Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Establishment Media Campaign 2012 Making Their Rounds For Romney


AP Associated Press

             Liberal News Media Circling The Wagons On GOP Presidential Race

  We see it every day no matter even at Fox News it seems and in the print media the establishment will go all out just to get Obama re-elected. I constantly hear it all the time look at the Iowa Caucuses the media said that the GOP nomination was all sewn up for former Gov.Mitt Romney (RINO-Ma) he supposedly won Iowa by 8 votes.What happened on the recount remember who won and did the media bother to correct themselves no bother to recant or make corrections former US Sen.Rick Santorum (R-Pa) won by a small margin we heard the crickets chirping.
 After the New Hampshire GOP Presidential Primary after Romney won by a large percentage once again he has it all sewn up.You may say why is this.The media establishment wants Romney to be the Republican standard bearer as the fraud John McCain was in 2008 an empty suit against a far left Democrat nominee in Barack HUSSEIN Obama.They want Obama re-elected in November of this year.
 Now that Rick Santorum has had a suprise sweep just the other day especially in Colorado a state where Romney was a huge favorite to win thus adding to his delegate count all of the sudden the meida are turning once again circling the wagons.This is why as recently as today the media are out attacking Santorum on his stance on contraception and if states have a right to ban it.Hitting Santroum over the head trying to catch him on his stances so Romney can makes some headway.
 The first amendment of our beloved US Constitution has the clause "freedom of the press" but with that should come some common decency and respect but now today only if you have a (D) in your political title.

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