Sunday, May 29, 2011

NYT Attacks Democrats But Blames Republicans

Opinion Editorial

     The lead OPED in this mornings New York Times uses their as usual ill timed political agrenda to make it look as if they are attacking the left but in reality attacking the right once again.The title is "Passive in the Senate."
     It begins in true spin cycle fashion "Republican leaders in the Senate have spent weeks gleefully deriding the Democrats who run the chamber for not producing a budget proposal in more than two years. It is a classic tactic, designed to deflect attention from their party’s toxic plan to privatize Medicare.The truth, though, is that the Republicans also have a point.
The 112th Senate has become a body that largely reacts to outrageous things that Republicans do or say. Rather than coming up with original ideas and sensible policies to counter to the extreme ones pouring out of the House, it simply votes down House bills, or refuses to take them up. Democratic senators, fearful of last year’s Republican tide, may think that a play-it-safe strategy will save their jobs in next year’s election, but the country could pay a high price for their timidity."
    They still don't get it the NYT/Democrat left wing establishment the Democrats that run the Senate are do nothings despite whatever the Senate GOP does.But to say that what is coming out of te U.S. House as far as legitimate legislation is concerned I don't see any extremism.
    It gets better on a budget portion "But there will be no vote on a budget by the Democratic majority of the Senate, the traditional method for stating the majority’s priorities in black and white dollar signs. That’s because the Budget Committee has not agreed on one. And that’s because a good plan by the committee chairman, Kent Conrad of North Dakota, was deferred by Senate leaders, who feared that the plan’s tax increase on millionaires would make Democratic senators ripe targets for Tea Party attacks."
    So hey to my fellow Tea Partiers out there we have the power because the NYT are attacking us now I love it.
    Here come the political excuses by the NYT for the Democrat controlled U.S. Senate "These political considerations should not be minimized. With only a three-vote majority, Democrats, led by Harry Reid, are understandably fearful about losing the Senate next year and have decided that treading water is better than taking a showy but risky dive.But if Democrats are ever going to regain the momentum in the national conversation, they have to stand for something. Standing pat gives Republicans huge openings to move the debate to the right."
   Hello NYT the Democras already stand for something Communist left wing propagandaized BS and you along with them.

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