Sunday, June 12, 2016

NYT Everything Is Race Race Race.......

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 Its one thing to be passionate and to care about an issue in the political arena but to be overwhelmed but to be transfixiated with it means you've gone too far.
 This is the case with the New York Times editorial board this morning "The G.O.P.’s Latino Crucible" is a good example of transfixiation.
 It begins "Republican leaders laid out a blueprint for the revival of their party after the defeat of Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential race. “If Hispanics think we do not want them here, they will close their ears to our policies,” the so-called autopsy report warned, noting that Mr. Romney had received 27 percent of the Latino vote, down from George W. Bush’s 44 percent in 2004. Quoting Dick Armey, the former House Republican leader from Texas, the report cautioned, “You can’t call someone ugly and expect them to go to the prom with you.”
Yet now, Republicans are doing just that. Donald Trump has emerged as the party’s standard-bearer while scapegoating Latinos and other minorities to stoke the fears and resentment of working-class white voters. Mr. Trump insists he will win Latino votes, yet he began his campaign by promising to build a wall along the border with Mexico to block out the people Mexico is “sending” to the United States, claiming: “They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.” He recently created another wave of consternation by accusing an American-born federal judge of being biased because of his Mexican ancestry."
  More of the race bullshit in elections.
  It goes on "The Trump candidacy has put other Republican candidates in a bind. They can tie their lot to his immigrant-bashing campaign and hope that voter-suppression tactics will blunt the growing segments of the electorate galvanized by the prospect of defeating him. Or they can disavow him, recognizing that further alienating nonwhite voters will do severe damage to the party in the long run.
Besides being self-defeating, vilifying groups of people is morally abhorrent. Republicans are signaling to millions of citizens and aspiring Americans: You’re not welcome here; this is not your home.This hostility has invigorated a decades-long effort by Latinos and other groups to increase political participation. More than 27 million Latinos will be eligible to vote in November, a 60 percent increase from a decade ago. Civic groups and Spanish-language media are making a huge push to register voters and get permanent residents to become citizens in swing states, hoping to unlock the power of a voting bloc that has historically had low turnout.
“If I were a Republican Party leader at the state level, I’d be looking at how this could affect me now, but also at the long game,” said Mindy Romero, the director of the California Civic Engagement Project at the University of California, Davis."
  Its not immigration bashing its not wanting ILLEGAL immigrants here period NYT.
  Goes on "California’s political evolution offers a lesson for Republicans. In 1994, Pete Wilson, then the governor, championed a ballot initiative to bar unauthorized immigrants from public services as he ran for re-election in a tight race. He won, and the initiative, known as Proposition 187, passed. But the highly divisive campaign over the measure, which was thrown out by the courts, set off a surge of political participation by Latinos that has kept the Democratic Party dominant in the state ever since.
Republican leaders in other states watched California with alarm. While some have tried to make the party more inclusive, the prevailing tactic has been to underhandedly discourage minority voters. Texas and Arizona are among the states where Republican-led legislatures have passed voter identification laws and otherwise tightened voting rules under the specious guise of preventing fraud.
Whites now make up 70 percent of the electorate, down from 85 percent in 1980. Demographers project that by 2060, whites will make up 46 percent of the voting pool, while the Latino bloc will have grown from the current 13 percent to 27 percent. Given those trends, it’s astounding that the Republican Party has taken a harder line on immigration.
“It’s a self-defeating strategy in the long term,” said Representative Joaquín Castro, a Democrat from Texas. “But the focus for a lot of politicians here is the short term. A lot of them don’t think they’ll be in politics in 20 years.”
That seems to be the calculation of Senator John McCain, the Arizona Republican. Mr. McCain, who faces a strong Democratic opponent in November, has grudgingly opted to back Mr. Trump. Most Republicans in competitive races appear inclined to do the same. A rare exception is Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois, who announced last week that he could not in good conscience support Mr. Trump “regardless of the political impact on my candidacy or the Republican Party.”Maybe things will change after the November election, said Representative Ruben Gallego, a Democrat from Arizona. “The way to push back on all this is to have an absolute victory at the ballot box and force the Republican Party to have a conversation about what it needs to do in order to survive,” he said. Of course, that is the same conversation they had, and then ignored, in 2012.
 The NYT will never end its bullshit quest to include race or political correctness into every nook and cranny in our culture

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