Editorial |
Well now the New York Times editorial board is trumpeting Hillary Clinton's economic plan of disaster for America with their lame excuse "Hillary Clinton’s Plan for a Fair Economy" sounds like bullshit it is lol'
It starts "Hillary Clinton said on Thursday that she wanted “to make our economy work for everyone, not just those at the top.” It’s a philosophy she put forward over a year ago at the start of her campaign. Since then, her proposals to achieve this goal — mainly through tax fairness, job creation and higher wages — have become much more detailed and offer an even sharper contrast to Donald Trump’s economic ideas, which she ripped apart in her speech.
Same old liberal leftist bullshit from the NYT.
Mrs. Clinton says her first priority is to create jobs, primarily through public investments in infrastructure, like roads, bridges, school renovations, affordable housing, water systems, electrical grids, broadband internet and renewable energy.
To help pay for the plan, initially $275 billion over five years, she has proposed several tax increases on high earners, including the “Buffett rule” for a minimum tax of 30 percent on those who make more than $1 million, a 4 percent surcharge on incomes over $5 million and a limit on deductions. Mr. Trump has also said he would rebuild the nation’s infrastructure. But the multitrillion-dollar income tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy in his plan would preclude such investments. And his plan to repeal the estate tax, Mrs. Clinton rightly pointed out, would not help a vast majority of Americans and deplete the Treasury of hundreds of billion of dollars of revenue.
It goes on "Creating greater “fairness” in the economy is another priority for Mrs. Clinton — one to be achieved largely through tax policy changes. To help curb the decades-long trend of rising corporate profits and falling wages, she called for a new business tax credit to reward companies that have profit-sharing plans. Mr. Trump has said little about inequality and has no such proposal.
On helping low-income workers, she wants to raise the federal minimum wage to $12 an hour; Mr. Trump would raise it to $10 an hour, a position he adopted only recently and after saying that pay was already too high.
Child care is another area of sharp contrasts. Mrs. Clinton would use child tax credits and subsidies to cap child care costs at 10 percent of a family’s income, ensuring that the biggest benefits flow to the lowest-income families. Mr. Trump would make child care costs tax deductible, which means the biggest benefits would flow to the highest-income households, while doing little or nothing for low-income families that can’t afford child care.
The sharpest contrast was on the economic importance of immigration reform. Rather than demonize undocumented workers, Mrs. Clinton acknowledged their work and their payment of taxes, and said that the goal was to end their exploitation that keeps wages low throughout the lower rungs of the economic ladder.
She also left no doubt about her differences with Mr. Trump on trade. She vowed to stop any deal that costs jobs and depresses wages. But she was also clear that to “cut ourselves off from the world” would only kill more jobs. She pinpointed currency manipulation and intellectual-property theft as areas that need more reform.
Fairness there has never been any fairness when it comes to big government liberal tax policy.
It ends finally "Mrs. Clinton’s economic plan is not comprehensive. On corporate tax reform, for example, she has proposed piecemeal tax penalties to prevent corporations from moving abroad, as well as other measures to prevent corporate tax avoidance, but details on comprehensive change will probably depend on the composition of the next Congress.
The plan Mrs. Clinton does have, however, is a good one. It is largely paid for. It is incremental, not sweeping, which is in keeping with political reality. And in contrast to the Trump plan, which has few details, it is specific enough that the “everyday Americans” she has pledged to help can actually hold her accountable for what she has promised.
An important thing to remember things are never ever fair with these hack ass liberals especially with Hillary Cinton
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