Saturday, December 31, 2011
Out With The Old And In With The New Here Comes 2012
Well we have reached it the end of another new year.Saying good bye to 2011 and hello to 2012 a major year coming up as far as politics is concerned.We have a Presidential nomination coming up starting in Iowa with the usual every four year Iowa Caucus and the first in the nation primary up in the great state of New Hampshire.
To be totally honest there is no candidate other than US Rep.Michele Bachmann (R-Minn) who exuberates any kind of enthusiasm she is also the tea parties favorite but since the Republican establishment it seems wants another moderate like US Sen.John McCain (R-Az) former Gov.Mitt Romney (RINO-Ma) the GOP has not learned its lesson from getting their clock cleaned out going on four years ago.My personal favorite Herman Cain one who was not part of the establishment was shown the door by being thrown under the bus why because he was not a POLITICIAN he was no friend of the Washington Republican/Democrat/New York Times loving insider niche.
So the question which should already be answered Who is going to be the nominee to rally the Constitutional/Conservative/Tea Party movement to get rid of the race baiter politically speaking in the White House?
One can only hope as to what will happen next year so remember WE THE PEOPLE still have our say.To my friends back in my home state of Massachusetts please do the right (pun intended) by electing Bill Hudak as the new Congressman in the 6th Congressional district of Massachusetts instead of the GOP establishment candidate former State Sen.and FAILED Lt.Gov candidate Richard Tisei who is as socially liberal as they come and show current money launderer US Rep.John Tierney (D-Salem) the door.
I know that my old group back in Massachusetts the Independence Tea Party Of Mass will see to it.It is in good hands under the inspirational leadership.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Sad State Of Affairs For GOP
Thats right the title says it all and as everybody knows that reads this blog I call it as I see it period end of story.I know that the left is going to continue to blame the tea party and some of the more Conservative members of the GOP but go ahead we see your true colors all the time.
It is the end of another year and those out there in the political world are still abuzz about House Speaker John Boehner giving into political pressure on the pay roll tax cut.Nothing has changed in the supposed Republican party even with a newly elected chairman at the national level a guy who is apparently afraid to come out from behind his own shadow back in January of this year some one named Reince Priebus from Wisconsin who was that states one time state party chair.To be honest never heard of this hack job.
One thing that me as well as other Tea party leaders are tired of is bailing out the Republican party and being used as a political condom in the media and elsewhere.Here is some more honesty from me none of the GOP Presidential candidates turn me on politically and the ones that do are not getting the media exposure that is needed to advance the CONSTITUTIONAL Conservative/tea party agenda that our nation needs badly.
Mitt Romney is a total fraud being from Massachusetts I know him all too well he is the alleged GOP version of Bill Clinton.Rick Perry can't get his head out of his #$%%^.Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is an ideal candidate but again the establishment will see to it that she is thrown under the bus as Herman Cain was with those BS sexual harassment charges that did him in his problem he was a black Conservative along with being a SELF made successful businessman not a Communist left wing Democrat siphoning off the hard working taxpayers like a parasite.
Here is where the problem lies for the GOP two points I am going to make.
1.) The Republican Party is no longer the party of REAGAN get this straight.if they were the
party of Reagan they would back and support the most CONSTITUTIONAL
CONSERVATIVE candidate and nominate he/she.
2.)The current GOP want to be like the far far left and be adored and loved in the LAME
STREAM media.
It is the end of another year and those out there in the political world are still abuzz about House Speaker John Boehner giving into political pressure on the pay roll tax cut.Nothing has changed in the supposed Republican party even with a newly elected chairman at the national level a guy who is apparently afraid to come out from behind his own shadow back in January of this year some one named Reince Priebus from Wisconsin who was that states one time state party chair.To be honest never heard of this hack job.
One thing that me as well as other Tea party leaders are tired of is bailing out the Republican party and being used as a political condom in the media and elsewhere.Here is some more honesty from me none of the GOP Presidential candidates turn me on politically and the ones that do are not getting the media exposure that is needed to advance the CONSTITUTIONAL Conservative/tea party agenda that our nation needs badly.
Mitt Romney is a total fraud being from Massachusetts I know him all too well he is the alleged GOP version of Bill Clinton.Rick Perry can't get his head out of his #$%%^.Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is an ideal candidate but again the establishment will see to it that she is thrown under the bus as Herman Cain was with those BS sexual harassment charges that did him in his problem he was a black Conservative along with being a SELF made successful businessman not a Communist left wing Democrat siphoning off the hard working taxpayers like a parasite.
Here is where the problem lies for the GOP two points I am going to make.
1.) The Republican Party is no longer the party of REAGAN get this straight.if they were the
party of Reagan they would back and support the most CONSTITUTIONAL
CONSERVATIVE candidate and nominate he/she.
2.)The current GOP want to be like the far far left and be adored and loved in the LAME
STREAM media.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
NYT Continues Defending ILLEGAL Immigration
Opinion/Editorial Sunday, December 18, 2011 |
Somebody with even a half of a functional brain would know that the ILLEGAL immigration problem is not just hurting our economy but the nation as a whole.Economically by the money that is made by as the left loves to call them "undocumented" immigrants is going back to the nation/country where the ILLEGAL immigrants came from and it is hurting the nation by these ILLEGAL immigrants just by being here are breaking the law have no respect for the law.I am not even mentioning the drug running and other ILLEGAL activity that these ILLEGAL immigrants have and still are committing.
In this mornings New York Times its second lead Oped continues to defend the so called rights of the aforementioned ILLEGAL immigrants.The title of this poor excuse is "Alabama’s Second Thoughts."
It begins its tirade with "Alabama’s stance on its extremist immigration law is shifting from defiance to damage control. Gov. Robert Bentley admitted this month that the law needed fixing and promised that he and legislative leaders would do that in next year’s session. His retreat followed a letter from the state’s attorney general, Luther Strange, to legislative leaders suggesting that they throw out whole sections of the law to make it easier to defend in court.When Mr. Bentley signed the law in June, he ignored warnings from legal experts and civil-rights advocates that it would curtail rights for all Alabamians, criminalize routine business transactions and acts of charity, encourage racial profiling, and cast an unconstitutional chill on school enrollment. The governor and legislators were also warned — apparently not by Mr. Strange — that the law would attract multiple lawsuits and pummel the economy, particularly farming when immigrant workers fled."
Once again the NYT oped board from their lofty holier than thou times square tower cannot grasp reality so they go on the attack with frivolous accounts of extremism and the so called warnings from legal experts and civil rights advocates be honest NYT we know who your so called experts are frauds like the ACLU and the civil rights race baiting morons of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.Here is the best part how you try to include those citizens of the great state of Alabama those here LEGALLY in comparison to those that are here ILLEGALLY! keep up the BS spin.
Here is where the liberals at the NYT will and still can't understand why it is wrong to defend ILLEGAL immigrants "Now Mr. Strange is urging lawmakers to drop some major provisions, including:
¶The requirement that schools collect immigration data on children and parents, which he said would cost too much for the benefit it would provide.
¶The part making it a crime for immigrants not to carry their papers, which is illegal under federal law.
¶The part barring people from college if they do not have documents, because some people, like certain
refugees, can be here legally without documents.
¶The sections that allow Alabama residents to sue officials they believe are not adequately enforcing the law, because of conflicts with the state Constitution.
Mr. Strange would leave other parts of the law intact or simply tweaked, like the one criminalizing the harboring and transporting of illegal immigrants. He only wants to clarify, not drop, the part of the law that nullifies contracts signed by undocumented immigrants.
Even if lawmakers accept Mr. Strange’s proposals, it still will not undo the harm — to the undocumented, to all Alabamians, to the state’s image and economy. This law is indefensible. The only solution is repeal.
Unfortunately, too many of Alabama’s politicians still don’t get it. Mike Hubbard, the House speaker, vowed on Facebook, “we’re not going to repeal or weaken the law, acquiescing to liberal elites’ and the news media’s efforts to intimidate and shame Alabama.” And 12 senators have written to the governor, urging him not to retreat."
What about the tenth amendment NYT to the US Constitution aye NYT? Remember state's rights.Darn it sorry I forgot the NYT doesnot correctly interpret the US Constititution they would rather still believe in the Communist Manifesto by one Karl Marx.
The people of Alabama should be proud that the NYT is wasting (nothing new as they always do) time and efforts on their issues when they could make an attempt at cleaning up their liberal biased image and report the new that is actually and FACTUALLY fit to print.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Tebow’s faith sets divine example By Boston Herald Columnist Joe Fitzgerald
By Joe Fitzgerald Boston Herald
The hullabaloo over Tim Tebow’s radiant faith says a lot more about his mockers than it does about him, for clearly this is a man quite comfortable in his own skin.
Christianity, to him, is not about a religion, but a personal relationship which, in his mind, had its roots back in his mother’s womb.
Pam Tebow ignited a similar furor two winters ago, when she obtained a 30-second Super Bowl spot to tell of how doctors implored her to terminate a pregnancy, concerned the unborn baby she was carrying might have been damaged by medicine she had ingested.
But she chose life, and that son she delivered 24 years ago is now the praying quarterback of the Denver Broncos who’ll be taking on the Patriots [team stats] tomorrow afternoon.
In constantly crediting and thanking God for where his path has taken him, Tebow has infuriated secularists as much as his mother enraged abortionists; like Mom, he knows what he believes, and why, and is not the least bit ashamed to proclaim it, which makes him a very odd duck in today’s world.
But didn’t Kris Kristofferson say pretty much the same thing in penning: “Why me, Lord? What have I ever done to deserve even one of the pleasures I’ve known?” That song became an American classic because it struck a chord with Americans who understood and shared its sentiment.
In today’s culture, however, the tendency is to leave God out of the equation when pondering our success, as if we alone control all outcomes.
American history begs to differ.
In the midst of the Civil War that threatened to rupture this country, Abraham Lincoln urged Americans to get onto their knees, the way Tebow does today.
“We have forgotten God,” Lincoln lamented, “and vainly imagined that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us.”
Imagine an American president saying that today?
Sadly, we’ve allowed ourselves to become an America where merchants dare not utter “Merry Christmas,” though “O Little Town of Bethlehem” is playing in the background.
But once in a while, such as the aftermath of 9/11 when even our Supreme Court gathered for a time of prayer, we recall why we profess to be “one nation, under God.”
Tim Tebow, by his example, simply reminds us we have reason to be grateful every day. So he says, “Thank you, Lord.” Good for him.
The hullabaloo over Tim Tebow’s radiant faith says a lot more about his mockers than it does about him, for clearly this is a man quite comfortable in his own skin.
Christianity, to him, is not about a religion, but a personal relationship which, in his mind, had its roots back in his mother’s womb.
Pam Tebow ignited a similar furor two winters ago, when she obtained a 30-second Super Bowl spot to tell of how doctors implored her to terminate a pregnancy, concerned the unborn baby she was carrying might have been damaged by medicine she had ingested.
But she chose life, and that son she delivered 24 years ago is now the praying quarterback of the Denver Broncos who’ll be taking on the Patriots [team stats] tomorrow afternoon.
In constantly crediting and thanking God for where his path has taken him, Tebow has infuriated secularists as much as his mother enraged abortionists; like Mom, he knows what he believes, and why, and is not the least bit ashamed to proclaim it, which makes him a very odd duck in today’s world.
But didn’t Kris Kristofferson say pretty much the same thing in penning: “Why me, Lord? What have I ever done to deserve even one of the pleasures I’ve known?” That song became an American classic because it struck a chord with Americans who understood and shared its sentiment.
In today’s culture, however, the tendency is to leave God out of the equation when pondering our success, as if we alone control all outcomes.
American history begs to differ.
In the midst of the Civil War that threatened to rupture this country, Abraham Lincoln urged Americans to get onto their knees, the way Tebow does today.
“We have forgotten God,” Lincoln lamented, “and vainly imagined that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us.”
Imagine an American president saying that today?
Sadly, we’ve allowed ourselves to become an America where merchants dare not utter “Merry Christmas,” though “O Little Town of Bethlehem” is playing in the background.
But once in a while, such as the aftermath of 9/11 when even our Supreme Court gathered for a time of prayer, we recall why we profess to be “one nation, under God.”
Tim Tebow, by his example, simply reminds us we have reason to be grateful every day. So he says, “Thank you, Lord.” Good for him.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Reasons Why Gingrich Hit The Court
Opinion/Editorial |
Well now they are going after the 2012 line up of Republican Presidential candidates today is former House Speaker Newt Gingrich's turn.The title of the second lead OPED in this Sunday's New York Times "Mr. Gingrich’s Attack on the Courts" there is a reason as to why Gingrich is leaning into the courts maybe because of their UNCONSTITUTIONAL rulings and ways.
It begins in true left wing attack mode "In any campaign season, voters are bound to hear Republican candidates talk about “activist judges” — jurists who rule in ways that the right wing does not like. But Newt Gingrich, who is leading in polls in Iowa, is taking the normal attack on the justice system to a deep new low."
Well like back in my home state of Massachusetts where the judges on the Massachusetts SJC (Supreme Judicial Court) the states highest court might as well be far left wing political activists in black robes.So the former Speaker has a point on getting on the case of the courts.Pun intended.
The BS oped continues "He is using McCarthyist tactics to smear judges. His most outrageous scheme, a plan to challenge “judicial supremacy,” has disturbing racial undertones. If he is serious about his plan, a President Gingrich would break the balance of power that is fundamental to our democracy."
Now for the truth the judges themselves dont follow the Constitution its simple it has nothing to do with Gingrich allegedly using as NYT puts it "disturbing racial undertones" just the left wing media using the race card once again.Balance of power NYT the court has one job to rule on cases brought before them and to determine the CONSTITUTIONALITY of a law once it has become law NOT MAKE LAW FROM THE BENCH!
The OPED ends with a real doozie a lack of understanding by the idiots at the NYT "Mr. Gingrich also would drag judges before Congress “to explain their constitutional reasoning” in some decisions “and to hear a proper Congressional constitutional interpretation.” Or he would simply ignore court decisions. His ideas would replace the rule of law with a reign of ideology. If he had his way, a Supreme Court that ordered an end to racist segregation policies would become a puppet of the political branches."
Sounds like a President Gingrich would do the correct thing to me.We hear so much from these left wing holier than thou types at the NYT about "transparency and their perverted form of accountability" it makes me sick to my stomach with moronic statements like "his ideas would replace the rule of law with a reign of ideology."Give me a break.
Then the NYT OPED board should stop showing their outlandish left wing kook filled remarks.
It begins in true left wing attack mode "In any campaign season, voters are bound to hear Republican candidates talk about “activist judges” — jurists who rule in ways that the right wing does not like. But Newt Gingrich, who is leading in polls in Iowa, is taking the normal attack on the justice system to a deep new low."
Well like back in my home state of Massachusetts where the judges on the Massachusetts SJC (Supreme Judicial Court) the states highest court might as well be far left wing political activists in black robes.So the former Speaker has a point on getting on the case of the courts.Pun intended.
The BS oped continues "He is using McCarthyist tactics to smear judges. His most outrageous scheme, a plan to challenge “judicial supremacy,” has disturbing racial undertones. If he is serious about his plan, a President Gingrich would break the balance of power that is fundamental to our democracy."
Now for the truth the judges themselves dont follow the Constitution its simple it has nothing to do with Gingrich allegedly using as NYT puts it "disturbing racial undertones" just the left wing media using the race card once again.Balance of power NYT the court has one job to rule on cases brought before them and to determine the CONSTITUTIONALITY of a law once it has become law NOT MAKE LAW FROM THE BENCH!
The OPED ends with a real doozie a lack of understanding by the idiots at the NYT "Mr. Gingrich also would drag judges before Congress “to explain their constitutional reasoning” in some decisions “and to hear a proper Congressional constitutional interpretation.” Or he would simply ignore court decisions. His ideas would replace the rule of law with a reign of ideology. If he had his way, a Supreme Court that ordered an end to racist segregation policies would become a puppet of the political branches."
Sounds like a President Gingrich would do the correct thing to me.We hear so much from these left wing holier than thou types at the NYT about "transparency and their perverted form of accountability" it makes me sick to my stomach with moronic statements like "his ideas would replace the rule of law with a reign of ideology."Give me a break.
Then the NYT OPED board should stop showing their outlandish left wing kook filled remarks.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
December 7 We Will Never Forget
Before September 11,2001 there was a day that we Commerated with reverence and to quote President Roosevelt "A day which will live in infamy" the day that the nation of Imperial Japan attacked the US Naval base at Pearl Harbor Hawaii.
Over 2400 of our brave servicemen were murdered by the Japanese thugs 1100 on the infamous USS Arizona.
This meant the US entrance into what has become known as Wold War II by the US declaration of war on the nation of Japan it meant we were going to be at war with the punk nations of Nazi Germany and the dictatorship of Italy.
December 7,1941 a day we will never forget.
God Bless our Pearl Harbor Heroes!
Over 2400 of our brave servicemen were murdered by the Japanese thugs 1100 on the infamous USS Arizona.
This meant the US entrance into what has become known as Wold War II by the US declaration of war on the nation of Japan it meant we were going to be at war with the punk nations of Nazi Germany and the dictatorship of Italy.
December 7,1941 a day we will never forget.
God Bless our Pearl Harbor Heroes!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
NYT Board Member Out Of Touch
Dorothy Samuels is an American journalist and has been a member of the editorial board of The New York Times since 1984. Samuels writes on a wide array of legal and social policy issues. Prior to joining The Times, she briefly practiced corporate law with a big Wall Street firm, leaving there to pursue her interests in public policy and journalism. For four years, Samuels served as executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union, the largest affiliate of the national A.C.L.U
This mornings hit piece is to show the inequality of same sex marriage something that those on the left want us to believe is equal.Dororthy Samuels obviously a communist and devout leftist cannot grasp the truth which is the light at the end of the tunnel.
Her NYT OPED is entitled "A Long, Winding Road to Marriage Equality" begins with "The fight for gay rights won important victories in the past few months. In July, it became legal for same-sex couples to marry in New York State. September saw the official end of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy that prevented gay people from serving openly in the military. On Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved a bill that would repeal the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, the law that bars the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages."
A fight that needs to come to a head sooner than later before this big lie that is the same sex marriage BS becomes a bigger perversion than it already is.This bill needs to be stopped in the US Senate by the GOP at least those that have a backbone.
The whining continues "But this remains a country where discrimination against gays is enshrined in most state constitutions."First of all Ms.Samuels not every state is Massachusetts or New York some states have morals to be concerned about.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
NYT Board Member Supports Occupiers
Eduardo Porter NYT Editorial Board Member |
His piece of socialist propaganda is normally where the second lead OPED of the NYT would be on a Sunday would be.
The title is "Wall Street Protesters Hit the Bull’s-Eye" is pure communist BS.It begins in pure spin mode "Occupiers of Zuccotti Park and other sites around the country have been criticized for the fuzziness of their goals. Their complaint that the privileged few in the top 1 percent are getting a disproportionate share of the nation’s prosperity, however, is spot on."
Now how about the facts not all of the occupiers are nuts but from what I have seen and the left wing media establishment comparing them to the tea party give me a break.Here in Occupy Boston no surprise the Mayor of Boston and our leftist Governor support these layabouts there have been reports that they have spit on police and disresepected the Rose Kennedy Greenway by stinking it up and trashing the area as well it has also been reported that they have not even sought to get a permit to stage this facade.Not that I am against these folks protesting but follow the law and respect the system this is what the Tea Party has done.
Here is more of Mr.Porter's rant "Who exactly are the people at the top? They are 1.4 million families that made on average $1 million in 2009, the latest data available. They took a hit from the 2008 financial crisis, but no doubt are regaining lost ground."
What are we always hearing from the left in their holier than thou preaching social justice to so called equality or their perversion of it.Yes the top income makers make alot but they also pay a higher rate of taxes than the rest of us.Remember the more you make the more they (in this case the Government) take.How is this not fair?
Here is more facts on the Occupiers I saw an interview conducted by a local ABC news affiliate at Occupy Boston they were asked about their knowledge of our beloved US Constitution nine different occupiers were asked there were 9 different answers to the question and as far as organized forget about it.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
One Hand Washes The Other
Opinion/Editorial |
Talk about a waste of time.The third lead OPED in this mornings leftist crapsheet has nothing better to comment on than the Massachusetts legislature on license plates so baby boomers can profess their alligence to its leftist un-American up bringing.
The New York Times wrote an OPED this morning dedicated to their buddies in the Massachusetts legislature entitled "Boomer on Board."
The New York Times wrote an OPED this morning dedicated to their buddies in the Massachusetts legislature entitled "Boomer on Board."
It begins "Many drivers like to pay a little extra to profess their loyalty to causes on their license plates, when a bumper sticker is not enough. Massachusetts, a typical state, has specialty plates for the Red Sox, the Celtics and the Bruins, Cape Cod and its islands, children, fish and wildlife, cancer research, right whales and the “Olympic spirit.”Now the Massachusetts Legislature is considering a bill to create a plate for baby boomers, Americans born between 1946 and 1964, the huge demographic group about whom so much has been said and so much will continue to be said until the last member fades away sometime after midcentury.
The bill, sponsored by Sarah Peake, Democratic representative of Provincetown, would charge $30 for the plates and distribute the money to local Councils on Aging “for the purpose of promoting the health and well-being of seniors in the community.”
It figures a waste of time leftist like Rep.Peake (D-Provincetown) would introduce a bill as such.How about a plate dedicated to Veterans but of course that would be UNPC for those Baby boomers who hate the thought of going to war God forbid.
I have the perfect symbol for a baby boomer plate
Do I need to say anymore
The bill, sponsored by Sarah Peake, Democratic representative of Provincetown, would charge $30 for the plates and distribute the money to local Councils on Aging “for the purpose of promoting the health and well-being of seniors in the community.”
It figures a waste of time leftist like Rep.Peake (D-Provincetown) would introduce a bill as such.How about a plate dedicated to Veterans but of course that would be UNPC for those Baby boomers who hate the thought of going to war God forbid.
I have the perfect symbol for a baby boomer plate
Do I need to say anymore
Saturday, October 22, 2011
My Take On The GOP Field Of Presidential Candidates
To begin with out of this field of candidates for the 2012 Republican Presidential nomination no one is more "Reaganesque" or as Conservative than US.Rep Michele Bachmann (R-Minn) and Godfather Pizza founder Herman Cain.Both are not favorites of the establishment Republican party who left Conservatism behind in the rear view mirror.
Former Gov.Mitt Romney (R-Ma) is at best a flip flopping fraud especially when he is trying to defend the Universal health care scam that he drummed up to look bipartisan with the far leftist Massachusetts legislature is making out to be the fraud that he is also along with the fact that didnot have the guts to stand up to the empty robes/suits at the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court and their UNCONSTITUTIONAL ruling on same sex marriage thus making law which it is not the job of the courts.So much for good ol Mitt being a conservative eh.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has way way too much political baggage behind him that will come back to bite him.Gov.Rick Perry (R-TX) who is more conservative than Romney and Gingrich is weak on immigration coming from a border state he should be stronger against "illegal immigration" than what he has stood for thus far.
So me being a Tea party leader I think that the GOP needs to stop thinking that we as the Tea Party are going to cower to their every whim and vote for one of their sorry ass excuse for a filed of candidates.
Former Gov.Mitt Romney (R-Ma) is at best a flip flopping fraud especially when he is trying to defend the Universal health care scam that he drummed up to look bipartisan with the far leftist Massachusetts legislature is making out to be the fraud that he is also along with the fact that didnot have the guts to stand up to the empty robes/suits at the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court and their UNCONSTITUTIONAL ruling on same sex marriage thus making law which it is not the job of the courts.So much for good ol Mitt being a conservative eh.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has way way too much political baggage behind him that will come back to bite him.Gov.Rick Perry (R-TX) who is more conservative than Romney and Gingrich is weak on immigration coming from a border state he should be stronger against "illegal immigration" than what he has stood for thus far.
So me being a Tea party leader I think that the GOP needs to stop thinking that we as the Tea Party are going to cower to their every whim and vote for one of their sorry ass excuse for a filed of candidates.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Krugman On 9/11/11 True Colors He Is Shameless
Is it just me, or are the 9/11 commemorations oddly subdued?
Actually, I don’t think it’s me, and it’s not really that odd.
What happened after 9/11 — and I think even people on the right know this, whether they admit it or not — was deeply shameful. The atrocity should have been a unifying event, but instead it became a wedge issue. Fake heroes like Bernie Kerik, Rudy Giuliani, and, yes, George W. Bush raced to cash in on the horror. And then the attack was used to justify an unrelated war the neocons wanted to fight, for all the wrong reasons.
A lot of other people behaved badly. How many of our professional pundits — people who should have understood very well what was happening — took the easy way out, turning a blind eye to the corruption and lending their support to the hijacking of the atrocity?
The memory of 9/11 has been irrevocably poisoned; it has become an occasion for shame. And in its heart, the nation knows it.
I’m not going to allow comments on this post, for obvious reasons.
Gee I wonder why he's not allowing any commentary on this piece of crap writing.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
More Doom And Gloom For NYT Fueled Blame Game
Opinion Editorial |
Now the blame game is getting hot.The NYT is not as slick as they thought they once were with their $%^& OPEDS.This mornings lead OPED in the New York Times a perfect example of the shiftiness that goes on with their extreme far left wing editorial board.Entitled "A Growing Gloom for States and Cities" is a waste of time for anyone to read.
It begins "States and cities had already endured a harrowing three-year financial slide when the debt-ceiling crisis darkened their outlooks even further. In the space of just a few weeks, the Republican-led standoff on spending and taxes brought them a triple dose of bad news: a budget deal that will probably lead to a significant reduction in federal aid; a bond downgrade that could eventually trickle down to the local and state level, making borrowing more expensive; and a stock market plunge that is bleeding state employee pension funds."
Wait I thought that the Tea Party members of the GOP were to blame now its all of the Republicans correct me if I am wrong but the media trumped it up as if the Tea Party was holding the debt crisis negotiations "hostage" in their own words.
Hostage I will describe hostage what about Obama's BS health scare plan holding the taxpayers hostage.Hostage 4pending our Grandchildren's $$$ on the %^&* stimulus plan that was supposed to create jobs and move the unemployment rate back down in the 5% range where President Bush had it at when Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democrat controlled House said there was a crisis according to the unemployment numbers.That is what I call being held hostage by our Government.
It continues on ranting "Washington should have been trying to find a way to help states avoid the layoffs and cutbacks that have contributed heavily to the high unemployment rate. Instead, it seems to be doing everything possible to make the situation worse in state capitals around the country."
Again I thought that Obama's porkulus plan was going to create jobs.Stop $PENDING SPENDING!
I found it funny too that even in this OPED that I am blogging on this morning that the NYT is calling for cuts.Their idea of cuts would be cutting the military and giving it to illegals or more for the ones who sit on their asses all day.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Cantor says Truth About All Liberals Not Just Obama
Cantor: Obama Does Not Like People Whose Opinion Differs From Him
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Deficit Due To Over $pending By Big Government
Opinion Editorial |
Teresa Tritch
This is something new by the New York Times.Putting a member of its left wing socialist editorial board now posturing as an OPED columnist.She is a woman by the name of Teresa Tritch who claims to be a journalist.This is an oxymoron big time.
Her piece this morning is entitled "How the Deficit Got This Big." Nothing new from the rest of the biased BS from her cohorts at the NYT.
She begins her whining "With President Obama and Republican leaders calling for cutting the budget by trillions over the next 10 years, it is worth asking how we got here — from healthy surpluses at the end of the Clinton era, and the promise of future surpluses, to nine straight years of deficits, including the $1.3 trillion shortfall in 2010. The answer is largely the Bush-era tax cuts, war spending in Iraq and Afghanistan, and recessions. "
Wrong answer we got to our current situation because of excessive Government $pending.There was a so called surplus after the Clinton years because of the higher tax income tax rates going back to 1992-1993 and with the GOP takeover of both the US House and US Senate in the first midterm election under the Clinton years back in 1994 after that Welfare reform was passed by the Conservatives and Clinton was forced to sign it into law.It appears that people like Tritch don't get it it's blame Bush Syndrome all over again.
This is the result of drinking the liberal kool-aid "the Bush tax cuts have had a huge damaging effect.Government has to spur demand and create jobs."Wrong wrong and wrong again.
Here is where liberals like Tritch get it wrong once again "The chronic revenue shortfalls from serial tax cuts are simply too deep to fill with spending cuts alone. Taxes have to go up."Nice try Tritch because when taxes are cut revenues go skyrocketing and the usual communist answer to an economic problem is taxes have to go up BS thinking.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Economy Is Still In Disaster Mode
Opinion Editorial |
Still sticking to their left wing uninformed biases it seems at the New York Times.The same old same old as far as economic activity is concened.This mornings second lead OPED is "The Worst Time to Slow the Economy."
This sick joke begins in the usual attack mode "It was not surprising to hear the Republican presidential candidates repeat their tiresome claim that excessive government spending and borrowing were behind Friday’s terrible unemployment report. It was depressing to hear President Obama sound as if he agreed with them."
It is not surprising to hear the NYT repeat the BS and defend the indefensible about the reasons why we are in the quagmire that we are in economically speaking.Too much $pending is the reason where are the %&* shovel ready jobs Oh wait thats right President Barack HUSSEIN Obama laughed at that one yeah the jokes on us.This is the Hope and Change NOT!
Here comes more attacks "The Labor Department report showed virtually no job growth in June, with the unemployment level edging up to 9.2 percent from 9.1 percent the month before. It seemed to confirm last month’s indication that the economy had stalled. After the report came out, the president went to the Rose Garden and said he hoped that a conclusion to the current debt-ceiling talks would give businesses “certainty” that the government had its debt and deficit under control, allowing them to start hiring again. Certainty? That sounds like Mitt Romney, or any of the other Republicans who have concocted a phony connection between hiring and government borrowing."
Debt ceiling STOP SPENDING period!Especially on entitlement spending.Obama hoping I love it keep dreaming.How about the phony baloney that Government spending will rebuild the economy (e.g. the Porkulus a.k.a the aforementioned shovel ready jobs a.k.a Stimulus $pending.)
It seems that the NYT is still suffering from what is known as BDS (Bush Derrangement Syndrome)
"There has never been any evidence that the federal debt is primarily responsible for the persistent joblessness that began with the 2008 recession. The numbers have remained high because of weak consumer demand and stagnant wage growth, along with an imbalance between jobs and job skills. Republicans have long tried to link unemployment and debt so that they can blame Mr. Obama for the poor economy, and build support for their ideological goal of cutting spending."
If Obama is not to blame then who? I hear the crickets chirping.
This sick joke begins in the usual attack mode "It was not surprising to hear the Republican presidential candidates repeat their tiresome claim that excessive government spending and borrowing were behind Friday’s terrible unemployment report. It was depressing to hear President Obama sound as if he agreed with them."
It is not surprising to hear the NYT repeat the BS and defend the indefensible about the reasons why we are in the quagmire that we are in economically speaking.Too much $pending is the reason where are the %&* shovel ready jobs Oh wait thats right President Barack HUSSEIN Obama laughed at that one yeah the jokes on us.This is the Hope and Change NOT!
Here comes more attacks "The Labor Department report showed virtually no job growth in June, with the unemployment level edging up to 9.2 percent from 9.1 percent the month before. It seemed to confirm last month’s indication that the economy had stalled. After the report came out, the president went to the Rose Garden and said he hoped that a conclusion to the current debt-ceiling talks would give businesses “certainty” that the government had its debt and deficit under control, allowing them to start hiring again. Certainty? That sounds like Mitt Romney, or any of the other Republicans who have concocted a phony connection between hiring and government borrowing."
Debt ceiling STOP SPENDING period!Especially on entitlement spending.Obama hoping I love it keep dreaming.How about the phony baloney that Government spending will rebuild the economy (e.g. the Porkulus a.k.a the aforementioned shovel ready jobs a.k.a Stimulus $pending.)
It seems that the NYT is still suffering from what is known as BDS (Bush Derrangement Syndrome)
"There has never been any evidence that the federal debt is primarily responsible for the persistent joblessness that began with the 2008 recession. The numbers have remained high because of weak consumer demand and stagnant wage growth, along with an imbalance between jobs and job skills. Republicans have long tried to link unemployment and debt so that they can blame Mr. Obama for the poor economy, and build support for their ideological goal of cutting spending."
If Obama is not to blame then who? I hear the crickets chirping.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Sunday, July 3, 2011
The Forgotten Man Painting
Against the background of a darkening sky, all of the past Presidents of the United States gather before the White House, as if to commemorate some great event. In the left hand corner of the painting sits a man. That man, with his head bowed appears distraught and hopeless as he contemplates his future. Some of the past Presidents try to console him while looking in the direction of the modern Presidents as if to say, “What have you done?” Many of these modern Presidents, seemingly oblivious to anything other than themselves, appear to be congratulating each other on their great accomplishments. In front of the man, paper trash is blowing in the wind. Crumpled dollar bills, legislative documents, and, like a whisper—the U.S. Constitution beneath the foot of Barack Obama.
This was sent to me from Richard Selfridge Chairman Of the Constitution Party Of Massachusetts.A Real true Red White and Blue Conservative American.
Unsung Zeroes
Opinion Editorial |
Even with terrorist master-mind and deceased al-Qeada leader Osama Bin Laden gone the far left STILL don't get it.Just by reading their warped sense some one like me cannot for the life of them understand why the left don't get it.The title of this mornings fourth lead OPED in the New York Times is "Unsung Heroes Who Opposed Torture."
How soon that they forget that it was (what the left calls torture) that led the raid on his compound
Bin Laden that is and his eventual much Heralded death by the Obama administraion. But here is the NYT's whinny rant "A small gesture can mean a lot. That is the simple but compelling idea animating a drive to gain official honors for the patriots, both civilian and in uniform, who stood up against the Bush administration’s immoral torture policies.The idea of bestowing honors on these heroes was raised in an April 28 Op-Ed article in The Times by Jameel Jaffer of the American Civil Liberties Union and Larry Siems of the PEN American Center. They said that while senior Bush administration officials approved egregious interrogation and detention practices, including torture, there were dissenters throughout the government.
Those who stayed true to our values and stood up against cruelty are worthy of a wide range of civilian and military commendations, up to and including the Presidential Medal of Freedom,” they wrote.Here we go again accessing the blame to the prior Bush administration which should commended not fawned upon.As far as the ACLU is concerned to the issue of torture they are irrelevant.The Pen American Center I went to their web site at this is their claim "PEN American Center is the U.S. branch of the world’s oldest international literary and human rights organization. International PEN was founded in 1921 in direct response to the ethnic and national divisions that contributed to the First World War. PEN American Center was founded in 1922 and is the largest of the 144 PEN centers in 101 countries that together compose International PEN." In other words protecting the rights of those on the far far left.Also with the NYT wanting those who opposed torture like say waterboarding should receieve honors and military commendations should be labeled as traitors and charged accordingly.
NYT cannot let up on the Bush blame game along with their whinny ass rants "After the killing of Osama bin Laden, some — like John Yoo, the Bush Justice Department lawyer who twisted the Constitution and the Geneva Conventions to excuse the inexcusable — argued that waterboarding and other abuses were both proper and necessary.
Ten leading civil liberties and human rights groups, including the A.C.L.U. and Human Rights First, have called on President Obama to honor all who bravely said no when the country veered off course. Recognizing them would not discharge Mr. Obama’s failed duty to find ways to further accountability. But it would be a start."
Right now I am LMAO! twisting U.S.Constitution say what! Here maybe this can help all of you brain dead readers of the NYT and the rest of the so called intellectuals at these Human Rights groups those being waterboarded ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS so they have no rights under the U.S.Constitution.I can help you out even more just go to my Tea Parties web home page at writen in blue lettering United States Constitution.
As far the Geneva Conventions once again for you dumb #$^%^ liberals and alleged intellectuals who think that they are the smartest people in the room the Geneva Conventions don't apply those being tortured as members of AL-QAEDA they are not members of a foregin countries military.
My suggestion to those intellectuals and the NYT/Democrat Socialist Communists out there try READING THE CONSTITUTION and the GENEVA CONVENTIONS before writing worthless OPED's about a certain subject which you have no idea about what you are writing about.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Schribman On GOP
David M. Shribman: Battle joined once more for Grand Old Party's soul
LEBANON, N.H. — Up here in tranquil New Hampshire, where the hills glow peacefully in the summer sunshine, everyone's talking about the war for the soul of the Republican Party.
Hold it, I am thinking. Haven't I witnessed several wars for the soul of the Republican Party?
Six in my lifetime alone, now that I'm counting.
There's no denying that there's a struggle within the Republican Party as it moves toward the first presidential primary here, tentatively (and, given the nature of this campaign, perhaps mischievously) scheduled for next Feb. 14. Already the party is divided every which way — between regulars and irregulars, economic conservatives and social conservatives, established politicians and newcomers, Westerners and Easterners, males and females.
The Republicans haven't been at each other's throats this much since ... the last election.
In our historical imagination, the Republicans are the sober, organized, unflappable ones — the quiet members of Rotary and Kiwanis who do their duty, tend to commerce, stiffen their upper lips at adversity, and take everything in stride. They're the party of social order and stability. The reality is quite different.
Look back at the last century — go all the way back to the critical election of 1912, when giants strode the Earth and four of them, William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt and Eugene V. Debs, ran for president — and you can count nine distinct battles for the soul of the Republican Party. The Democrats, the ones ridiculed as being the disorganized and emotional pugilists in American politics, have had only four such battles, fewer than half their rivals'.
This time the battle for the soul of the Republican Party pits three former governors, Mitt Romney of Massachusetts, Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota and Jon Huntsman of Utah, against each other — and against a group of rebels that includes Reps. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota and Ron Paul of Texas, former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania and businessman Herman Cain. But the Republicans had a similar struggle in 2008, when Sen. John McCain of Arizona, only four years after being considered a vice-presidential possibility on the Democratic ticket, had almost nothing in common with his Republican rivals, primarily Romney and former Gov. Mike Huckabee of Arkansas.
Four elections earlier, commentator Patrick J. Buchanan took on President George H.W. Bush here in New Hampshire, painting Bush as effete and feckless and indicting him for being an apostate from the true Reagan faith. At the 1992 Republican National Convention, Buchanan spoke openly of a "culture war."
It turns out that Ronald Reagan and Bush played central roles in two other GOP struggles — the one that spanned the 1976 and 1980 elections (main themes included the aggressiveness of modern conservatism and the validity of supply-side economics); and the one in 1988 (main themes were whether and how the Reagan revolution would be extended, and whether and how the demands of religious conservatives should be accommodated).
Major struggles over the nature of conservatism also occurred in 1940 (over Wendell Willkie's views on internationalism) and in 1952 (when the Taft and Eisenhower wings clashed).
Perhaps the most significant GOP struggle occurred in 1964, when the Eastern Republican establishment personified by Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York was challenged, and defeated, by the new Western conservatism represented by Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona. Goldwater's landslide defeat at the hands of President Lyndon B. Johnson left the Republican Party in tatters — only to be revived four years later when former Vice President Richard M. Nixon beat Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey as the Democrats were undergoing one of their own internal struggles.
The Democrats' internecine battles have been far less frequent, but just as explosive.
The 1968 split, which continued through the 1972 election, was over Vietnam and cultural matters. It led to violent disruptions outside the Chicago convention hall; made the party vulnerable to the Republican taunt that the Democrats had become the party of amnesty, acid and abortion; and opened the door for many blue-collar voters, ardently Democratic since the New Deal, to abandon their party. That split followed the upheavals over race in 1948 (when Strom Thurmond and his allies bolted the party) and 1964 (when the national convention divided over which Mississippi delegation to seat).
The party also split in 1928 over legalized drink and the degree to which the Democrats, who nominated Gov. Al Smith of New York for president that year, should identify themselves with Catholics and the immigrant families from Ireland and Eastern Europe that increasingly were becoming part of the political mainstream.
There's no obvious reason why the party of stability, as Republicans sometimes regard themselves, has had more upheaval than the party of change, which is how Democrats sometimes think of themselves. Perhaps it is because these internal struggles often precede and follow the appearance of political titans, and the Republicans have had two in modern times (Dwight Eisenhower and Reagan) while the Democratic century was dominated by one (Franklin Roosevelt). The Goldwater-Rockefeller fissure was in large measure the result of the struggle to replace Eisenhower, just as the more recent fights in the Republican Party have been conducted in Reagan's long shadow.
But the truth is that both major parties have had inner contradictions. The Democrats' were almost fatal: The fight between Southern conservatives and Northern liberals so divided the party that it took a generation for it to recover.
The Republicans' main contradiction, between the traditional conservative yearning for stability and the modern, muscular conservatism forged in reaction to the Great Society, has not yet been resolved. That, more than Afghanistan policy and Romney's views on climate change, is what the 2012 primary and caucus season — and the latest of the many fights for the soul of the Republican Party — is really about.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Tax Cheat Wants Out News From Matt Drudge's Web Site
Geithner to Consider Leaving After Debt Debate
Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner has signaled to White House officials that he’s considering leaving the administration after President Barack Obama reaches an agreement with Congress to raise the national debt limit, according to three people familiar with the matter.Geithner hasn’t made a final decision and won’t do so until the debt ceiling issue has been resolved, according to one of the people. All spoke on condition of anonymity to talk about private discussions.
The Treasury secretary has said the U.S. risks defaulting on its obligations if Congress doesn’t raise the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling by Aug. 2. The administration and congressional Republicans are at an impasse in negotiations to raise the limit, which also is tied to efforts to cut the nation’s long- term deficit.
Moody’s Investors Service said on June 2 it expects to place the U.S. government’s Aaa
An exit by Geithner would
Political Impact
That would leave Obama with two key posts to fill as Republicans are seeking to turn the 2012 election into a referendum on Obama’s handling of the economy and as the recovery is slowing. The unemployment rate rose to 9.1 percent in May, according to the Labor Department, and the economy grew at a 1.9 percent pace in the first quarter, according to Commerce Department figures released June 24.Jen Psaki, a White House spokeswoman, declined to comment.
“Geithner leaving may raise the level of uncertainty for the direction of economic policy and that is never a positive thing for the markets and the recovery,” said Christopher Sullivan, who oversees $1.7 billion as chief investment officer at United Nations Federal
Still, he said, it wouldn’t have too much “shock value,” especially if he remains at Treasury until the debt ceiling is settled, “which is the most pressing concern anyone would have.”
Seeking Change
Geithner, 49, has told associates he needs a break from government service after dealing with the turmoil that followed the collapse of Wall Street firms, including Bear Stearns Cos. and Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., first as president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and then as Treasury secretary.Family considerations also are playing a role in Geithner’s deliberations, according to the people. His son has decided to finish his final year of high school in New York.
If Geithner does leave the administration, Obama would be losing a member of his economic team who understands Washington institutions and the New York banking world as well as the intricacies of the Chinese economy. Geithner has pressed the Chinese to let their currency appreciate faster to reduce the global imbalances that both he and Obama have blamed for financial uncertainty.
Rocky Start
After Obama’s victory in the 2008 election, Geithner had a rocky start in Washington as he faced Senate scrutiny over his failure to pay self-employment tax returns while he worked at the International Monetary Fund. He paid some of the taxes after being audited by the IRS and didn’t pay the rest until it was clear he would be nominated for the Treasury post, according to the Senate Finance Committee.His initial moves to return financial markets to health were rebuffed by Wall Street. On Feb. 10, 2009, when Geithner unveiled a plan to bolster the banking system, the Standard & Poor’s 500 stock index tumbled 4.9 percent.
As Obama’s presidency progressed, and the economy began to recovery, Geithner’s stature grew.
“Tim was very influential from day one,” said former CEA Chairman Christina Romer. “His public persona has just caught up with what has always been true inside the White House.”
Former President Bill Clinton said he “honestly didn’t know” whether business confidence might be hurt if Geithner leaves.
“I think what people want is predictability now,” Clinton said in an interview with Bloomberg Television today in Chicago. “We’ve absorbed a lot of change, we’ve absorbed a lot of trauma.”
‘Smart Man’
Clinton, who called Geithner “a very smart man,” said he hadn’t heard that the Treasury secretary was considering leaving.In addition to Goolsbee, who announced his decision to return to the University of Chicago earlier this month, three other top Obama economic advisers already have departed. At the CEA, Goolsbee replaced Romer, who returned to teaching at the University of California at Berkeley last September. National Economic Council Director Lawrence Summers and Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag left the administration last year. Summers returned to Harvard University, and Orszag is now vice chairman of global banking at Citigroup Inc.
Geithner earned a bachelor’s degree from Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, and a master’s degree from Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies in Washington. After graduate school, he worked for three years at a global consulting firm founded by Henry A. Kissinger.
Well everyone is dissing Barack what's going on here? It isnt good but as a political junkie I love it
Durbin Is Really Smoking Something Here
Durbin: Illegal Alien Could Be Our Future President
After using illegal immigrants as props to push the DREAM Act, Sen. Durbin (D-IL) made the following statement at a Senate committee hearing :
"When I look around this room, I see America's future. Our doctors , our teachers, our nurses, our engineers, our scientists, our soldiers, our Congressman, our Senators and maybe our President."
However, Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution says: "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the
Office of President."
Talk about being out of touch suggesting that an ILLEGAL immigrant can some day become
President of the United States.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Not Obama's Fault LOL!
Obama: Congress to Blame for Debt — It's Not My Fault
President Barack Obama came out swinging at Congress, blaming both parties in both Houses for getting the country into the debt crisis in a bid to deflect criticism about his own leadership.
At his first press conference since March, he said he is “amused” that he is getting the blame when it is Congressional leaders who need to step up to the plate and work.
“I met with every single caucus for 1-1/2 hours each,” Obama said.
“Republican Senators, Democratic Senators, Republican House, Democratic House. I’ve met with the leaders multiple times. At a certain point they need to do their job.”
He said that too many senior members of Congress “say a lot of things to satisfy their base or get on cable news,” but it is now time to change.
“Hopefully leaders will rise to the occasion and do the right thing for the American people. Call me naïve but my expectation is that leaders are going to lead."
Obama made it clear that the debt crisis has been caused by measures passed by Congresses in the past and the current one cannot walk away.
“This isn’t a situation where Congress is going to say ‘okay we won’t buy this car or we won’t take this vacation.’ They took the vacation, they bought the car and now they’re saying ‘maybe we don’t have to pay or we don’t have to pay as fast as we said we were going to pay.’
“That’s not how responsible families act. And we’re the greatest nation on earth and we can’t act that way."
The President warned those in Congress looking forward to a long summer break that they are going to have to “cancel things” and stay in Washington until adeal on raising the $14.3 trillion debt limit is reached as, he said, the Aug. 2 deadline set by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is real and there would be serious implications of the parties cannot compromise. “This is urgent,” he said.
“I’m President of the United States and I want to make sure I’m not engaging in scare tactics. I try to be responsible and somewhat restrained, so folks don’t get spooked. But Aug. 2 is a very important date.”
He said too many seemed to be thinking that once the recess is on them “Obama’s got to step in.” But he told them, “You need to be here. I’ve been here. I’ve been doing Afghanistan and bin Laden and the Greek crisis. You stay here. Let’s get it done.”
At one stage, he even mentioned his own daughters, comparing them to Congress. “Malia and Sasha generally finish their homework a day ahead of time. It’s impressive. They don’t wait till the night before and pull an all-nighter.
“They’re 13 and 10. Congress can do the same thing. If you know you have to do something, just do it.”
Obama had no compromise for Republicans who say that the only way to solve the debt crisis is to cut spending. Playing to his own Democratic base, he insisted that revenues will have to be raised through tax hikes and closing loopholes for corporations and the very wealthy. Several times he referred to oil companies,hedge fund managers and the owners of corporate jets as those who will have to make sacrifices.
He said “every single observer who’s not an elected official” agreed that the only way to bridge the debt gap was to address both spending and revenues and he called on Republicans to accept that, saying, “Democrats have had to accept some painful spending cuts that hurt some of our constituents and that we may not like. We’ve shown a willingness to do that for the greater good.
“If everybody else is willing to take on their sacred cows and do tough things, then I think it will be hard for the Republicans to stand there and say that the tax breaks for corporate jets is sufficiently important that we’re not willing to come to the table and do that.”
He also stressed that he wanted to make sure that cuts to payroll taxes are extended, but he said that if Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner came to him with a deal on the debt ceiling he could deal with it.
“If that was the situation they presented, I think we would have a serious conversation about that. I would not discount that completely.
Obama started the meeting by saying that his administration is trying to relax regulations on business in a bid to jump start the economy.
“We are reviewing government regulations so we can fix any rules that are in place that are unnecessary. We’re working with the private sector to get small businesses and startups the finance they need to grow and expand.”
Then he immediately jumped in with what was to be the theme of the day – his criticism of Congress, calling on it to pass bills on patent reform, on creating jobs for construction workers, on trade agreements and by extending the cuts to payroll taxes.
“Many of these ideas have been tied up in Congress for some time, but all of them have enjoyed bipartisan support and all of them could help the economy,” he said.
On the deficit talks, he insisted that everything has to be on the table. “We can’t get to the $4 trillion in savings we need by just cutting the 12 percent of the budget that pays for things like medical research and education funding and food inspectors and the weather service.
“And we can’t just do it by making seniors pay more for Medicare. We’re going to need to look at the whole budget. We have to eliminate waste wherever we find it and make tough decisions about priorities.
“That means trimming the defense spending. It means we’ll have to tackle entitlements as long as we keep faith with seniors and children with disabilities by maintaining the fundamental security that Medicare and Medicaid provide. And yes we’re going to have to tackle spending in the tax code.
“If we choose to keep those tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires and corporate jet owners and for oil and gas companies who are making hundreds of billions of dollars then that means we got to cut some kids off from getting college scholarships. That means we’ve got to stop funding certain grants for medical research. That means that food safety might be compromised. That means that Medicare has to bear a large part of the burden.”
President Barack Obama came out swinging at Congress, blaming both parties in both Houses for getting the country into the debt crisis in a bid to deflect criticism about his own leadership.
“I met with every single caucus for 1-1/2 hours each,” Obama said.
“Republican Senators, Democratic Senators, Republican House, Democratic House. I’ve met with the leaders multiple times. At a certain point they need to do their job.”
He said that too many senior members of Congress “say a lot of things to satisfy their base or get on cable news,” but it is now time to change.
“Hopefully leaders will rise to the occasion and do the right thing for the American people. Call me naïve but my expectation is that leaders are going to lead."
Obama made it clear that the debt crisis has been caused by measures passed by Congresses in the past and the current one cannot walk away.
“This isn’t a situation where Congress is going to say ‘okay we won’t buy this car or we won’t take this vacation.’ They took the vacation, they bought the car and now they’re saying ‘maybe we don’t have to pay or we don’t have to pay as fast as we said we were going to pay.’
“That’s not how responsible families act. And we’re the greatest nation on earth and we can’t act that way."
The President warned those in Congress looking forward to a long summer break that they are going to have to “cancel things” and stay in Washington until a
“I’m President of the United States and I want to make sure I’m not engaging in scare tactics. I try to be responsible and somewhat restrained, so folks don’t get spooked. But Aug. 2 is a very important date.”
He said too many seemed to be thinking that once the recess is on them “Obama’s got to step in.” But he told them, “You need to be here. I’ve been here. I’ve been doing Afghanistan and bin Laden and the Greek crisis. You stay here. Let’s get it done.”
At one stage, he even mentioned his own daughters, comparing them to Congress. “Malia and Sasha generally finish their homework a day ahead of time. It’s impressive. They don’t wait till the night before and pull an all-nighter.
“They’re 13 and 10. Congress can do the same thing. If you know you have to do something, just do it.”
Obama had no compromise for Republicans who say that the only way to solve the debt crisis is to cut spending. Playing to his own Democratic base, he insisted that revenues will have to be raised through tax hikes and closing loopholes for corporations and the very wealthy. Several times he referred to oil companies,
He said “every single observer who’s not an elected official” agreed that the only way to bridge the debt gap was to address both spending and revenues and he called on Republicans to accept that, saying, “Democrats have had to accept some painful spending cuts that hurt some of our constituents and that we may not like. We’ve shown a willingness to do that for the greater good.
“If everybody else is willing to take on their sacred cows and do tough things, then I think it will be hard for the Republicans to stand there and say that the tax breaks for corporate jets is sufficiently important that we’re not willing to come to the table and do that.”
He also stressed that he wanted to make sure that cuts to payroll taxes are extended, but he said that if Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner came to him with a deal on the debt ceiling he could deal with it.
“If that was the situation they presented, I think we would have a serious conversation about that. I would not discount that completely.
Obama started the meeting by saying that his administration is trying to relax regulations on business in a bid to jump start the economy.
“We are reviewing government regulations so we can fix any rules that are in place that are unnecessary. We’re working with the private sector to get small businesses and startups the finance they need to grow and expand.”
Then he immediately jumped in with what was to be the theme of the day – his criticism of Congress, calling on it to pass bills on patent reform, on creating jobs for construction workers, on trade agreements and by extending the cuts to payroll taxes.
“Many of these ideas have been tied up in Congress for some time, but all of them have enjoyed bipartisan support and all of them could help the economy,” he said.
On the deficit talks, he insisted that everything has to be on the table. “We can’t get to the $4 trillion in savings we need by just cutting the 12 percent of the budget that pays for things like medical research and education funding and food inspectors and the weather service.
“And we can’t just do it by making seniors pay more for Medicare. We’re going to need to look at the whole budget. We have to eliminate waste wherever we find it and make tough decisions about priorities.
“That means trimming the defense spending. It means we’ll have to tackle entitlements as long as we keep faith with seniors and children with disabilities by maintaining the fundamental security that Medicare and Medicaid provide. And yes we’re going to have to tackle spending in the tax code.
“If we choose to keep those tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires and corporate jet owners and for oil and gas companies who are making hundreds of billions of dollars then that means we got to cut some kids off from getting college scholarships. That means we’ve got to stop funding certain grants for medical research. That means that food safety might be compromised. That means that Medicare has to bear a large part of the burden.”
Well if it's not Obama's fault then who's is it? Let me see health care or health scare Stimulus just pick one.
MSNBC Shows Left Wing Ignorance
MSNBC's Bashir Defends Media Not Hitting Obama On Gaffes
Martin Bashir just another in a long line of left wing #$%^& kissers defending the indefensible screw ups of President Barack HUSSEIN Obama.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Michele Is All American Girl
Bachmann Is In: Candidacy Is About Independence From Large Gov't
“Don’t mistake my happy memories of growing up here in Waterloo, Iowa as pining for the past. I recognize it’s impossible to turn the clock back and to go back to a different day. Instead, I want this moment to serve as a reminder of the best of who we are as a nation and of what our values are, and what it is to make America great. To recapture its best for the promise of the future. I want my candidacy for the presidency of the United States to stand for a moment whenwe the people stand once again for the independence from a government that has gotten too big and spends too much and has taken away too much of our liberties," Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said at her presidential kick-off.
“Don’t mistake my happy memories of growing up here in Waterloo, Iowa as pining for the past. I recognize it’s impossible to turn the clock back and to go back to a different day. Instead, I want this moment to serve as a reminder of the best of who we are as a nation and of what our values are, and what it is to make America great. To recapture its best for the promise of the future. I want my candidacy for the presidency of the United States to stand for a moment when
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Democrats Using NLRB to Tilt the Field
NLRB tilts field
It’s as plain as the nose on your face that the National Labor Relations Board, controlled by Democrats, wants to tilt the union-management playing field further toward unions.
Unions could get not get “card check” (which would make union recognition mandatory upon presentation of cards signed by a majority of workers) passed when Democrats controlled both houses of Congress. Now their friends at the NLRB are turning to plan B.
The board asked for comment on, among other things, proposals to shorten the �interval between a union’s petition for a representation election and the holding of the vote. Coupled with the board’s recent attempt to keep Boeing Corp. from opening an aircraft assembly plant in South Carolina, the proposals should make the board’s anti-employer slant clear.
Half of all elections are held within 38 days; the arithmetical average is 57 days. Currently, employer challenges to the eligibility of certain workers to vote — often by claims that those workers are ineligible supervisors — are a major source of delay. The board proposes to hear those challenges after the voting instead of before. (Presumably those votes would not be counted if a challenge is upheld.)
Unions clearly do not like to see employers oppose them, but American law has never required employers to roll over and play dead for an organizing drive. The board’s proposal means that employers would have less time to organize opposition. As it is, they often are surprised by an election petition because unions have been effective in keeping their solicitation of support a secret.
Unions win 64 percent of representational elections. There is simply no reason beyond favoritism to change the rules now.
Opinion Editorial |
It’s as plain as the nose on your face that the National Labor Relations Board, controlled by Democrats, wants to tilt the union-management playing field further toward unions.
Unions could get not get “card check” (which would make union recognition mandatory upon presentation of cards signed by a majority of workers) passed when Democrats controlled both houses of Congress. Now their friends at the NLRB are turning to plan B.
The board asked for comment on, among other things, proposals to shorten the �interval between a union’s petition for a representation election and the holding of the vote. Coupled with the board’s recent attempt to keep Boeing Corp. from opening an aircraft assembly plant in South Carolina, the proposals should make the board’s anti-employer slant clear.
Half of all elections are held within 38 days; the arithmetical average is 57 days. Currently, employer challenges to the eligibility of certain workers to vote — often by claims that those workers are ineligible supervisors — are a major source of delay. The board proposes to hear those challenges after the voting instead of before. (Presumably those votes would not be counted if a challenge is upheld.)
Unions clearly do not like to see employers oppose them, but American law has never required employers to roll over and play dead for an organizing drive. The board’s proposal means that employers would have less time to organize opposition. As it is, they often are surprised by an election petition because unions have been effective in keeping their solicitation of support a secret.
Unions win 64 percent of representational elections. There is simply no reason beyond favoritism to change the rules now.
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