME
STREAM media.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
NYT Continues Defending ILLEGAL Immigration
Opinion/Editorial Sunday, December 18, 2011 |
Somebody with even a half of a functional brain would know that the ILLEGAL immigration problem is not just hurting our economy but the nation as a whole.Economically by the money that is made by as the left loves to call them "undocumented" immigrants is going back to the nation/country where the ILLEGAL immigrants came from and it is hurting the nation by these ILLEGAL immigrants just by being here are breaking the law have no respect for the law.I am not even mentioning the drug running and other ILLEGAL activity that these ILLEGAL immigrants have and still are committing.
In this mornings New York Times its second lead Oped continues to defend the so called rights of the aforementioned ILLEGAL immigrants.The title of this poor excuse is "Alabama’s Second Thoughts."
It begins its tirade with "Alabama’s stance on its extremist immigration law is shifting from defiance to damage control. Gov. Robert Bentley admitted this month that the law needed fixing and promised that he and legislative leaders would do that in next year’s session. His retreat followed a letter from the state’s attorney general, Luther Strange, to legislative leaders suggesting that they throw out whole sections of the law to make it easier to defend in court.When Mr. Bentley signed the law in June, he ignored warnings from legal experts and civil-rights advocates that it would curtail rights for all Alabamians, criminalize routine business transactions and acts of charity, encourage racial profiling, and cast an unconstitutional chill on school enrollment. The governor and legislators were also warned — apparently not by Mr. Strange — that the law would attract multiple lawsuits and pummel the economy, particularly farming when immigrant workers fled."
Once again the NYT oped board from their lofty holier than thou times square tower cannot grasp reality so they go on the attack with frivolous accounts of extremism and the so called warnings from legal experts and civil rights advocates be honest NYT we know who your so called experts are frauds like the ACLU and the civil rights race baiting morons of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.Here is the best part how you try to include those citizens of the great state of Alabama those here LEGALLY in comparison to those that are here ILLEGALLY! keep up the BS spin.
Here is where the liberals at the NYT will and still can't understand why it is wrong to defend ILLEGAL immigrants "Now Mr. Strange is urging lawmakers to drop some major provisions, including:
¶The requirement that schools collect immigration data on children and parents, which he said would cost too much for the benefit it would provide.
¶The part making it a crime for immigrants not to carry their papers, which is illegal under federal law.
¶The part barring people from college if they do not have documents, because some people, like certain
refugees, can be here legally without documents.
¶The sections that allow Alabama residents to sue officials they believe are not adequately enforcing the law, because of conflicts with the state Constitution.
Mr. Strange would leave other parts of the law intact or simply tweaked, like the one criminalizing the harboring and transporting of illegal immigrants. He only wants to clarify, not drop, the part of the law that nullifies contracts signed by undocumented immigrants.
Even if lawmakers accept Mr. Strange’s proposals, it still will not undo the harm — to the undocumented, to all Alabamians, to the state’s image and economy. This law is indefensible. The only solution is repeal.
Unfortunately, too many of Alabama’s politicians still don’t get it. Mike Hubbard, the House speaker, vowed on Facebook, “we’re not going to repeal or weaken the law, acquiescing to liberal elites’ and the news media’s efforts to intimidate and shame Alabama.” And 12 senators have written to the governor, urging him not to retreat."
What about the tenth amendment NYT to the US Constitution aye NYT? Remember state's rights.Darn it sorry I forgot the NYT doesnot correctly interpret the US Constititution they would rather still believe in the Communist Manifesto by one Karl Marx.
The people of Alabama should be proud that the NYT is wasting (nothing new as they always do) time and efforts on their issues when they could make an attempt at cleaning up their liberal biased image and report the new that is actually and FACTUALLY fit to print.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Tebow’s faith sets divine example By Boston Herald Columnist Joe Fitzgerald
By Joe Fitzgerald Boston Herald
The hullabaloo over Tim Tebow’s radiant faith says a lot more about his mockers than it does about him, for clearly this is a man quite comfortable in his own skin.
Christianity, to him, is not about a religion, but a personal relationship which, in his mind, had its roots back in his mother’s womb.
Pam Tebow ignited a similar furor two winters ago, when she obtained a 30-second Super Bowl spot to tell of how doctors implored her to terminate a pregnancy, concerned the unborn baby she was carrying might have been damaged by medicine she had ingested.
But she chose life, and that son she delivered 24 years ago is now the praying quarterback of the Denver Broncos who’ll be taking on the Patriots [team stats] tomorrow afternoon.
In constantly crediting and thanking God for where his path has taken him, Tebow has infuriated secularists as much as his mother enraged abortionists; like Mom, he knows what he believes, and why, and is not the least bit ashamed to proclaim it, which makes him a very odd duck in today’s world.
But didn’t Kris Kristofferson say pretty much the same thing in penning: “Why me, Lord? What have I ever done to deserve even one of the pleasures I’ve known?” That song became an American classic because it struck a chord with Americans who understood and shared its sentiment.
In today’s culture, however, the tendency is to leave God out of the equation when pondering our success, as if we alone control all outcomes.
American history begs to differ.
In the midst of the Civil War that threatened to rupture this country, Abraham Lincoln urged Americans to get onto their knees, the way Tebow does today.
“We have forgotten God,” Lincoln lamented, “and vainly imagined that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us.”
Imagine an American president saying that today?
Sadly, we’ve allowed ourselves to become an America where merchants dare not utter “Merry Christmas,” though “O Little Town of Bethlehem” is playing in the background.
But once in a while, such as the aftermath of 9/11 when even our Supreme Court gathered for a time of prayer, we recall why we profess to be “one nation, under God.”
Tim Tebow, by his example, simply reminds us we have reason to be grateful every day. So he says, “Thank you, Lord.” Good for him.
The hullabaloo over Tim Tebow’s radiant faith says a lot more about his mockers than it does about him, for clearly this is a man quite comfortable in his own skin.
Christianity, to him, is not about a religion, but a personal relationship which, in his mind, had its roots back in his mother’s womb.
Pam Tebow ignited a similar furor two winters ago, when she obtained a 30-second Super Bowl spot to tell of how doctors implored her to terminate a pregnancy, concerned the unborn baby she was carrying might have been damaged by medicine she had ingested.
But she chose life, and that son she delivered 24 years ago is now the praying quarterback of the Denver Broncos who’ll be taking on the Patriots [team stats] tomorrow afternoon.
In constantly crediting and thanking God for where his path has taken him, Tebow has infuriated secularists as much as his mother enraged abortionists; like Mom, he knows what he believes, and why, and is not the least bit ashamed to proclaim it, which makes him a very odd duck in today’s world.
But didn’t Kris Kristofferson say pretty much the same thing in penning: “Why me, Lord? What have I ever done to deserve even one of the pleasures I’ve known?” That song became an American classic because it struck a chord with Americans who understood and shared its sentiment.
In today’s culture, however, the tendency is to leave God out of the equation when pondering our success, as if we alone control all outcomes.
American history begs to differ.
In the midst of the Civil War that threatened to rupture this country, Abraham Lincoln urged Americans to get onto their knees, the way Tebow does today.
“We have forgotten God,” Lincoln lamented, “and vainly imagined that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us.”
Imagine an American president saying that today?
Sadly, we’ve allowed ourselves to become an America where merchants dare not utter “Merry Christmas,” though “O Little Town of Bethlehem” is playing in the background.
But once in a while, such as the aftermath of 9/11 when even our Supreme Court gathered for a time of prayer, we recall why we profess to be “one nation, under God.”
Tim Tebow, by his example, simply reminds us we have reason to be grateful every day. So he says, “Thank you, Lord.” Good for him.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Reasons Why Gingrich Hit The Court
Opinion/Editorial |
Well now they are going after the 2012 line up of Republican Presidential candidates today is former House Speaker Newt Gingrich's turn.The title of the second lead OPED in this Sunday's New York Times "Mr. Gingrich’s Attack on the Courts" there is a reason as to why Gingrich is leaning into the courts maybe because of their UNCONSTITUTIONAL rulings and ways.
It begins in true left wing attack mode "In any campaign season, voters are bound to hear Republican candidates talk about “activist judges” — jurists who rule in ways that the right wing does not like. But Newt Gingrich, who is leading in polls in Iowa, is taking the normal attack on the justice system to a deep new low."
Well like back in my home state of Massachusetts where the judges on the Massachusetts SJC (Supreme Judicial Court) the states highest court might as well be far left wing political activists in black robes.So the former Speaker has a point on getting on the case of the courts.Pun intended.
The BS oped continues "He is using McCarthyist tactics to smear judges. His most outrageous scheme, a plan to challenge “judicial supremacy,” has disturbing racial undertones. If he is serious about his plan, a President Gingrich would break the balance of power that is fundamental to our democracy."
Now for the truth the judges themselves dont follow the Constitution its simple it has nothing to do with Gingrich allegedly using as NYT puts it "disturbing racial undertones" just the left wing media using the race card once again.Balance of power NYT the court has one job to rule on cases brought before them and to determine the CONSTITUTIONALITY of a law once it has become law NOT MAKE LAW FROM THE BENCH!
The OPED ends with a real doozie a lack of understanding by the idiots at the NYT "Mr. Gingrich also would drag judges before Congress “to explain their constitutional reasoning” in some decisions “and to hear a proper Congressional constitutional interpretation.” Or he would simply ignore court decisions. His ideas would replace the rule of law with a reign of ideology. If he had his way, a Supreme Court that ordered an end to racist segregation policies would become a puppet of the political branches."
Sounds like a President Gingrich would do the correct thing to me.We hear so much from these left wing holier than thou types at the NYT about "transparency and their perverted form of accountability" it makes me sick to my stomach with moronic statements like "his ideas would replace the rule of law with a reign of ideology."Give me a break.
Then the NYT OPED board should stop showing their outlandish left wing kook filled remarks.
It begins in true left wing attack mode "In any campaign season, voters are bound to hear Republican candidates talk about “activist judges” — jurists who rule in ways that the right wing does not like. But Newt Gingrich, who is leading in polls in Iowa, is taking the normal attack on the justice system to a deep new low."
Well like back in my home state of Massachusetts where the judges on the Massachusetts SJC (Supreme Judicial Court) the states highest court might as well be far left wing political activists in black robes.So the former Speaker has a point on getting on the case of the courts.Pun intended.
The BS oped continues "He is using McCarthyist tactics to smear judges. His most outrageous scheme, a plan to challenge “judicial supremacy,” has disturbing racial undertones. If he is serious about his plan, a President Gingrich would break the balance of power that is fundamental to our democracy."
Now for the truth the judges themselves dont follow the Constitution its simple it has nothing to do with Gingrich allegedly using as NYT puts it "disturbing racial undertones" just the left wing media using the race card once again.Balance of power NYT the court has one job to rule on cases brought before them and to determine the CONSTITUTIONALITY of a law once it has become law NOT MAKE LAW FROM THE BENCH!
The OPED ends with a real doozie a lack of understanding by the idiots at the NYT "Mr. Gingrich also would drag judges before Congress “to explain their constitutional reasoning” in some decisions “and to hear a proper Congressional constitutional interpretation.” Or he would simply ignore court decisions. His ideas would replace the rule of law with a reign of ideology. If he had his way, a Supreme Court that ordered an end to racist segregation policies would become a puppet of the political branches."
Sounds like a President Gingrich would do the correct thing to me.We hear so much from these left wing holier than thou types at the NYT about "transparency and their perverted form of accountability" it makes me sick to my stomach with moronic statements like "his ideas would replace the rule of law with a reign of ideology."Give me a break.
Then the NYT OPED board should stop showing their outlandish left wing kook filled remarks.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
December 7 We Will Never Forget
Before September 11,2001 there was a day that we Commerated with reverence and to quote President Roosevelt "A day which will live in infamy" the day that the nation of Imperial Japan attacked the US Naval base at Pearl Harbor Hawaii.
Over 2400 of our brave servicemen were murdered by the Japanese thugs 1100 on the infamous USS Arizona.
This meant the US entrance into what has become known as Wold War II by the US declaration of war on the nation of Japan it meant we were going to be at war with the punk nations of Nazi Germany and the dictatorship of Italy.
December 7,1941 a day we will never forget.
God Bless our Pearl Harbor Heroes!
Over 2400 of our brave servicemen were murdered by the Japanese thugs 1100 on the infamous USS Arizona.
This meant the US entrance into what has become known as Wold War II by the US declaration of war on the nation of Japan it meant we were going to be at war with the punk nations of Nazi Germany and the dictatorship of Italy.
December 7,1941 a day we will never forget.
God Bless our Pearl Harbor Heroes!
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