Sunday, May 29, 2011

NYT's So Called Conservative A Liberal Idiot

 David Brooks To Palin: "Running For President Is Not American Idol"

David Brooks, NYT columnist: "Being president is waking up, somebody hands you the crisis and says 'there's a crisis in Venezuela, what are you going to do about it?' Does anybody think Sarah Palin's ready for that? I don't think so. So, she can manage her brand, but running for president is not American Idol and I think people may agree with her, they may like her, but that doesn't mean they're going to vote for her.


This what the New York Times calls a Conservative at their piece of #$%%^&  paper.


  1. Do you disagree with his analysis, then? Do you think people WILL vote for her? (I do not.)

    I think Sarah likes to be "liked." She wants to run for something so people can affirm that they "like" her. But she wants that to be the end of it, not the beginning.

    I think her ideal situation would be a Ms. America contest that she gets to run in, and win, every year. Her duties would consist of traveling around the country, waving to people, wearing nice outfits and defending her title every year in Atlantic City.

  2. Boy oh boy I hope she runs, I think she can win the primaries against the seven dwarfs the GOP has out there.

  3. to answer the both of you Run Sarah run girl run she is smarter than President Barack HUSSEIN Obama
