Monday, January 9, 2012

My Piece About Romney In Pittsburgh Tribune Review Homepage


Why not Romney
Monday, January 9, 2012

Here are a few reasons why Mitt Romney should not be the GOP nominee. For one, he is not the conservative he claims to be, especially on the more controversial social issues.
In Massachusetts, an obvious one is what is known as "RomneyCare," but there is also a little-known issue on same-sex marriage. When the high court in Massachusetts allowed same-sex marriage to become law, Romney didn't bat an eye to oppose it.
Romney also claimed to be against higher taxation, but as governor he was for higher fees, such as for registry of motor vehicles and for gun ownership. Romney basically used the office of governor as a stepping stone to the presidency.
On the campaign trail, Romney keeps defending his RomneyCare and how great it was for Massachusetts. Well, costs skyrocketed as a result, so how could it be good for anyone?
When the primaries in the South come to pass, hopefully the nomination hopes of one Mitt Romney will dissolve.
David R. Beaupre
West Mifflin
The writer is formerly from Salem, Mass.

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