Well we have reached it the end of another new year.Saying good bye to 2011 and hello to 2012 a major year coming up as far as politics is concerned.We have a Presidential nomination coming up starting in Iowa with the usual every four year Iowa Caucus and the first in the nation primary up in the great state of New Hampshire.
To be totally honest there is no candidate other than US Rep.Michele Bachmann (R-Minn) who exuberates any kind of enthusiasm she is also the tea parties favorite but since the Republican establishment it seems wants another moderate like US Sen.John McCain (R-Az) former Gov.Mitt Romney (RINO-Ma) the GOP has not learned its lesson from getting their clock cleaned out going on four years ago.My personal favorite Herman Cain one who was not part of the establishment was shown the door by being thrown under the bus why because he was not a POLITICIAN he was no friend of the Washington Republican/Democrat/New York Times loving insider niche.
So the question which should already be answered Who is going to be the nominee to rally the Constitutional/Conservative/Tea Party movement to get rid of the race baiter politically speaking in the White House?
One can only hope as to what will happen next year so remember WE THE PEOPLE still have our say.To my friends back in my home state of Massachusetts please do the right (pun intended) by electing Bill Hudak as the new Congressman in the 6th Congressional district of Massachusetts instead of the GOP establishment candidate former State Sen.and FAILED Lt.Gov candidate Richard Tisei who is as socially liberal as they come and show current money launderer US Rep.John Tierney (D-Salem) the door.
I know that my old group back in Massachusetts the Independence Tea Party Of Mass will see to it.It is in good hands under the inspirational leadership.
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