Sunday, July 22, 2012

NYT Wrong On Israel


   Now the New York Times this morning is attempting to start a fight with our best ally in the world Israel by meddling in their political affairs.This mornings second lead OPED in the NYT "Israel’s Embattled Democracy" as if the NYT knows anything about Democracy when all they support is Communism/Socialism.
 It begins in their usual BS fashion but going after Israel's Likud Party (to you idiot RINOS and Liberals Likud is like the Tea Party in Israel) "Six decades after Israel’s founding, its citizens remain deeply at odds over the future of their democracy. The latest illustration is the disintegration of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s new governing coalition after only 10 weeks.Mr. Netanyahu and his hard-line Likud Party, supported by smaller right-wing parties, has had a majority in Parliament since 2009. But when Shaul Mofaz and his centrist Kadima Party joined the government in May, the merger created a much broader coalition. It seemed to give Mr. Netanyahu — a disappointing, risk-averse leader — unprecedented authority to get things done."
 Just to set the record straight since the NYT has a hard time with getting anything right Israel has always been a nation just scattered abroad throughout the world the UN six decades ago recognized them finally.One more thing again just to set the record straight it's the Palestinians that cause all the trouble for the peace not to happen.
 Here is the NYT endorsing the Israeli version of tolerance and diversity BS "Mr. Mofaz became deputy prime minister and outlined an encouraging agenda. The first priority would be integrating minority populations of ultra-Orthodox Jews and Israeli Arabs into the military and civilian service. The coalition would also revive peace negotiations with the Palestinians, pass a national budget and enact electoral reforms. But the coalition quickly collapsed over the issue of military service, which has exacerbated tensions between secular and religious Jews and with Arabs. Secular Israelis are increasingly resentful of the tendency of the ultra-Orthodox to refuse to serve and to separate themselves from the country’s mainstream."
 It didnt work here in the good ol' USA and it won't work especially in Israel.
 Here is more of the blame the right "Demographic changes are making political compromise harder. Experts say an influx of Jews from the former Soviet Union and a high birthrate in the ultra-Orthodox community mean that many Israelis have a cultural mistrust of the democratic values on which the state was founded. The Palestinian population is also expanding, hastening a day when Jews could be a minority."
 This ends from the mouth of the NYT editorial board "One of Israel’s greatest strengths is its origins as a democratic state committed to liberal values and human rights. Those basic truths are in danger of being lost."
 Yeah brain-dead liberalism it worked here NOT! it just causes more heart-ache and anguish on everyone and it divides instead of uniting.

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