Saturday, September 17, 2016

NYT ULTRA HYPOCRITES The Truth Doesnot Matter

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  OMG hypocrites the New York Times editorial boards got a doozy this morning calling Donald Trump an outright liar but silence on Hillary Clinton. Their lead OPED this morning "Donald Trump’s Latest Birther Lie" is golden.
 It begins "The midday bulletin arrived as another bizarre moment in the absurdist presidential campaign of Donald Trump: News Alert: Trump admits Obama was born in the United States.
What? It read like some variation on “Trump Finds the Earth No Longer Flat.” But no, Mr. Trump, the ultimate mountebank, was at it again, altering but not abandoning the Big Lie campaign that first made him the darling of wing nuts and racists five years ago: his vicious insistence that President Obama was not born a legitimate American citizen."
 O wait Hillary Clinton isn't absurd though with all her bullshit lies. Wing nuts and racists.I never cared if Obama was a citizen or not he still sucks.
 The crap goes on "Did he apologize to Mr. Obama and the American people for the political poison he spread for so long? Of course not. Being Mr. Trump, he instead substituted a lie for a lie. He falsely accused Hillary Clinton of starting the birther myth, then further claimed he had nobly “finished” it off by badgering the White House for proof that Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii, not Africa.
The standard words for campaign mishaps — “flip-flop,” “retreat,” “walk-back” — simply do not apply to this candidate’s spirals through unreality.
“Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy,” Mr. Trump maintained with a straight face, speaking in Washington to a crowd of friendly military veterans. “I finished it.” Then he conceded the truth, an act that must have felt very peculiar to him: “President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period.”
 Ok NYT then you apologize to all of the American people for you guys starting the liberal biases that are out there oh I hear crickets chirping.
 It finally ends "Not quite period, much as Trump strategists now wish it were. Mr. Trump is probably hoping to reassure voters that he is edging into the mainstream, that he is not just the reckless, cynical bully of the Republican primaries. But the birther lies cling to him as tightly as his nativist hallucinators.The facts — because facts still matterare that Mr. Trump continued to heap doubt on President Obama’s birth certificate even after it was released, slyly retweeting others’ contentions that it was a fake and a “computer generated forgery.”After he tried to pin the birther smear on her, Mrs. Clinton called it what it is: an “outrageous lie” intended to “delegitimize our first black president.” Mr. Trump delegitimized his own candidacy instead.
 Hey NYT was Trump a racist when he gave $$$ to Jesse Jacksons Rainbow Coalition or to the NAACP? Oh by the way those are the facts NYT so get your heads out of your collective asses.

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