Sunday, December 18, 2011
Somebody with even a half of a functional brain would know that the ILLEGAL immigration problem is not just hurting our economy but the nation as a whole.Economically by the money that is made by as the left loves to call them "undocumented" immigrants is going back to the nation/country where the ILLEGAL immigrants came from and it is hurting the nation by these ILLEGAL immigrants just by being here are breaking the law have no respect for the law.I am not even mentioning the drug running and other ILLEGAL activity that these ILLEGAL immigrants have and still are committing.
In this mornings New York Times its second lead Oped continues to defend the so called rights of the aforementioned ILLEGAL immigrants.The title of this poor excuse is "Alabama’s Second Thoughts."
It begins its tirade with "Alabama’s stance on its extremist immigration law is shifting from defiance to damage control. Gov. Robert Bentley admitted this month that the law needed fixing and promised that he and legislative leaders would do that in next year’s session. His retreat followed a letter from the state’s attorney general, Luther Strange, to legislative leaders suggesting that they throw out whole sections of the law to make it easier to defend in court.When Mr. Bentley signed the law in June, he ignored warnings from legal experts and civil-rights advocates that it would curtail rights for all Alabamians, criminalize routine business transactions and acts of charity, encourage racial profiling, and cast an unconstitutional chill on school enrollment. The governor and legislators were also warned — apparently not by Mr. Strange — that the law would attract multiple lawsuits and pummel the economy, particularly farming when immigrant workers fled."
Once again the NYT oped board from their lofty holier than thou times square tower cannot grasp reality so they go on the attack with frivolous accounts of extremism and the so called warnings from legal experts and civil rights advocates be honest NYT we know who your so called experts are frauds like the ACLU and the civil rights race baiting morons of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.Here is the best part how you try to include those citizens of the great state of Alabama those here LEGALLY in comparison to those that are here ILLEGALLY! keep up the BS spin.
Here is where the liberals at the NYT will and still can't understand why it is wrong to defend ILLEGAL immigrants "Now Mr. Strange is urging lawmakers to drop some major provisions, including:
¶The requirement that schools collect immigration data on children and parents, which he said would cost too much for the benefit it would provide.
¶The part making it a crime for immigrants not to carry their papers, which is illegal under federal law.
¶The part barring people from college if they do not have documents, because some people, like certain
refugees, can be here legally without documents.
¶The sections that allow Alabama residents to sue officials they believe are not adequately enforcing the law, because of conflicts with the state Constitution.
Mr. Strange would leave other parts of the law intact or simply tweaked, like the one criminalizing the harboring and transporting of illegal immigrants. He only wants to clarify, not drop, the part of the law that nullifies contracts signed by undocumented immigrants.
Even if lawmakers accept Mr. Strange’s proposals, it still will not undo the harm — to the undocumented, to all Alabamians, to the state’s image and economy. This law is indefensible. The only solution is repeal.
Unfortunately, too many of Alabama’s politicians still don’t get it. Mike Hubbard, the House speaker, vowed on Facebook, “we’re not going to repeal or weaken the law, acquiescing to liberal elites’ and the news media’s efforts to intimidate and shame Alabama.” And 12 senators have written to the governor, urging him not to retreat."
What about the tenth amendment NYT to the US Constitution aye NYT? Remember state's rights.Darn it sorry I forgot the NYT doesnot correctly interpret the US Constititution they would rather still believe in the Communist Manifesto by one Karl Marx.
The people of Alabama should be proud that the NYT is wasting (nothing new as they always do) time and efforts on their issues when they could make an attempt at cleaning up their liberal biased image and report the new that is actually and FACTUALLY fit to print.