Sunday, July 15, 2012


  Now all of the sudden like everything else the New York Times Editorial Board are experts in drilling for oil its too bad that they are not experts in giving a real opinion instead of the usual left wing BS.
 Their OPED this morning "Drilling Strategies, Sensible and Fantastical" make it seem as if they are now experts in drilling for oil which of course they cannot be because the giant that they claim they are in the field of journalism case in point which they struggle at mightly I may add so how can they be alleged experts in the oil industry.The point is they are trying to destroy our economy by wanting to destroy our oil industry.
 Their rant begins "The Republicans and Mitt Romney have relentlessly accused President Obama of not moving swiftly enough to tap the nations’ considerable offshore reserves of oil and natural gas."
Which I have to say is true.
  This is a line of BS "It is a tired complaint. Except for a necessary drilling ban in the Gulf of Mexico after the BP oil spill in 2010, Mr. Obama has always embraced offshore oil and gas exploration as an important component of a rounded energy strategy. What he has not embraced is the drill-now-drill-everywhere approach of President George W. Bush, now embodied in a House bill that would open the entire continental shelf and all of Alaska’s waters to drilling."
 Obama has not embraced offshore oil and natural gas exploration give me a break or else he would piss off all his fraudulent Green movement Communists which is the current base of the Democrat party and some of the RINOS just so you leftists understand you idiots that believe in global warming or as you put it Climate change.
 Here is how the OPED ends "Mr. Obama correctly sees drilling as one element in a multipronged approach that also includes investments in energy efficiency, cleaner cars and alternative fuels.
The conservatives’ assertion that drilling alone is sufficient is not only environmentally irresponsible but the stuff of fantasy."
 The NYT makes my point cleaner cars and the BS about alternative fuels (in other words Green movement BS).No NYT the whole assertion that drilling alone is not environmentally irresponsible is not fantasy its common sense but it is fantasy to you idiots.
 I have some advice for the NYT journalists and OPED Board(one in the same since they cannot differentiate the difference between the news and opinion) learn how to sell papers first then you can attempt to become experts in the oil industry.

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