Sunday, July 31, 2016

NYT A Few BS On Immigration

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 Now it seems the New York Times editorial board are experts on immigration now LMAO. Their piece of crap this morning "A Few Simple Truths on Immigration" is their grotesque take on immigration while attacking Donald Trump.
 It begins "Donald Trump and his allies at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland peddled two falsehoods about America’s immigration problem. One was the vision presented by speaker after speaker of a nation overrun with foreigners crossing American borders and infiltrating communities to rob and kill. Another was the notion that most Americans are desperate for the kind of tough-guy response — including massive deportation and building a wall — that Mr. Trump offers as his solution."
 Well ok NYT what are the undocumented (politically correct term for illegal immigrants) doing here then? Yes we need the tough guy approach in dealing with ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION its called deportation.
 It goes on "A careful examination of the facts undermines both claims. It is true that this is a complex issue inspiring strong passions. But its resolution, or at least progress toward a resolution, requires clear thinking. It benefits not at all from wild and poisonous assertions. People on all sides of this issue, including Republicans of good will who might be seduced by Mr. Trump’s hyperbole, would do well to take a moment or more to reflect on a few simple truths.
One is that the country is divided over immigration, but not nearly as much as Mr. Trump claims. Americans by wide margins have long supported the principles of sensible immigration reform: modernized laws to better match workers and jobs, strong border security (though not the equivalent of a 2,000-mile wall), better workplace standards and wages, and an opportunity for the 11 million immigrants living outside the law to earn inclusion and citizenship.
Recent polling from the Pew Research Center is instructive: Fifty-nine percent of the public said immigrants “strengthen the country,” while only 33 percent said they were a burden. And 75 percent said immigrants should be allowed to stay legally, if they meet certain conditions. These principles — recognizing the good that immigrants do for the country and rejecting the folly of high walls and mass expulsion — are the basis of the reform legislation that Mr. Trump so deplores as “amnesty” and that many Republicans themselves support. As recently as 2013, bipartisan reform legislation passed the Senate by a vote of 68 to 32."
  The facts since when NYT you are non fact people and the Pew research center literally STINKS yes pun intended.
  It ends "In Cleveland, Mr. Trump led his party down a path devoid of facts, despite the grieving parents offered up as evidence that all immigrants are killers and despite former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani’s screams about the end of America. The last 20 years of immigration have been matched by big declines in crime, and more than a century of research shows that immigrants are less prone to crime than native-born Americans.
Leading Republicans who could rebut these assertions have not done so. Senator John McCain — the author of one of the last big attempts at bipartisan immigration reform — stands with Mr. Trump. Senator Marco Rubio, who is running for re-election, has a new ad boasting about his courage in blocking refugees from “terrorist countries.”
So it is left to Hillary Clinton to put things right. She has promised to do better on immigration than President Obama, who will leave office having failed to win comprehensive reform, while setting a record for aggressive deportations and persisting in the misguided detention of tens of thousands of Central American refugee mothers and children. Mrs. Clinton has campaigned in defense of immigrant families and workers’ rights, and has promised to take executive actions that expand Mr. Obama’s programs protecting millions of immigrants from deportation.
Mrs. Clinton knows she needs to seize and hold the ground of American values, and it helped that the Democratic convention so proudly celebrated inclusion.
  In green type that's not facts but pure bullshit.

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