Editorial |
This piece of garbage this morning is done by a Teresa Tritch an editorial board member at the New York Times entitled "Mr. Gingrich’s ‘Big Trump" another hit piece. Its a short piece since they don't have the intelligence to write the truth lol.
It begins "It’s no big surprise that Newt Gingrich is still a gung-ho adviser to the Trump campaign. Mr. Gingrich has long espoused political views similar to Donald Trump’s.
No shit Sherlock ya think there Ms.Twit wow no wonder why your on the NYT editorial board shaking my head.
It goes on "But there is more to the alliance than a meeting of the minds. Mr. Gingrich understands that Mr. Trump appears to be losing not because his message has failed to resonate with Americans but because he is a poor messenger.
“I don’t defend him [Trump] when he wanders off,” Mr. Gingrich recently told ABC News. But “there’s a big Trump and there’s a little Trump,” he said, explaining that the big Trump is the one who has created issues that make “the establishment” very uncomfortable.
“The big Trump,” he said, “is a historic figure.”
With statements like that, Mr. Gingrich is positioning himself as the keeper of the Trump-campaign themes and, by extension, as the politician best able to mobilize Trump supporters going forward."
No if Trumps message is failing its because of the left wing Communist media barrage that's hitting Trump on a 24 hour 7 day a week biased basis and not covering Hillary Clinton in the same way.
It ends "In the 1990s, Mr. Gingrich spearheaded the antigovernment movement. As House speaker from 1995 to 1999, he invoked racial stereotypes about African-Americans during debates over welfare reform. During his unsuccessful bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, he repeatedly called President Obama the “food stamp president.”
Mr. Gingrich played to birther movement sentiments in 2010 when he said that Mr. Obama exhibited
And now, he is extolling the virtues of “big Trump.” There is a pattern here, and it does not bode well for American politics.
In red highlight that's pure BULLSHIT. Whats the matter Ms.Twit the truth hurts Obama is the "food stamp" President.Here we go again on the birthing bullshit.
Hey Twit do your homework (which at the NYT the search for the truth is never done apparently) Hillary Cinton Presidential Campaign back in 2008 was the author of the at the time US Sen.Barack Obama birthing issue.
Bunch of DUMB DUMB Really DUMB ASSES!!!!
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