Crash dummy and dumber
Here’s the question I’d like to see Gov. Deval Patrick asked this morning on network TV:
“Gov. Patrick, what exactly are you and your pint-sized lieutenant governor trying to cover up by refusing to release his cellphone records from the morning he wrecked a state car at 5:20 a.m. while driving 108 mph, after which your scandal-ridden state police began a massive cover-up as your minion gave a series of preposterous explanations, each one more unbelievable than the last?”
But the interviewer will be George Stephanopoulos, a notorious Democrat rumpswab. So Deval will get a pass in his tryout as an anti-Mitt Romney “pit bull,” an odd miscasting considering that the dog breed the governor more closely resembles is a Chihuahua, or maybe a toy poodle.
But once Deval returns to Boston, it’ll be back to business as usual — stonewalling all legitimate inquiries about what really happened that November morning. Deval said the other day that releasing Crash’s cellphone records would set a “terrible precedent.”
That’s exactly what Richard Nixon said in 1973 about releasing the White House tapes during Watergate. So, how’d that work out for him?
Then Deval said, “I think asking him to prove a negative is wildly unfair and unreas-onable.”
Well, no, it’s not. Because it would only take a few seconds to call up the cellphone records in question on the Internet and prove once and for all that Murray is finally telling the truth, that he was not calling or texting anyone in the moments before the Crown Vic achieved liftoff.
It would be one thing if the little fella had been leveling with the public all along, but he hasn’t. Remember when he said he was going the speed limit? First he claimed he lost control on some black ice — no, he fell asleep. He was out getting a Herald — no, he was conducting a storm inspection.
If there was nothing to hide, why did the state police immediately try to broom the whole accident without even checking the black box? Why did Murray demand to take a Breath-alyzer — or so he claims?
Consider what would have happened if Mitt Romney’s lieutenant governor, Muffy Healey, had gotten herself into this kind of jam. Forget seconds, Mitt would have given her up in nanoseconds.
Why is Deval engineering this entire cover-up? Is there something so toxic in those phone records that Deval is as much at risk as the Pillsbury Doughboy? Politically, Murray is a dead man walking, but Deval has a future, or at least he’d like to think he does.
For once, the St. Patrick’s Day breakfast may be interesting this year.
The Great Howie Carr great as always
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