Thursday, October 25, 2012

Richard Tisei Fraud Of Massachusetts 6th Congressional District

The following is the official endorsement of the RINO for congress Richard Tisei.From Both Boston Newspapers.

The Boston Globe

editorial | sixth district endorsement

In a divided era, sensible Tisei brings voice of moderation

Saturday, October 20, 2012

FoxNews's Bret Baier On Obama's Lies In Libya

Bret Baier Special On Libya: "Death And Deceit In Benghazi"

Please watch this special presentation Where is the rest of the lamestream media on this story other than covering Obama's ass

Obama The Hypocrite

Obama: Romney Needs Cure For "Romnesia"

Barack Obama: The choice between moving backward and going forward has never been so clear. Now that we’re eighteen days out from the election, Mr. Severely Conservative wants you to think he was severely kidding about everything he said for the last year. He told folks he was the ideal candidate for the Tea Party. Now, suddenly, he’s saying, “what, who, me?” He’s forgetting what his own positions are, and he’s betting that you will too. I mean, he’s changing up so much, and back-tracking, and side-stepping. We’ve got to name this condition that he’s going through. I think it’s called Romnesia. That’s what it’s called. I think that’s what he’s going through.


We know that you are not a medical doctor thank God for that and about Romnesia the country has been suffering for the last 4 years with all the aches and pains of your Bullshit

Michelle Malkin Correct On Women

Malkin: "Vote With Your Lady Smarts, Not Your Lady Parts"

You go Girl Malkin speaking the truth so much for Obama and the women bit at the last debate 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Both Are Frauds


Tierney, Tisei dive right in

In TV debate, congressman questioned on scandal, challenger called 'shameless'

NEWTON — It took mere seconds of airtime for moderator Jim Braude of NECN to ask about the gambling scandal plaguing Rep. John Tierney, and the gloves were tossed to the mat last night in a primetime television debate
Republican opponent Richard Tisei pounced on the question — the first asked directly about Tierney’s family in four debates.
“He said he had no knowledge of what was going on, but both of his brothers-in-law contradicted him and said he did know what was going on,” Tisei said, referring to the multimillion-dollar offshore gambling scheme that Tierney’s brothers-in-law were running in Antigua.
Tisei then hammered the congressman on his trip to Antigua to visit brother-in-law Robert Eremian, “in the middle of the gambling operation,” as well as the $220,000 in gifts the congressman’s wife, Patrice Tierney, received from her now-fugitive brother when she managed a multimillion-dollar account for him in Salem.
“I do think there should be a congressional investigation,” Tisei said when asked if Tierney did anything illegal.
The congressman, who has been hounded by the scandal since his wife was charged with filing faulty tax returns for her brother in 2010, responded sternly.
“My two brothers-in-law didn’t say that, when the (Boston) Globe went down to visit my brother-in-law down there, he had nothing to offer them in terms of that,” Tierney said. When confronted that one of his brothers in-law, Daniel Eremian, told a Salem News reporter that Tierney “knew everything” about the operation, the congressman replied, “You can take his word, or you can take mine.”
As he has throughout the campaign, Tierney noted that the judge in his wife’s case — in which she pleaded guilty to being “willfully blind” to the true nature of her brother’s operation — said at one point that Tierney is “‘not implicated in any way, shape or form,’ and he’s right on this,” Tierney said.
Tisei challenged that claim, saying that Judge William Young “never cleared you of anything.”
“Judge Young said the congressman has nothing to do with this, meaning the sentencing hearing, he wasn’t looking at the whole thing,” Tisei said. He noted several news organizations who have called Tierney’s use of the judge’s quote “misleading.”
Tierney again went on the offensive.
“Misleading? Richard, you have lied and used insinuation and innuendo on this whole thing and spent $3 million doing it. My wife paid a terrible price on that; she took responsibility for not knowing on that,” he said. “Your naked ambition has let you take her and do this to her because you want a seat that you otherwise couldn’t get. You can’t run on the issues, Richard. You don’t have a clue about what it takes to be a member of Congress. ... Richard, you’re shameless.”
The heated discussion continued when Tisei brought up the approximately $220,000 that federal prosecutors said Patrice Tierney received from Eremian in gifts, which has never appeared on tax returns or congressional financial disclosure forms.
“You’ve known two years money that came into your household was from an illegal source, why haven’t you given up the money?” Tisei asked directly of the congressman.
“Because you’ve known for two years that that amount of money never came into my household, that that amount of money is fabricated,” Tierney said. “There is no implication my wife ever did anything wrong with her taxes or my taxes.”
In court, Patrice Tierney acknowledged that she received the gifts from her brother.
Tisei and Republicans have made the gambling scandal a central theme of the campaign for the 6th District congressional seat.
The Tierney campaign has made Tisei’s party affiliation its theme, saying that electing Tisei would empower right-wing Republicans in Congress.
When Tierney was asked to defend his labeling of Tisei as “an extremist,” the congressman said the first vote Tisei would take would be to put Republican leaders back in charge.
“He said he would put the same leadership in there that is in there now, the same people who have voted against women’s rights, against equal rights, against the middle class, for voucherizing Medicare ... and one thing after another,” Tierney said. “What sense is it, Jim, to say you’re a moderate or to say that you wouldn’t do these things, but your first act would be to go down there and put these people in charge of the agenda?”
As he has throughout the campaign, Tisei insisted last night that he would vote in the best interest of constituents, not with Republican leadership.
Tisei reiterated that he would not have voted for Paul Ryan’s Republican budget, but reiterated that it “it’s a good start,” a quote the Tierney camp has used to criticize him in the past.
“You have to have a plan in place ... the country is in so much trouble right now, nobody is talking, nobody is sitting down, nobody is trying to work together,” Tisei said, adding that he also thought the Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction plan was a good start.
“They will kick you to the curb so fast,” Tierney said of Tisei’s pledge to be an independent voice in Congress.
“In the state Senate, he was totally irrelevant, he and four others being led to oblivion, they did whatever the majority said they were going to do, and that’s where he’d be in this Republican group, he’d be in oblivion,” Tierney said.
The candidates did find some common ground last night.
Both support state ballot questions allowing assisted suicide for terminally ill patients and allowing medicinal marijuana. Both said they would support a federal assault weapons ban.
When asked to offer something each has done well in their legislative careers, both offered that the other has done a good job fighting for equality.
The candidates also sparred on taxes, health care, equal pay for women and the economy in the 30-minute debate, which aired on NECN.
Libertarian candidate Daniel Fishman was not invited to the debate.
The election is Nov. 6.


Notice that Dan Fishman was not invited gee I wonder why

Sunday, October 14, 2012

David AxelFraud Axelrod On Fox News

Axelrod: Romney "Working Hard To Exploit" Terror Attack In Libya

Obama Senior Campaign Manager David Axelrod and Fox News Sunday's Chris Wallace discuss Obama Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter's statement that the "entire reason" September 11, 2012 attack in Libya has become a political issue is because of Mitt Romney.


David Axelrod looks as if seen a ghost

Hey,Ditz Does Anyone Really Care?


Maureen "the Ditz" Dowd
 This morning I am going a different route than the usual im going after the bimbo of the New York Times Editorial pages something that I haven't done in awhile Maureen "the Ditz" Dowd.Her column this morning is entitled "An Irish Catholic Wake-Up." Not being known for common sense she begins her column "NOW you know what Thanksgiving with my family is like.A donnybrook with Irish Catholic uncles and nephews interrupting one another, mocking one another, arguing over one another, bombastically denouncing every political opinion except their own as malarkey."
  Sounds like  a typical left wing liberal gathering to me.Now she's making up BS excuses as to why Obama got his ass kicked in his debate and why VP Biden got his handed to him "The loser of the vice-presidential debate was, of course, Barack Obama. In contrast to the pair on the undercard slugging it out, the president’s limp performance the other night was even more inexplicable and inexcusable. The president was no doubt warned not to sigh, but his entire demeanor was a sigh.
The fact that one diffident debate by the president could throw his whole race into crisis shows that nobody madly loves Obama anymore. With his aloof presidency, he shook off the deep attachments from 2008, and now his support lacks intensity.Even if he comes out in the town-hall debate on Tuesday with Ben Affleck charm, he has a Mitt Romney problem. Will it be the real Obama or will he just be doing what the media suggest and the base demands?"
  Here we go the bs of excuses from the likes of the Ditz.
  Now Dowd goes on the same old same old attack "Ryan, who was a toddler when Biden first came to the Senate, seemed a little green and shaky at moments — not showing the goofy cockiness captured in Time’s photos of his dumbbell workouts. Talking budget blarney, the Tea Party’s boy wonder once more proved that he can come up with a number for any purpose."
  Yeah Ditz he may be young and inexperienced but he held his own against Joe Bite me oh wait Ditz and liberals like yourself and the rest of you dumb asses in the lamestream media are never cocky and you want to talk about numbers how about the recently fudged up made up numbers from the Obama administration on the REAL UNEMPLOYMENT NUMBERS FOR SEPTEMBER.Ms.Ditz I would not be pointing any fingers sweetie.Oh and one other point it shows that Biden has been in power too long in our nations capital.
  She continues her assault of insults on Ryan "But he still clearly knew far less about the globe than both Biden and the moderator, Martha Raddatz, ABC News’s senior foreign affairs correspondent."Since when does being an ABC News senior foreign affairs correspondent make one an expert oh wait thats right Dowd covering for her buddy in the media.
 Here is more proof that Dowd has no friggin idea about what she is talking about "Ryan didn’t seem to understand what much of the world does: The administration has worked with allies to strengthen sanctions, which have turned Iran into an economic basket case."
 Oh ok Ditz you mean Obama apologizing to his Muslim comrades across the world for the U.S. to screwing up the killings on 9/11 of this year at our US Consulate in Benghazi,Libya by blaming a BS video instead of it being TERRORISM yeah real good work by the usual Poilitcally correct spin machine.
 So much for knowing what on e is talking about

Sunday, October 7, 2012

NYT OPED Board Falls For Sceme


 I cannot believe these idiots this morning and how the New York Times Editorial Board can buy into this outright BS.These ideologues on the far far left always make the claim as to how much smarter they are than all of us if not everyone well this oped this morning shows how friggin stupid they can be.Its funny because they know damn well that their buddy Barack HUSSEIN Obama got his ass kicked in the debate the other night its also funny how before the debate last week that they the liberal media failed to mention about the September jobs reports was coming out this past Friday they were licking Obama's post debate wounds.
 The title of their third lead oped is "Better News on Jobs."I was under the impression that these idiots were more intelligent but this takes the cake.
 It begins "The September jobs report contains information with important consequences for government policy. But don’t expect Republicans to seriously engage with any of it, for two reasons. First, the report was stronger than expected, a development they are loath to acknowledge just four weeks before the election. Second, while the data suggests improvement, it also highlights the need for federal spending to maintain and create jobs, which Congressional Republicans have blocked and which Mitt Romney rejects."
 More attack attack attack.
 It goes on "Employers added 114,000 jobs last month, which would have been very disappointing but for upward revisions of employment growth for July and August, totaling another 86,000 jobs. The unemployment rate fell, from 8.1 percent in August to 7.8 percent last month, a welcome drop, though it appears to be partly due to a statistical fluke and partly to more part-time employment, which is better than no work, but hardly the sign of a reliably robust job market."
 Maybe the NYT can jump off a cliff to but that wont happen.Please check out on this blog my post of the true raw truth the data on the unemployment numbers that were FUDGED big time to make post debate Obama look better.
 The NYT attempt to believe the truth "What it does not reflect, as some conservative commentators have charged, is manipulation of the data by the Obama administration, an allegation that insults federal statisticians and only shows how desperately Republicans want bad economic numbers to use to attack the president. They seem to have little interest in promoting improvements that might actually help people."
 NYT defending their BIG GOVERNMENT buddies.


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Even DNC Tv At MSNBC Doesnot Agree With The Numbers

Scarborough On Job Numbers: "These Numbers Don't Add Up"

Talk about fuzzy math

Friday, October 5, 2012

Numbers Fudged Big Time 7.8% Yeah Right

 This is a funny one right after the debate and Obama's ass getting kicked all of the sudden the new numbers are out today.What numbers you ask? From the Bureau Of Labor Statistics The new Unemployment Numbers.As follows:


Economic News Release  

Employment Situation Summary

Transmission of material in this release is embargoed                   USDL-12-1981
until 8:30 a.m. (EDT) Friday, October 5, 2012

Technical information:
 Household data:       (202) 691-6378  *  *
 Establishment data:   (202) 691-6555  *  *

Media contact:         (202) 691-5902  *

                    THE EMPLOYMENT SITUATION -- SEPTEMBER 2012

The unemployment rate decreased to 7.8 percent in September, and total nonfarm 
payroll employment rose by 114,000, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported 
today. Employment increased in health care and in transportation and warehousing 
but changed little in most other major industries.
Sorry I don't buy these fudged lying numbers they don't add up

Another Left Wing BS Excuse

First after the butt kicking Obama too k by RINO Mitt Romney the excuses were for example former Vice President the alleged inventor of the internet himself Mr.Global warming Al Gore blaming the air levels in Denver noew this all of the sudden by the left wing socilaist blog the Daily Kos.

Left Wing Conspiracy Theory: Romney Had Cheat Sheet At Debate

Left wing blogs claim Mitt Romney pulled a 'cheat sheet' out of his pocket as he approached the podium. His campaign says it is a handkerchief.

The liberal blog Daily Kos explains the theory here.

More Lies From Jon Stewart Cover For The Left

Jon Stewart Rips FOX News' Coverage Of Obama Race Tape

Daily Show: Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson expose an explosive 2007 video of Barack Obama echoing the racially-charged sentiments of notorious black liberation theologist George W. Bush.


More about te BS issue of race in politics

Obama Coming Up With Excuses As To Why He Got His Ass Kicked In The Debate

Obama: I Didn't Debate "The Real Mitt Romney"

At a campaign rally in Denver on Thursday, President Obama hit Mitt Romney and said he didn't debate "the real Mitt Romney" on Wednesday night.

"The man on stage last night, he does not want to be held accountable for the real Mitt Romney's decisions and what he's been saying for the last year. And that's because he knows full well that we don't want what he's been selling for the last year," Obama said.


Ok Mr.President which Romney did you face then (crickets chirping)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Chris Matthews Freaks Out Over Obama Debate Loss

Chris Matthews Freaks Out At Obama: "What Was He Do"Tonight wasn't an MSNBC debate tonight, was it?" Chris Matthews said after the first Obama-Romney presidential debate concluded on Wednesday night.

"I don't know what he was doing out there. He had his head down, he was enduring the debate rather than fighting it. Romney, on the other hand, came in with a campaign. He had a plan, he was going to dominate the time, he was going to be aggressive, he was going to push the moderator around, which he did effectively, he was going to relish the evening, enjoying it," Matthews said.

"Here's my question for Obama: I know he likes saying he doesn't watch cable television but maybe he should start. Maybe he should start. I don't know how he let Romney get away with the crap he throughout tonight about Social Security," Matthews complained.

Matthews then demanded that President Obama start watching cable news, specifically his program.

"Where was Obama tonight? He should watch -- well, not just Hardball, Rachel, he should watch you, he should watch the Reverend Al [Sharpton], he should watch Lawrence. He would learn something about this debate. There's a hot debate going on in this country. You know where it's been held? Here on this network is where we're having the debate," Matthews said.

"We have our knives out," Matthews said, admitting his network is trying their best to defend Obama and his policies. "We go after the people and the facts. What was he doing tonight? He went in there disarmed."

"He was like, 'Oh an hour and half? I think I can get through this thing. And I don't even look at this guy.' Whereas Romney -- I love the split-screen -- staring at Obama, addressing him like prey. He did it just right. 'I'm coming at an incumbent. I got to beat him. You've got to beat the champ and I'm going to beat him tonight. And I don't care what this guy, the moderator, whatever he thinks he is because I'm going to ignore him," Matthews said.

"What was Romney doing?" Matthews asked. "He was winning."

"If he does five more of these nights, forget it," Matthews added. "Obama should watch MSNBC, my last point. He will learn something every night on this show and all these shows. This stuff we're watching, it's like first grade for most of us. We know all this stuff."