Sunday, February 26, 2017

NYT Whining About Being Barred From White House Press Room

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   This editorial from the New York Times was actually in Fridays paper but no better time than the present to acknowledge it. The title of this cry baby rant stems from  President Trump calling most of the leftist liberal lamestream media fake news which is coined perfectly.
  The title of their rant "Barring the White House Press Corps From the White House" boo hoo I say.
  It begins "It’s tempting to take Friday’s petty decision by the Trump White House to bar certain news organizations from a briefing — something no administration of either party has ever done — as a backhanded compliment to the reporters whose honest work provoked the president’s latest foot-stamping tantrum.
It is certainly that. And in itself it is no huge blow to the republic. Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, chose to bar The New York Times, CNN, Politico, Buzzfeed News and The Los Angeles Times, but other trustworthy news organizations were nevertheless in the room, and they can be relied upon to accurately report what they learned.
Yet the move was also an unmistakable insult to democratic ideals. Don’t just take our word for it — take Mr. Spicer’s. In December, he told Politico that the Trump White House would never ban a news outlet. “Conservative, liberal or otherwise, I think that’s what makes a democracy a democracy versus a dictatorship,” he said.
 A backhanded compliment to the reporters whose honest work provoked the president's latest footstomping tantrum. How self righteous of you assholes its because you especially you NYT ARE FAKE NEWS dumbasses.
 It goes on "Huh. Not during Watergate, Iran-contra, the Monica Lewinsky affair or any number of other scandals or crises has a president of either party ever barred an accredited news organization from a White House briefing. Some presidents may have longed to punish particular news organizations or reporters, but aides have generally found ways to protect their bosses from such self-defeating moves, fearing that such vindictiveness would just make their bosses look small.
Mr. Trump’s inexperienced aides, however, seem too frightened to argue with their volatile boss. Mr. Spicer’s hypocrisy came after another wild rant against the news media by Mr. Trump, who during an appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday again accused reporters of lying and fabricating stories — including stories that members of his own administration helped spread. “They say that we can’t criticize their dishonest coverage because of the First Amendment, you know, they always bring up the First Amendment,” he said.
  Ok NYT so you report the news BULLSHIT!!!
 It ends "That First Amendment can be inconvenient for anyone longing for power without scrutiny. Mr. Trump might want to brush up on what it means, and get used to it.

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