Editorial |
I love it especially this morning the New York Times Editorial board trying to say Donald Trump is in denial of whats economic reality I'm literally laughing my ass off.
Today's piece of crap entitled "Donald Trump’s Denial of Economic Reality" give me a friggin break man.
It begins "To listen to Donald Trump describe the American economy is to hear about a horrifying alternate reality in which the recession that started at the end of 2007 is still with us. The truth is very different. The recovery that began in the middle of 2009, though not perfect, has steadily created jobs and lifted wages."
Thanks to the bullshit Stimulus that didn't stimulate a damn thing and ObamaCare.
It goes on "More than 15.2 million jobs have been added since early 2010. The 4.9 percent unemployment rate is half of what it was in the depths of the recession in 2009. On Friday, in its monthly employment report, the Department of Labor said that average hourly wages jumped 2.8 percent, to $25.92, in October from a year earlier, the biggest such increase since 2008.
BaBaBabullshit. Where did they get these fudged packed numbers LOL.It ends "Add these findings to a recent report from the Census Bureau showing a decline in the number of people in poverty and the percentage of people without health insurance, and it is clear that by almost every economic measure the country is doing better than it was just a few years ago.
Mr. Trump refuses to acknowledge these truths, presumably because he believes that his best shot at the White House is to insist that the economy is in terrible shape and that he alone can fix it. When the data don’t agree with his dystopian vision, he calls them “phony numbers.” His campaign called Friday’s employment report “disastrous.” Little wonder that 370 economists, including eight Nobel Prize winners, have signed a letter denouncing him for peddling “magical thinking and conspiracy theories over sober assessments of feasible economic policy options.”
There is no doubt that the economic recovery has not touched every American equally. About one-quarter of the unemployed, or two million people, have been out of work for 27 weeks or more. Some 81 percent of people between the prime working ages of 25 and 54 are in the labor force (employed or looking for work), an increase from last year but still lower than in early 2007 when it was 83 percent. The poverty rate fell to 13.5 percent last year, from 14.8 percent, but it is higher than it was in the late 1990s and early 2000s. For many people, health insurance remains too expensive.
The next president and Congress need to focus on those whom the recovery has left behind. Hillary Clinton would increase investments in infrastructure, help lower the burden of student loans and expand access to affordable health care. Mr. Trump’s main policy idea is to cut taxes for the wealthy, a reprise of the old trickle-down economics that has consistently failed. His plans to impose big tariffs on imports would start a trade war, leading to big job losses, and his vow to repeal the Affordable Care Act could strip as many as 20 million people of their health insurance.
Better policies could make the economy stronger. Mrs. Clinton has them. Mr. Trump does not.
Hello NYT and the rest of the left wing in unhinged mediaites out there they are not only phony numbers they are fudged up numbers.
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