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editorial | sixth district endorsement
In a divided era, sensible Tisei brings voice of moderation
October 23, 2012
Republican Richard Tisei
Republican Richard Tisei
This year is different. Tierney’s family scandal — and his evasive handling of it — gives voters a reason to look elsewhere. Meanwhile, he has an appealing Republican challenger, a moderate who served with distinction as minority leader in the state Senate. This year, Sixth District voters should elect that challenger, Richard Tisei.
Tisei’s mix of libertarianism and fiscal conservatism makes an excellent blueprint for New England Republicans. Even as the national Republican Party veered to the right during Tisei’s years on Beacon Hill, he avoided hot-button social issues and instead staked out a common-sense, reform-oriented direction for the Senate GOP caucus. That approach eventually yielded results; Tisei and other legislative Republicans were pushing nuts-and-bolts pension reforms, for instance, well before the Legislature as a whole was willing to implement similar ideas.
The kind of bipartisanship that Tisei practiced on Beacon Hill is increasingly difficult in Washington. And to be sure, Tisei’s stances on some issues may be too conservative for some voters. He promises, for example, to work for the repeal of Obamacare. (Never mind that he voted for the Romneycare that inspired it.) But Tisei, unlike others in his party, isn’t in denial about problems with the current health care system, and he’s amenable to compromise. He refused to sign Grover Norquist’s no-new-taxes pledge.
The pro-Tierney ads and mailers that tie Tisei to GOP vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan’s harsh, unworkable budget plan are based on comments taken mostly out of context.
There’s longstanding evidence of Tisei’s willingness to defy his party and even public sentiment at key points; he voted against rolling back the state income tax from 5.3 percent to 5 percent because he didn’t think the state could afford to do so. He argues that, because he would be the only openly gay Republican to be elected to Congress, he would have a national profile of sorts. He would, and he should use it to press for tolerance and moderation among his fellow Republicans.
The other reason to support Tisei is to underscore the principle of accountability — to make clear that service in elected office is conditioned on leveling with the electorate, and in responding to legitimate inquiries, in a way that John Tierney has not done.
Neither his brother-in-law’s involvement in an offshore gambling operation nor the fact that his wife received significant payments for handling his brother-in-law’s money should, by itself, disqualify Tierney from further service. Yet his insistence that he knew nothing about the matter strains credulity. And his efforts to fend off inquiries into the subject — for instance, by trying to stage-manage how the issue might be discussed in debates — seem high-handed and disrespectful of voters’ legitimate concern.
Over the years, the voters of Massachusetts have generally been reluctant to turn out incumbent members of Congress; the implicit bargain has been that, in exchange for being granted long tenure, they are expected to exert outsize influence on public policy. This approach produced such legislative giants as Tip O’Neill and Ted Kennedy. But while Tierney can be proud of his role in expanding access to college loans and heightening scrutiny of contracts in Afghanistan, his accomplishments aren’t so impressive as to negate his liabilities.
All of this raises a question for Massachusetts voters: Are there any conditions, short of accusations of criminal wrongdoing, under which an incumbent should be unseated by a promising challenger? There should be.
If Tisei replaces Tierney, the GOP challenger will have much to prove — that he can be effective in protecting vital federal research dollars from cuts, that he can be a force for education reform, and above all that he can function effectively in a Republican House caucus that’s pushing ever more to the right. But voters should give him the chance.

In the 6th District, it’s not just that incumbent John Tierney has overstayed his welcome. It’s not just that he has had an utterly lackluster 16-year career. It’s not just that he has failed to offer up any credible explanation for the blind eye he turned to the criminal activities of his wife’s family — and the obvious benefits that accrued to his own household. It’s not even that he has run one of the sleaziest campaigns for Congress in the state’s history. Although all of that is true, the simple fact is that in former state senator Richard Tisei the district would at long last get the smart, committed representative it deserves.
Tisei is a member in good standing of the Bill Weld wing of the Republican Party who believes, as he put it, “that government should be off your back, out of your wallet and away from the bedroom.” That works for us. As a state lawmaker — and Senate minority leader for a time — he worked across the aisle, something we could use a little more of in Washington these days. But he also led the opposition in 2010 against the hike in the state sales tax.
In short, Tisei has an excellent track record on Beacon Hill and would be a solid supporter on Capitol Hill of responsible measures to curb the deficit and jump-start the economy by relieving small business of the curse of over-regulation. He would bring just the kind of fresh new attitude that is needed in D.C.
Well in short this is disgusting the Herald following the Globe.Especially when Tisei is not wanted by any of the Tea Parties in the 6th District including my old group the Independence Tea Party of Massachusetts.
I have to agree with the Herald in principal that John Tierney has overstayed his welcome in Congress but to replace him with a far far left wing not even a Republican Tisei goes beyond boggling one's mind.
For the Globe to say that Tisei’s stances on some issues may be too conservative for some voters makes me want to vomit Tisei a conservative ok lets wake up now.The Herald had it better Tisei is a member in good standing of the Bill Weld wing of the Republican Party they mean "le Establishment" if I may.
Funny no mention of the "Transgendered Bill" that he championed in the Massachusetts State Senate.A grotesque piece of legislation if you ask me or anyone with half a brain.
Yes John Tierney should be repalced but not with Richard Tisei.Why not Bill Hudak or Rick Barton why they were too Conservative for the hacks at the Massachusetts Republican Party and the Greater Boston Tea Party just to name a few names. But the truth has to be told.
The 6th Congressional distrcit deserves better than Richard Tisei and John Tierney both have identical voting records if ones does their research instead of relying on the lame stream media.
Just to bring a bit of truth to light on Tisei back in 1996 Tisei voted against at the time Gov.Paul Celucci's income tax cut but we won't let that get in the way of Richie boy.
In ending Tisei or Tierney neither one of these two bozo's are good for the 6th District
Neither his brother-in-law’s involvement in an offshore gambling operation nor the fact that his wife received significant payments for handling his brother-in-law’s money should, by itself, disqualify Tierney from further service. Yet his insistence that he knew nothing about the matter strains credulity. And his efforts to fend off inquiries into the subject — for instance, by trying to stage-manage how the issue might be discussed in debates — seem high-handed and disrespectful of voters’ legitimate concern.
Over the years, the voters of Massachusetts have generally been reluctant to turn out incumbent members of Congress; the implicit bargain has been that, in exchange for being granted long tenure, they are expected to exert outsize influence on public policy. This approach produced such legislative giants as Tip O’Neill and Ted Kennedy. But while Tierney can be proud of his role in expanding access to college loans and heightening scrutiny of contracts in Afghanistan, his accomplishments aren’t so impressive as to negate his liabilities.
All of this raises a question for Massachusetts voters: Are there any conditions, short of accusations of criminal wrongdoing, under which an incumbent should be unseated by a promising challenger? There should be.
If Tisei replaces Tierney, the GOP challenger will have much to prove — that he can be effective in protecting vital federal research dollars from cuts, that he can be a force for education reform, and above all that he can function effectively in a Republican House caucus that’s pushing ever more to the right. But voters should give him the chance.

A seat at the table
By Boston Herald Editorial Staff
Thursday, October 25, 2012 -
Thursday, October 25, 2012 -
In the 6th District, it’s not just that incumbent John Tierney has overstayed his welcome. It’s not just that he has had an utterly lackluster 16-year career. It’s not just that he has failed to offer up any credible explanation for the blind eye he turned to the criminal activities of his wife’s family — and the obvious benefits that accrued to his own household. It’s not even that he has run one of the sleaziest campaigns for Congress in the state’s history. Although all of that is true, the simple fact is that in former state senator Richard Tisei the district would at long last get the smart, committed representative it deserves.
Tisei is a member in good standing of the Bill Weld wing of the Republican Party who believes, as he put it, “that government should be off your back, out of your wallet and away from the bedroom.” That works for us. As a state lawmaker — and Senate minority leader for a time — he worked across the aisle, something we could use a little more of in Washington these days. But he also led the opposition in 2010 against the hike in the state sales tax.
In short, Tisei has an excellent track record on Beacon Hill and would be a solid supporter on Capitol Hill of responsible measures to curb the deficit and jump-start the economy by relieving small business of the curse of over-regulation. He would bring just the kind of fresh new attitude that is needed in D.C.
Well in short this is disgusting the Herald following the Globe.Especially when Tisei is not wanted by any of the Tea Parties in the 6th District including my old group the Independence Tea Party of Massachusetts.
I have to agree with the Herald in principal that John Tierney has overstayed his welcome in Congress but to replace him with a far far left wing not even a Republican Tisei goes beyond boggling one's mind.
For the Globe to say that Tisei’s stances on some issues may be too conservative for some voters makes me want to vomit Tisei a conservative ok lets wake up now.The Herald had it better Tisei is a member in good standing of the Bill Weld wing of the Republican Party they mean "le Establishment" if I may.
Funny no mention of the "Transgendered Bill" that he championed in the Massachusetts State Senate.A grotesque piece of legislation if you ask me or anyone with half a brain.
Yes John Tierney should be repalced but not with Richard Tisei.Why not Bill Hudak or Rick Barton why they were too Conservative for the hacks at the Massachusetts Republican Party and the Greater Boston Tea Party just to name a few names. But the truth has to be told.
The 6th Congressional distrcit deserves better than Richard Tisei and John Tierney both have identical voting records if ones does their research instead of relying on the lame stream media.
Just to bring a bit of truth to light on Tisei back in 1996 Tisei voted against at the time Gov.Paul Celucci's income tax cut but we won't let that get in the way of Richie boy.
In ending Tisei or Tierney neither one of these two bozo's are good for the 6th District
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