Sunday, August 4, 2013

More Immigration BS From NYT


   It seems that we are now back to the argument of immigration reform with the New York Times this morning. The title of this mornings lead OPED is "Of Courage and Cantaloupes" on the so called immigration reform bill that is now in the U.S. House.
  Here is their opening salvo "After the Senate passed a comprehensive immigration bill in June, hope for reform shifted to the House. That is where hope sits, on ice, getting freezer burn.The House leadership has rejected the Senate bill, saying it will instead move slowly on “piecemeal” measures. That means things like border fencing and visas for farmworkers, but nothing to allow 11 million unauthorized immigrants to become American citizens — a pillar of the Senate’s bipartisan compromise. “Compromise” and “path to citizenship” remain dirty words to Republicans like Representative Steve King of Iowa, who has likened immigrants to dogs and livestock. He has recently taken to calling them mules — drug runners, that is, with “calves the size of cantaloupes” from lugging marijuana bales over the border.
   And Congressman King says the truth.
  It continues "Dysfunction, inaction, demeaning blather — is this any time to be optimistic about immigration reform? It could be. Because with Congress now out on vacation for five weeks, when it can’t do anything awful, it is the people’s turn to push, to be heard and, if at all possible, to move Congress in the right direction. To that end, an amazing array of determined advocates from all corners of the country has plunged into a month of protests, rallies, vigils, town-hall meetings, phone-calling and canvassing, focusing on Republicans in their home districts.       
Their message is that comprehensive immigration reform deserves a vote in the House, and that any legislation must allow unauthorized immigrants to seek full equality as Americans — not, as some Congress members are proposing, to remain a permanent underclass of provisional, deportable, disposable laborers. They also are highlighting the urgency of fixing the broken system now because, as Congress dawdles, deportations are continuing at a record pace — thousands of lives and families torn apart every month, hundreds of thousands every year.
The advocates see hope in pressuring Republicans relentlessly for the next few weeks. They also find hope, believe it or not, in reasoning with them. Many House members are relative newcomers to Congress, having missed the last great immigration debate in 2007. Their rejection of the Senate bill could simply be reflexive recoiling at anything touched by Democrats. When asked to consider immigration reform point by point, on the merits — with stronger border and workplace enforcement and tough-but-fair rules for granting the undocumented legal status and citizenship — perhaps many may accept that path as sensible. (It happens to be the Senate’s.).
  Wow! evidently there is a new politically correct term for illegal immigrants now started by the NYT instead of "undocumented immigrants" the new definition is unauthorized immigrants. As usual now the rest of the lame stream media outlets in both print and TV will follow suit in using this new BS terminology.
  Here is the remainder of the BS "If reason doesn’t work, maybe embarrassment will, unease at having to associate with the anti-immigrant hard-core, exemplified by people like Mr. King, who is Exhibit A for those who see the ugly nativism behind the naysaying. Mr. King is an immovable “no” on any kind of positive immigration reform, but he isn’t the only member out there. Advocates have counted the votes, and they say there are enough Republicans and Democrats to pass a comprehensive bill, with a citizenship path, right now. But the House would have to agree to hold a vote, which the Republican leadership has, so far, rejected.
On Thursday, a group of leading immigrant-rights advocates were arrested while blocking traffic near the Capitol. Other advocates delivered cantaloupes to the offices of more than 200 House members, including some Democrats, who in June voted with Mr. King to halt an Obama administration program that deferred the deportations of some young people who were brought here illegally as children. A sticker pinned to each fruit read: “This cantaloupe was picked by immigrants in California. You gave Steve King a vote. Give us a vote for citizenship.”
Those were two actions; there will be hundreds of others across the country in the next few weeks. Immigration reform is stalled, so now is the time for advocacy and relentless optimism. Pressure makes heat, and a hot summer is about to get even hotter."
  Real immigration reform would be to enact and follow all the laws that are currently on the books for example making those to wait in line to become American citizens it would be the moral thing to do but don't expect that from the lame stream media and their socialist elites.

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