Saturday, July 21, 2012

Mark Levin Sets It Straight

Mark Levin On Shooting: The Right Is Always The "Political Scapegoat"

MARK LEVIN on the Aurora massacre: What most of us don't do is search for political scapegoats. And the scapegoats always seem to be the same -- us. Somehow those of us who are law-abiding, who preach of the value of the individual, who oppose things like abortion and defending the greatest health care system in the world, because we embrace a culture of life, somehow we're to blame.

It doesn't matter if the murderer is mentally ill, as in the Tucson case. If he's disgruntled about something, including himself or whatever, they look for reasons to find out if he has any connections to us. So the media go hunting for reasons to make disgusting allegations. It's cold-blooded. There's no compassion. They're looking to make news. They're looking to drive ratings. This is just bizarre and it's time to call them out on it.


We have a right to have 24, 48 hours of mourning for our fellow citizens. There needs to be respect for the dead, and prayers for the living. There needs to be a point of which the hounds are called off, at least for a day or two. But apparently not. When you have rouge, politically motivated reporters like Brian Ross and George Stephanopoulos -- and somehow Stephanopoulos is getting a pass -- both of ABC News trying to turn this into a yet another disgusting attack on the Tea Party, trying to draw connections between the killer and the Tea Party, it doesn't get any lower than that.

Boy these people hate us, don't they? I mean they really, really hate us. The truth is if ABC News corporate had an ounce of integrity, it would fire both of them. Right now.

Now what can we do as a people? I've been thinking about this. What can we do as a people in response to such a horrendous crime? I tell you what we can do. Shut off our TVs, go to a quiet place and say a prayer for these people and then thank God that we live in the greatest nation on the face of the earth. And then if you want to see this Batman movie, then by God go see it. We're Americans. And we're not going to allow some low-life mass murderer, a coward, change who we are and what we do.

And let the idiots on cable TV talk to themselves. You don't need to watch this. Let them debate among themselves. Let the idiots who anchor morning TV shows talk in circles among themselves, bring on politicians and political advocates telling you why your rights should be curtailed. These people don't shed any light onto anything. They have agendas. So don't frustrated yourself. Don't upset yourself in that regard. Focus on what matters.

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