Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hey,Ditz Does Anyone Really Care?


Maureen "the Ditz" Dowd
 This morning I am going a different route than the usual im going after the bimbo of the New York Times Editorial pages something that I haven't done in awhile Maureen "the Ditz" Dowd.Her column this morning is entitled "An Irish Catholic Wake-Up." Not being known for common sense she begins her column "NOW you know what Thanksgiving with my family is like.A donnybrook with Irish Catholic uncles and nephews interrupting one another, mocking one another, arguing over one another, bombastically denouncing every political opinion except their own as malarkey."
  Sounds like  a typical left wing liberal gathering to me.Now she's making up BS excuses as to why Obama got his ass kicked in his debate and why VP Biden got his handed to him "The loser of the vice-presidential debate was, of course, Barack Obama. In contrast to the pair on the undercard slugging it out, the president’s limp performance the other night was even more inexplicable and inexcusable. The president was no doubt warned not to sigh, but his entire demeanor was a sigh.
The fact that one diffident debate by the president could throw his whole race into crisis shows that nobody madly loves Obama anymore. With his aloof presidency, he shook off the deep attachments from 2008, and now his support lacks intensity.Even if he comes out in the town-hall debate on Tuesday with Ben Affleck charm, he has a Mitt Romney problem. Will it be the real Obama or will he just be doing what the media suggest and the base demands?"
  Here we go the bs of excuses from the likes of the Ditz.
  Now Dowd goes on the same old same old attack "Ryan, who was a toddler when Biden first came to the Senate, seemed a little green and shaky at moments — not showing the goofy cockiness captured in Time’s photos of his dumbbell workouts. Talking budget blarney, the Tea Party’s boy wonder once more proved that he can come up with a number for any purpose."
  Yeah Ditz he may be young and inexperienced but he held his own against Joe Bite me oh wait Ditz and liberals like yourself and the rest of you dumb asses in the lamestream media are never cocky and you want to talk about numbers how about the recently fudged up made up numbers from the Obama administration on the REAL UNEMPLOYMENT NUMBERS FOR SEPTEMBER.Ms.Ditz I would not be pointing any fingers sweetie.Oh and one other point it shows that Biden has been in power too long in our nations capital.
  She continues her assault of insults on Ryan "But he still clearly knew far less about the globe than both Biden and the moderator, Martha Raddatz, ABC News’s senior foreign affairs correspondent."Since when does being an ABC News senior foreign affairs correspondent make one an expert oh wait thats right Dowd covering for her buddy in the media.
 Here is more proof that Dowd has no friggin idea about what she is talking about "Ryan didn’t seem to understand what much of the world does: The administration has worked with allies to strengthen sanctions, which have turned Iran into an economic basket case."
 Oh ok Ditz you mean Obama apologizing to his Muslim comrades across the world for the U.S. to screwing up the killings on 9/11 of this year at our US Consulate in Benghazi,Libya by blaming a BS video instead of it being TERRORISM yeah real good work by the usual Poilitcally correct spin machine.
 So much for knowing what on e is talking about

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