Sunday, March 6, 2011

NYT Comments On NY States Fiscal Crisis

 This mornings second lead OPED in the New York Times entitled "State Workers and N.Y.’s Fiscal Crisis" is in a left wing way trying to interpret a way to solve the fiscal crisis that has not only plagued New York State and here in Massachusetts but the rest of the nation due to the failed policies of the Obama administration and the once Democrat controlled U.S. House just prior to the 2010 elections.
 But in reality it has been $pending by the left with the Stimulus and federal bailouts with taxpayer $$$ that has lead to this problem.
 The OPED begins with using a play from the liberal Democrat playbook "At a time when public school students are being forced into ever more crowded classrooms, and poor families will lose state medical benefits, New York State is paying 10 times more for state employees’ pensions than it did just a decade ago."This is because liberal politicians cower to the unions and their pinky ringed union leaders and Presidents to give them what they want.
 In the next paragrah the NYT makes my point "That huge increase is largely because of Albany’s outsized generosity to the state’s powerful employees’ unions in the early years of the last decade, made worse when the recession pushed down pension fund earnings, forcing the state to make up the difference."
 The NYT of course had to place the blame on the last administration that woul be under former President George W.Bush.Bush is actually part to blame from his TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) spending in the waining days of his administration which was approved by the Democrat controlled U.S. House and Senate I will point out.
 The NYTgoes on its usual attack on the Republicans this time in the midwest "In recent weeks, Republican politicians in the Midwest have distorted what should be a serious discussion about state employees’ benefits, cynically using it as a pretext to crush unions.New York does not need that sort of destructive game playing. What it needs is a sober examination of the high costs of wages and benefits, and some serious proposals to rein them in while remaining fair to hard-working government employees."Right now I am LOL at this point.Remaining fair to the hard working government employees.
 Talk about giving into unions and screwing the taxpayer "In 2000, employee pensions cost New York State taxpayers $100 million. They now cost $1.5 billion, and will be more than $2 billion in 2014. Wall Street’s troubles are a big part of that. But so are state politics. The Legislature, ever eager to curry favor with powerful unions, added sweeteners to pensions and allowed employees to stop making contributions after 10 years."The NYT could not resist to blame Wall St.Just another way fo the left to blame the rich once again for all our troubles.
 These comments were towards the end of the OPED "Unlike Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, Governor Cuomo is not trying to break the unions. He is pressing them to accept a salary freeze and a reduction in benefits for new workers. The unions need to negotiate seriously.We are also urging the governor to rethink his pledge to cap property taxes and allow a tax surcharge on high incomes to expire at the end of this year. That would bring the state an additional $2 billion this fiscal year, and $4 billion the following year — not enough to solve the fiscal crisis, but a serious down payment.The state’s middle-class workers will have to make real sacrifices. New York’s many wealthy residents, all of whom are benefiting substantially from a new federal tax break, should have to pay their fair share as well."
 Woe hold on NYT Gov.Scott Walker (R-Wisc) is not trying to break the unions he wants them to realize that the State of Wisconsin is in a financial turmoil and they need to sacrifice an pay just a little more for their "cadillac style" benefits.
 Once again the NYT have to like their liberal allies go after the rich "New York’s many wealthy residents, all of whom are benefiting substantially from a new federal tax break, should have to pay their fair share as well."Hello NYT the rich have been paying for their fair share for the longest time its tim for your buddies in the labor movement to pony up.

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