Who's really bashing women?
By L. Brent Bozell III
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Our transparently feminist media are cranking up their hyperbole machines in their war on Limbaugh. They are reporting -- chortling, really -- that Republicans have a huge problem with women voters.
The Washington Post breathlessly reports that its poll found Democrats won by 25 points on "Cares more about issues that are especially important to women."
But there's an enormous, deliberate, daily oversight by most of these pro-Obama journalists. They are choosing to ignore the vicious way liberal talk show hosts and comedians talk about women -- and not just conservative women -- on a regular basis. Many of them come from NBC and MSNBC.
Take Ed Schultz in 2009 trashing Sen. Joe Lieberman's wife for lobbying for health insurers: "Does the word 'whore' apply?" Try to find a single media outlet that considered that newsworthy.
Schultz has also dismissed grown women as "little girls." In September 2010, he sneered, "There's a couple of gals who've been riding the wave of crazy that's been sweeping the nation's right-wingers: Shooter's little girl, Liz Cheney, has been hitting the lecture circuit, parroting daddy's fear-mongering rhetoric."
Liz Cheney holds a law degree from the University of Chicago and served as a deputy assistant secretary of State. That's more of a resume than Big Ed will ever have.
On MSNBC in October 2010, Keith Olbermann unloaded a bag of hatred on blogger and columnist Michelle Malkin because he believed she threatened a woman who posted a video of school kids singing their praises to President Barack Obama. "(The woman) received death threats and hate-filled voice mails all thanks to the total mindless, morally bankrupt, knee-jerk fascistic hatred, without which Michelle Malkin would just be a big mashed-up bag of meat with lipstick on it."
Sometimes these attacks air on the NBC News mother ship. During a June 2009 discussion on NBC's "Today" show about Sarah Palin's role in the GOP, comedian Chuck Nice cracked, "I've got to say, she is very much like herpes. She's not going away." The network's legal analyst Dan Abrams said admiringly, "That's the advantage of being Chuck Nice. You can say that and there's no repercussions."
There are no repercussions when women who are not liberal enough are thoroughly insulted for their lack of enlightenment.
Michele Bachmann's presidential campaign was a joke to MSNBC. Joe Scarborough said so: "(She) is a joke. ... Her candidacy is a joke." Instead, Scarborough favored Jon Huntsman because, "He can speak in complete sentences. One sentence actually relates to the previous sentence."
If the woman is a liberal -- an apparently full-blooded authentic female -- then NBC and MSNBC are more likely to bend. Liberals who wanted Hillary Clinton to beat Barack Obama in 2008 actually campaigned against Chris Matthews for suggesting Mrs. Clinton was "witchy."
Let's not countenance those media elites sermonizing that Republicans have a monopoly on running down women. Every journalist should face the reality that networks such as NBC and MSNBC have waged their own rhetorical war on women -- and one that is far nastier, far more insulting than any remark by Rush Limbaugh.
L. Brent Bozell III is president of the Media Research Center.
Bozell is a good man on the issues
Editors Note
The New York Times' The Public Editor, Arthur S. Brisbane, is off today.So I will not bash the NYT this morning will be back next Sunday
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