Saturday, April 30, 2011

War Of Words With RINO Barbara Anderson

 It all started with CLT leader Barbara Anderson e mailing me about helping us promote the Independence Tea Party's anti-tax day rally in Salem Massachusetts backon April 16.

Barbara Anderson <>
View Contact
To:TP-David Beaupre
Hi David.  I saw in the SN that the Indendence/Cape Ann Tea Party is having a rally on Riley Plaza next Saturday at 1.  We are sending a week’s schedule to our activists and want to promote this, but can’t find it on your website.  Is it still on?  Need to know right now.

So she contacted us first not us contacting her.

These were the comments posted by me on her Salelm News column
Barbara Anderson showed her true colors at the Independence Tea Party rally in Salem last week
Barbara Anderson
Thanks for asking, Dan. I'm hoping David complains with a letter to the editor so I have an excuse to write an entire column about this. I'm still steaming.
After I promo'd the Independence Tea Party rally in my column, Chip and I went to be part of the crowd. I didn't know I was a speaker until I read it in the Salem News just before rally day. If I'd been actually invited to speak, I would have issue my warning: if I'm part of the program, don't use the rally to 1) threaten Scott Brown (not that he'd care, but those who threaten to defeat him next year embarrass themselves and the people they are with) and 2) don't use the Tea Party for the anti-gay agenda and 3) don't announce that the social issues are just as important as the fiscal issues; or if you do, know that, as part of the program, I will interrupt, I will loudly object, which I did.
We have one chance to turn things around, in 2012, and the Tea Party is our only hope. It shouldn't be hijacked by the SocCons, to whom most voters can't relate, or we will lose.
No longer supporting the Indendence Tea Party.
Ms.Anderson rudely interupted some of our guest speakers and myself as well all because we mentioned our Junior US Sen.Scott Brown's (RINO-Ma) votes on some controversial issues and it will hurt CLT in their effots to collect donations
Barbara Anderson in response to David Beaupre
Ah, more idle threats. I wasn't at the rally for CLT, people in the crowd seemed more interested in my column, which we are always careful to note is my personal opinion.
The only guest speaker I recall interrupting was anti-gay activist Brian Camenker, not for the first time. He should have warned you. I know I told you often what I think of using the Tea Party for the SocCon agenda and thereby getting in the way of our ability to save America.
No one who knows me expects me to be well-behaved.
It's either you interrupted me as you did Ms.Anderson or you didn't.Just for the record and the truth most at the rally were not impressed with you as you were condescending as the left is.
Oh and by the way we here at the Independence Tea Party are proud to be Conservative on the fiscal issues as well as the Social issues and we are not afraid to give the LORD God the glory.
 Hey Barbara you can continue saying and spinning what you think happened at our rally and you can continue to use this column as your bullypulpit but the whole rally was VIDEO TAPED if it hasn't already been viewed on salem access tv it will and Cape Ann had their video going as well.Oh and just for the record Brian Camenker took a video as well.So the truth will come out.
Now here is what I was talking about a link to the rally video

then go to access shows a-z  
 look for  North Shore Tea party Meeting
  then you can click & play
So RINOS like Anderson will be uncovered for the frauds that they are
 So as  told you Ms.Anderson the truth is coming out

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