Sunday, May 7, 2017

NYT Bonkers Over French Presidential Election Results

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  Well the results are in from the Presidential election in France and the New York Times is all hot and horny over the results. The title of their lead editorial "France Elects Emmanuel Macron" nuts over the results.
 The horniness begins "The decisive election of Emmanuel Macron, a 39-year-old political neophyte committed to the European Union, economic reform and traditional liberalism, as president of France offered powerful relief to everyone who had feared that France could become the next country to succumb to the wave of populism, nationalism and anti-globalism sweeping through Western democracies.
A mysterious, 11th-hour email hack of the Macron campaign appears to have made little or no difference to the eventual outcome. With projections showing Mr. Macron with more than 65 percent of the vote to 35 percent for the far-right, nationalist Marine Le Pen, his was a victory of hope and optimism over fear and reaction; of a future in Europe rather than in resentful isolation.The victory was remarkable in many ways. When he enters the Élysée Palace to start his five-year term next weekend, Mr. Macron will be the youngest president in French republican history. He will be the first president in decades not to come from one of the traditional parties of the left or right; he formed his own centrist political party, En Marche! (loosely translated as “Forward!”) barely a year ago. A student of philosophy, accomplished pianist, former investment banker and most recently minister of economy under President François Hollande, he had never before run for office.
 The main reason why the NYT was happy in green type above traditional liberalism and committed to the European Union. In red of course the NYT couldn't resist the far right attack on Marine Le Pen.
 It goes on "But dramatic and impressive as his victory is, Mr. Macron faces formidable challenges. He is taking charge of a nation deeply divided, much like the United States, Britain and other major democracies, with many people feeling marginalized by globalization, economic stagnation, an unresponsive government, unemployment, faceless terrorism and a tide of immigrants.That a far-right nationalist like Ms. Le Pen could reach the second round of voting over the established parties, and then collect more than a third of the vote, was stark evidence of the despair of what she calls “les oubliés,” “the forgotten.”
In a victory address before a vast throng of cheering supporters in the courtyard of the Louvre, Mr. Macron acknowledged the divisions in French society and repeatedly invoked the “immense task” that lies ahead. That begins immediately: Achieving any of his goals, which include reforming the stultifying French labor code, a perennial frustration for businesses, and cutting the bloated ranks of public employees, will require another political feat next month when France votes for a new National Assembly. Mr. Macron’s fledgling party plans to run candidates in all districts.

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