Sunday, March 17, 2013

Budget Battle As Put Forth By NYT



 Here is another area where the New York Times is adding their very much unwanted opinion on a battle on the budget fight going on in Washington D.C.
 This mornings OPED is entitled "The Real Spending Problem" as if the NYT editorial board has a remedy to the fixation of our so called members of Congress has with wasting our tax dollars hand over foot.In fact in the past no surprise to anyone here that the NYT has endorsed some lame brained ways of wasting our tax dollars one thing to remember is that liberals and leftists love spending other people's $$$.
 Their hilarious solution begins "The budget fight in Washington, which entered a new round last week as Senate Democrats and House Republicans introduced dueling plans, is usually cast as a contest between raising taxes and cutting spending. In fact, the taxes-versus-spending distinction is largely meaningless.Each year, the government doles out tax breaks worth $1.1 trillion. That is more than the cost of Medicare and Medicaid combined. It is more than Social Security. It tops the defense budget, and it tops the budget for nondefense discretionary programs, which include most everything else.Tax breaks work like spending. Giving a deduction for certain activities, like homeownership or retirement savings, is the same as writing a government check to subsidize those activities. Functionally, they mimic entitlements. Like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, they are available, year in and year out, in full, to all who qualify. Yet in budget talks, Republicans ignore tax entitlements, which flow mostly to high-income taxpayers, while pushing to cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security."
 Constitutionalists such as me prefer cutting the spending while leftists and RINOS (all now one in the same) along with the NYT are infactuated with raising our taxes.You can't be serious NYT taxes versus spending distinction is largely meaningless I can see why to you it's meaningless because the Government throws $$$ at the frivolous programs that keep establishment elected.HELLO NYT you can't be friggin serious there is a huge huge difference between deductions for homeownwership and retirement savings and your BS entitlement spending because those deductions are EARNED by those of us who WORK welfare or SSI is not earned sitting on one's ass.
 Tax breaks are good because the $$$ goes to those that earn it as opposed to the Government spending it.Thats common sense but I don't expect the establishment to understand that as well as the NYT.
 It continues with the same old same old left wing playbook tactic "President Obama and Congressional Democrats have rightly asserted that tax breaks are ripe for cuts that could raise revenue without hurting most taxpayers. One method, as presented in the Senate Democratic plan, is to convert tax deductions, which increase in value as income rises, to tax credits, which would provide benefits more broadly and evenly among low-, middle- and high-income households.
Tax deductions, however, are only one kind of tax break. Many others take the form of arrangements that allow wealthy taxpayers to either escape tax entirely on specific transactions or to defer it indefinitely."
 Let me correct the NYT as usual.Tax breaks is $$$$ in our pockets tax credits are a figment of the establishments imagination.Once again common sense.

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