Sunday, August 28, 2016

NYT Have No Idea About Whats Going On In The Middle East

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   Finally a break for the New York Times delving into issues like race and presidential politics but they still have no clue about what they are talking about those there on their editorial board who are self proclaimed experts on everything.
  Todays piece of crap "Can Israel and the Arab States Be Friends?" of course we can expect the NYT editorial board to go against Israel on this issue all the time.
  It begins "Israel and Saudi Arabia have no formal diplomatic relations. The Saudis do not even recognize Israel as a state. Still, there is evidence that ties between Saudi Arabia and other Sunni Arab states and Israel are not only improving but, after developing in secret over many years, could evolve into a more explicit alliance as a result of their mutual distrust of Iran. Better relations among these neighbors could put the chaotic Middle East on a more positive course. They could also leave the Palestinians in the dust, a worrisome prospect.
A recent case in point was a visit to Jerusalem last month by a Saudi delegation, led by a retired major general, Anwar Eshki, that included talks with Dore Gold, a senior Israeli Foreign Ministry official. The meeting was notable because it was openly acknowledged. General Eshki and Mr. Gold reportedly began secret contacts in 2014; they went public last year by appearing together at an event in Washington.
   What I highlighted in red type is the same as every Arab nation in the Middle East none of them recognize Israel as a nation.I see where this is going the NYT is going to try and give the credit to Obama and Hillary Clinton.
  It goes on "Israel and the Sunni Arab states last fought a war in 1973. Now, after decades of hostility, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel is seeking to engage his country’s former enemies. Meanwhile, since coming to power 18 months ago, King Salman of Saudi Arabia and his son Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman have shown a surprising willingness to take foreign policy risks.
The Israelis and the Saudis have reasons to work together. They share antipathy toward Iran, the leading Shiite-majority country. Both are worried about regional instability. Both are upset with the United States over the Iranian nuclear deal and other policies, including those dealing with Syria. For some time, Israeli and Saudi officials have been cooperating covertly on security and intelligence matters.
As an international boycott movement is seeking to isolate Israel over its treatment of Palestinians, Mr. Netanyahu is determined to expand the number of countries that recognize his state and to capitalize on the economic potential of trade between it and the Arab states. He also has repaired relations with Turkey and has sought to strengthen ties with Africa.
  Holy cow the NYT is giving credit to BIBI what have they been smoking lol.
 It ends "It’s hard to tell sometimes whether and through whom the Saudi royal family is speaking, and some analysts do not view General Eshki as a serious interlocutor. But his visit to Jerusalem, which included a meeting with members of Parliament, suggested a new Saudi openness to testing how the public in both countries would react to overt contacts. Significantly, Saudi Arabia has also begun a media campaign in the kingdom, apparently to prepare its citizens for better relations with Israel.
In recent years, Israelis and Saudis have encountered each other often at academic and policy forums. In addition, Israel has established separate official channels of communication with Saudi Arabia, as well as with the United Arab Emirates, and these channels are considered “real and significant,” according to Daniel Levy, president of the U.S./Middle East Project.
Where does this leave the Palestinians? Both the Saudi and Egyptian visits were ostensibly aimed at promoting peace between Israel and the Palestinians, who have relied on the Sunni Arab states to advance their interests. General Eshki, for instance, talked of reviving the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative, which promised Israel normalized relations with the Arab League countries as part of a deal to end the Palestinian conflict.Unfortunately, neither the Israelis nor the Palestinians show interest in serious peace talks. And there are reasons to doubt that the Palestinians are the Arab countries’ real focus. Mr. Netanyahu, in fact, has made clear his preference for improving relations with the Arab states first, saying Israel would then be in a stronger position to make peace with the Palestinians later on.
Of course, improved relations between Israel and its Arab neighbors do not preclude a Palestinian peace deal. The danger is that these countries will find more value in mending ties with each other and stop there, thus allowing Palestinian grievances, a source of regional tension for decades, to continue to fester.

NYT stay out of the issue of the Middle East you know you hate Israel our great ally over the past half century

Sunday, August 21, 2016

NYT How can America Recover From All The BS From The NYT Editorials

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 This mornings lead editorial from the New York Times nothing new but the usual bullshit of venom and propaganda coming from their Editorial boards dumb asses."How Can America Recover From Donald Trump?" is the title of the bs.
 It begins "Donald Trump is heading to November like a certain zeppelin heading to New Jersey, in a darkening sky that crackles with electricity. He is fighting crosswinds and trying new tacks — hiring the head of Breitbart News to run his campaign, trying on a new emotion (regret) in a speech on Thursday night, promising to talk more this week about immigration, his prime subject. There’s still no telling what will happen when the gasbag reaches the mooring.
It could be that the polls are right, and Mr. Trump will go down in flames. But while that will solve an immediate problem, a larger one will remain. The message of hatred and paranoia that is inciting millions of voters will outlast the messenger. The toxic effects of Trumpism will have to be addressed.The most obvious damage has already been done — to the debate over immigration, a subject that is America’s pride but that can also show the country at its worst. Mr. Trump’s solution is to build an unbuildable border wall and force 11 million people out of the country, while letting millions of “good ones” back in. Or maybe not — now he says he wants to bar immigrants from most of the world, except for a few who pass religious and ideological tests. “Extreme vetting,” he calls it, bringing the Alien and Sedition Acts and McCarthyism into the reality-TV age.
  Gas bag look in the mirror NYT what ever comes out of your mouths umm wait I meant asses (one in the same lmao).Message of hatred and paranoia no its coming from the bias of the left wing media which you all proudly are.
 The Gas bag Goes on "Yes, Mr. Trump speaks frontier gibberish. Outright nativism remains a fringe American phenomenon. But there is no shortage of mainstream politicians who have endorsed his message by endorsing the Republican nominee. Anyone hoping to build a serious solution to immigration after this election will have to confront the unworkable ideas and vicious emotions that Mr. Trump, with many enablers, has dragged into the open.
It seems like a century ago, but it was only 2001 when a Republican president, George W. Bush, began talking about a once-in-a-generation overhaul of the outdated American immigration laws. He sought a bipartisan consensus to boost the economy and make millions right with the law. Then came 9/11. Though sensible immigration reform gained the broad support of the American public, legislation in Congress repeatedly failed, ambushed by hard-core Republican partisans."
 Donald Trump speaks a hell of a lot clearer than you assholes at the NYT editorial board that's for sure.
 The spew goes on "This year brought the fever dream of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, where speaker after speaker presented a vision of foreigners stealing across the border to rob, rape and kill. Cued by Mr. Trump, they scapegoated immigrants and refugees in general and Latinos and Muslims in particular. The crowd cheered for Sheriff Joe Arpaio, brutalizer of Arizona Latinos, and Rudolph Giuliani, who hollered about terrorists and criminals as if running for mayor of Gotham City.
It’s no wonder that the nativists are feeling inspired, the bigots emboldened. The white supremacist David Duke is running for the Senate. Stephen Bannon, Breitbart’s chief purveyor of conspiracy theories and anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant venom, is the natural ally of a candidate who hints that President Obama is a secret Muslim and who insists that Muslims in New Jersey danced by the thousands as the towers fell on 9/11.
 Ok NYT what else do illegal immigrants do then you dumb asses. No NYT you assholes are the bigots and if I remember correctly Trump DENOUNCED David Duke already so shut the fuck up.
 This misery finally ends "Optimists, eyes on the polls, hope that Mr. Trump, in losing, will discredit these views and that Republicans next year will sue for peace. Under this scenario Hillary Clinton and Paul Ryan or whoever is running Congress will move fast to push forward a rational immigration reform bill.
Remember, though, the post-mortem that found Republicans chastened after the more genteel nativism of the 2012 Mitt Romney campaign. The last vestiges of that contrition vanished as Mr. Trump, warning about Mexican rapists, vaulted atop the polls.
Trump supporters have now been promised a nation where non-natives, and their children, are locked outside the borders forever. They have been promised, inside a new wall, new factories where everyone will build things, speak only English and be rich. What will happen when they learn that none of this is real?
The challenge to responsible leaders of any political party will be to separate the economic discontent from the bigotry and paranoia that are the key to the Trump phenomenon. The question to future Republican leaders is whether they will even try to do so."
 Economic discontent from who Trump yeah ok NYT keep dreaming oh yeah as far as the bigotry and paranoia you are the leaders of that category as well you assholes.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

NYT Columnist Kristof Doesn't Get What Real Hatred Is

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Oped Columnist

 Speaking of hypocrites there is one a New York Times Oped columnist one Nicholas Kristof a liberal moron who wrote his garbage this morning "Donald Trump Is Making America Meaner" no way liberals are constantly lying to Americans as is Kristof that Donald Trump is mean which is not the case, but Mr Kristof will attempt to do.
 His cry baby tirade begins "FOREST GROVE, Ore. — ALL across America, in little towns like this one, Donald Trump is mainstreaming hate.
This community of Forest Grove, near the farm where I grew up in western Oregon, has historically been a charming, friendly and welcoming community. But in the middle of a physics class at the high school one day this spring, a group of white students suddenly began jeering at their Latino classmates and chanting: “Build a wall! Build a wall!”
The same white students had earlier chanted “Trump! Trump! Trump!” Soon afterward, a student hung a homemade banner in the school reading, “Build a Wall,” prompting Latinos at area schools to stage a walkout.
“They openly express their dislike of my race,” Briana Larios, a 15-year-old Mexican-American honor roll student who hopes to go to Harvard, said of some of her white classmates. Wounded by accusations that she doesn’t belong in the country in which she was born, Briana is thinking of being home-schooled rather than returning to the high school when classes resume.
 Oh yeah blame the white students everything is their fault NOT!
 It goes on "“People now feel that it is O.K. to say things that they might not have said a year ago,” she said. “Trump played a big role.”Among any nation’s most precious possessions is its social fabric, and that is what Donald Trump is rending with incendiary talk about roughing up protesters and about gun owners solving the problem of Hillary Clinton making judicial nominations.
Trump only mildly distanced himself when an adviser suggested that Clinton should be executed by firing squad for treason, and his rallies have become toxic brews of hatred with shouts like “Hang the bitch!” The Times made a video of Trump fans at his rallies directing crude slurs not just at Hillary Clinton, but also at blacks, Latinos, Muslims and gay people.We need not be apocalyptic about it. This is not Kristallnacht. But Trump’s harsh rhetoric tears away the veneer of civility and betrays our national motto of “e pluribus unum.” He has unleashed a beast and fed its hunger, and long after this campaign is over we will be struggling to corral it again.
  Hey kiddo freedom of speech you don't like it go back home.
 More from this idiot Kristof "We’ve spent the last 15 years fighting bullying in schools, and the example set by the Trump campaign has broken down the doors, and a tidal wave of bullying has come through,” said Maureen Costello of the Southern Poverty Law Center.
The center issued a report documenting how Trump’s venom has poisoned schools across the country. It quoted a North Carolina teacher as saying she has “Latino students who carry their birth certificates and Social Security cards to school because they are afraid they will be deported.” Another teacher reported that a fifth grader told a Muslim student “that he was supporting Donald Trump because he was going to kill all of the Muslims if he became president!”
Here in the Forest Grove area, west of Portland, students of Mexican heritage at four high schools — most of them born in the United States — described to me how some local whites take cues from Trump.They say, ‘We’re going to deport your ass,’” said Melina McGlothen, 17, whose mother is Mexican. “I don’t want to say I hate them, but I hate their stupidity.”
  No Kristof you mean the TRUTH has supposedly poisoned schools you are full of shit Kristof.
  More bile bs from this guy "Ana Sally Gonzalez, 17, said a school club had put up posters criticizing racism, and they were then marred by graffiti such as “Go back where you came from” and “Trump 2016.”
Many of my old Oregon farm-town friends are strong Trump supporters, and they will completely disagree with this column. Their headline would be, “Big Media Suffocates Real Americans With Political Correctness.”
The upshot is that this election year, we’re divided not only by political party and ideology, but also by identity. So the weave of our national fabric unravels. And while our eyes have mostly been on Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, the nation’s history is being written not just in the capital and grand cities but also in small towns and etched in the lives of ordinary people.
  From the green highlighted whats a matter Kristof the TRUTH hurts you. From the red type you have friends that are Trump supporters maye be you can have it penetrate your thickheadedness.
More bs "I wrote a column recently exploring whether Trump is a racist, and a result was anti-Semitic vitriol from Trump followers, one of whom suggested I should be sent to the ovens for writing “a typical Jewish hit piece.” In fact, I’m Armenian and Christian, not Jewish, but the responses underscored that the Trump campaign is enveloped by a cloud of racial, ethnic and religious animosity — much of it poorly informed.
The Trump-inspired malice seems ubiquitous. A Georgetown University study found a surge of anti-Muslim violence, from murders to attacks on mosques, coinciding with Trump’s hostility toward Muslims. In March, a man attacked Muslim and Latino students in Kansas, shouting “brown trash” and “Trump will take our country from you guys.”
I hope Trump and his aides will soon come to recognize that words have consequences that go far beyond politics, consequences that cannot be undone. It’s perhaps inevitable that some overzealous supporters will periodically go too far, but Trump need not incite them, and he certainly shouldn’t joke about harming protesters or tolerate advisers who propose a firing squad for his rival.
So far, Trump has arguably benefited from his fondness for over-the-top rhetoric. He gets attention and television time and is always at the center of his own hurricane. But in November, after the ballots have been counted and the crowds have gone home, we will still have a country to share, and I fear it may be a harsher and more fragile society because of Trump’s campaigning today.
Inflammatory talk isn’t entertaining, but dangerous. It’s past time for Trump to grow up.
Yet if bigotry has been amplified by his candidacy, let’s remember that there are still deep reservoirs of social capital — including in conservative neighborhoods — that have proved impervious to Trump’s insinuations.In Georgia, an India-born Muslim named Malik Waliyani bought a gas station and convenience store a few months ago and was horrified when it was recently burglarized and damaged. He struggled to keep it going. But then the nearby Smoke Rise Baptist Church heard what had happened.Let’s shower our neighbor with love,” Chris George, the pastor, told his congregation at the end of his sermon, and more than 200 members drove over to assist, mostly by making purchases. One man drove his car around until the gas tank was empty, so he could buy more gas.
  The media spreads hatred and its fixation on the Hatred of Donald Trump.
  It finally ends "Our faith inspires us to build bridges, not to label people as us and them, but to recognize that we’re all part of the same family,” the pastor told me. “Our world is a stronger place when we choose to look past labels and embrace others with love.”
This is a wrenching, divisive, polarizing time in America, and we have a major party nominee who is sowing hatred and perhaps violence. Let’s not succumb. Good people, like the members of Smoke Rise Baptist, are reweaving our nation’s social fabric even as it is being torn.
 Love its all good but these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are breaking the LAW.


Saturday, August 13, 2016

NYT Shouts Out For Clinton Tax Policy

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 Well now the New York Times editorial board is trumpeting Hillary Clinton's economic plan of disaster for America with their lame excuse "Hillary Clinton’s Plan for a Fair Economy" sounds like bullshit it is lol'
 It starts "Hillary Clinton said on Thursday that she wanted “to make our economy work for everyone, not just those at the top.” It’s a philosophy she put forward over a year ago at the start of her campaign. Since then, her proposals to achieve this goal — mainly through tax fairness, job creation and higher wages — have become much more detailed and offer an even sharper contrast to Donald Trump’s economic ideas, which she ripped apart in her speech.
Mrs. Clinton says her first priority is to create jobs, primarily through public investments in infrastructure, like roads, bridges, school renovations, affordable housing, water systems, electrical grids, broadband internet and renewable energy.
To help pay for the plan, initially $275 billion over five years, she has proposed several tax increases on high earners, including the “Buffett rule” for a minimum tax of 30 percent on those who make more than $1 million, a 4 percent surcharge on incomes over $5 million and a limit on deductions. Mr. Trump has also said he would rebuild the nation’s infrastructure. But the multitrillion-dollar income tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy in his plan would preclude such investments. And his plan to repeal the estate tax, Mrs. Clinton rightly pointed out, would not help a vast majority of Americans and deplete the Treasury of hundreds of billion of dollars of revenue.
 Same old liberal leftist bullshit from the NYT.
 It goes on "Creating greater “fairness” in the economy is another priority for Mrs. Clinton — one to be achieved largely through tax policy changes. To help curb the decades-long trend of rising corporate profits and falling wages, she called for a new business tax credit to reward companies that have profit-sharing plans. Mr. Trump has said little about inequality and has no such proposal.
On helping low-income workers, she wants to raise the federal minimum wage to $12 an hour; Mr. Trump would raise it to $10 an hour, a position he adopted only recently and after saying that pay was already too high.
Child care is another area of sharp contrasts. Mrs. Clinton would use child tax credits and subsidies to cap child care costs at 10 percent of a family’s income, ensuring that the biggest benefits flow to the lowest-income families. Mr. Trump would make child care costs tax deductible, which means the biggest benefits would flow to the highest-income households, while doing little or nothing for low-income families that can’t afford child care.
The sharpest contrast was on the economic importance of immigration reform. Rather than demonize undocumented workers, Mrs. Clinton acknowledged their work and their payment of taxes, and said that the goal was to end their exploitation that keeps wages low throughout the lower rungs of the economic ladder.
She also left no doubt about her differences with Mr. Trump on trade. She vowed to stop any deal that costs jobs and depresses wages. But she was also clear that to “cut ourselves off from the world” would only kill more jobs. She pinpointed currency manipulation and intellectual-property theft as areas that need more reform.
 Fairness there has never been any fairness when it comes to big government liberal tax policy.
  It ends finally "Mrs. Clinton’s economic plan is not comprehensive. On corporate tax reform, for example, she has proposed piecemeal tax penalties to prevent corporations from moving abroad, as well as other measures to prevent corporate tax avoidance, but details on comprehensive change will probably depend on the composition of the next Congress.
The plan Mrs. Clinton does have, however, is a good one. It is largely paid for. It is incremental, not sweeping, which is in keeping with political reality. And in contrast to the Trump plan, which has few details, it is specific enough that the “everyday Americans” she has pledged to help can actually hold her accountable for what she has promised.
  An important thing to remember things are never ever fair with these hack ass liberals especially with Hillary Cinton

Sunday, August 7, 2016

NYT Advocates For Criminals

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 Just as we have already known but not have been proven correct by the New York Times dumb assed editorial board.
 This is the case is none more relevant than this morning with their lead oped "Mercy Is Far Too Slow at the Justice Department" is the title of the crap.
 It begins "President Obama last week commuted the prison terms of 214 federal inmates who were sent to prison under draconian, ’80s-era laws that have since been revised. Among them were 67 people serving life sentences, nearly all of them for nonviolent drug offenses.
Mercy was granted in these cases. But the federal clemency system — which moves far too slowly and is too often blocked by politics in both the Justice Department and the White House — was never intended to manage miscarriages of justice that happen on a vast scale, as was the case when so many Americans were sent to prison under the “tough on crime” policies of the 1980s.
The country needs a variety of mechanisms for reducing unreasonably long sentences. And the Justice Department, which has considerable latitude in these matters, needs to do more within the course of its regular operations to deal with the legacy of sentencing policies that have been recognized as destructively unfair."
 Oh now the NYT is into judging how long a sentence should be for various offenses and deems them whether they are fair or not LMAO.
 It ends "The former attorney general, Eric Holder Jr., took an important step: In 2014, he supported the United States Sentencing Commission’s decision to reduce sentences for many nonviolent drug crimes and asked that people in prison be made eligible for the reductions. According to the Justice Department, more than 12,000 people have been released under that effort.
Recently, however, the Federal Bureau of Prisons, a Justice Department agency, has come under criticism for not doing enough with the powers it already has to help inmates who deserve to be released. The Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 authorizes the bureau to ask a federal judge to reduce an inmate’s sentence when there are “extraordinary and compelling” reasons for doing so.
That provision is typically used for elderly or gravely ill inmates. But the bureau has the ability to define the term as it sees fit, which means that the program could cover people who were unfairly sentenced as well. The agency has, however, done virtually nothing on this front. The Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General was sharply critical of the bureau in a 2013 report, noting that the agency did not “have clear standards on when compassionate release is warranted,” which led to ad hoc decisions.
The United States Sentencing Commission took up this issue in April, when it broadened compassionate-release criteria. Under the amended policy, federal inmates may be eligible for compassionate release for reasons of age, medical condition, family circumstances or “other extraordinary and compelling reasons.” The commission also urged the prison bureau to take cases back to court when the defendant meets the criteria laid out in the new policy.
A more broadly conceived compassionate-release mechanism would not by itself cure the problem of unfair sentencing. But the Justice Department should be using every tool it has to mitigate unfair sentences. A system that funnels this problem to the president’s office is not enough.
 What's going to happen next is the NYT going to take up another so called just cause according to them like supporting the release of a well known elderly sentenced killer and former Irish mob leader in Boston James "Whitey" Bulger.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Boston Herald Good OPED

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 This is an OPED from my old paper back home the so called "Conservative Paper in Boston" the Boston Herald but better than the liberal mouth piece at the Boston Globe.
 It is entitled "Editorial: Ransom by another name" a decent piece by the Herald.
 It starts "We now have a fuller explanation from the White House for why the $400 million in cash that it shipped to Iran back in January was not actually a ransom payment for the five wrongly-imprisoned Americans released at the same time.It’s because the White House says it wasn’t a ransom payment.
“It is our contention that there was no ransom paid to secure the release of U.S. citizens who were being unjustly detained in Iran because, A, it’s against the policy of the U.S. government to pay ransoms,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest said. “And that’s something that we told the Iranians that we would not do.”
Well, enough said then!
We also have a fuller explanation for why the White House didn’t reveal the payment when it was made: After absorbing a barrage of questions from reporters on Wednesday Earnest conceded that it had to do with politics.

“If we announced this financial settlement on the same day that the prisoners were released, that’s fodder to our Republican critics,” Earnest said.
Hey, points for honesty, if not for transparency.
Besides hiding the delivery of cash from the American people there may be another reason the administration kept the payment on the down-low. The Wall Street Journal now reports that senior officials in the Justice Department objected to making the payment at the same time the prisoners were being released because, yes, it would be seen as a ransom payment.
Those objections were overruled by John Kerry’s State Department, which appears willing to keep Iran happy at all costs lest its hard-earned nuclear deal go kaput.
Earnest struggled mightily to lay blame for this controversy at the feet of “right-wing” opponents of the Iran nuclear deal. Does that make those opponents in the Justice Department “right-wingers” too?
 Its very clear of the White House's intentions with this $$ scam to the Mullahs in Iran.